Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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(roomies waving from room 29)
Telly: Bye, Ryan!
Big Bird: Have a good trip!
Bry: Have fun, Prawnie!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Now that I've had my dinner for the night. Time to check up on the threads.
Good thing I already set the spices on the turkey before sitting down to have some leftovers. And my mom made a traditional dessert that's a favorite of mine called "arroz con dulce". There's some in the fridge if you guys want to try some. The best part is the grains of rice and the plump raisins, along with the coconut cream pudding base.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: You guys all settled in?
Gonzo: Yeah, pretty much.
Clifford: Should we be worried?...
Lisa: About?...
Clifford: <gestures towards Chef and Camilla>
Camilla: Bu-BAWK buck buck baw...
Chef: Mir geshvunda, noopen di kleeviern gor na shpunka.
Camilla: Brawk bawk?
Chef: Shkyuopen na flushkie doodle!
Camilla: Braw... Buck bawk baw?
Chef: Ya, gur shmok ney hop shop!
Robin: WHAT?
Gonzo: <shrug> Relax... from what Camilla was saying, it sounds like he's promising not to hurt her.
Rowlf: Just from what SHE said?
Gonzo: Well I can't understand what HE says. He's weird!
Clifford: Those who live in glass houses, Gonz.
Robin: <alarmed> He said something about a hop shop!
Lisa: Sh... <hugs Robin> It's all right, Robin, he was just explaining how he isn't going to hurt Camilla, the same way he's never going to hurt you.
Robin: <relieved> Oh.
Chef: Ya, gur neshka køøken de frøøgen hoppity-hoppin gishka.
Clifford: ...Yeah.
Lisa: So Uncle Deadly's staying with Ed and Count?
Clifford: That's what he said.
Lisa: Gotcha.
Rowlf: So what's on the docket for tonight?
Lisa: You know very WELL what's on the docket!
Rowlf: ...Ushy-gushy with Leyla and staying up later than you know you should?
Clifford: Oh, no, you've got that in THIS room, too?
Lisa: ...Okay, so you know PART of the docket for tonight. You SHOULD know all of it...
Rowlf: What am I forgetting?
Robin: Ooh! I know! I know!
Lisa: I know you know! I know you know!
Robin: Can I tell them?
Lisa: Let's keep it a secret.
Robin: Cool!
Lisa: I'll go work on it!
Robin: Okay!
Rowlf: Work on what?
Chef: Ya, shmergle shnoo?
Gonzo: Yeah, tell us!
Camilla: Brawk BAWK ba-gawk!
Clifford: Does anyone ever understand anything that's goin' on in here?
Rowlf: Nope.
Clifford: I didn't think so.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ugh... This biological clock o' mine, it wakes me up so early in the morning. But that's what's been inculcated into my internal system...

At least the phantomly dragon's sound asleep on the couch. Heard there are some stories that got updated, that'll be a nice surprise for him when he wakes up. Well, off to get some breakfast and then I'll probably be working in the kitchen. Wonder if some of the others will want some specialty dishes, favorites of theirs so to speak at the big dinner tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Morning Kath.Sleep well?
Hi Prairie. And yes,I did.Thanks.How about you?
Prairie:I slept pretty good .Gaffer was being a little cuddle kitty last night.That is,before she was walking all over me and kneading me.
Silly kitty!She does that to me too .And I'm pretty sure she does it to Rosita as well.
Rositaentering the room:Someone mention my name?Morning roomies.
Morning Rosita.And yeah....we were talking about Gaffer and her bedtime habits before she settles down for the evening..
Rosita:You mean digging her claws into me before going to sleep?Si....she does that to me too.
Good.Glad to know Prairie and I aren't alone. So...everyone set for Thanksgiving tomorrow?
Prairie:Mmmmm...yeah!I made some pumpkin bread.
Rosita:I'm going to make some rolls in a bit.
Great! I'm going to make a pecan pie.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh... Pumpkin bread, that'll come in handy and will compliment the pumpkin soup.
UD: Good mourning fellows... Anything I can help with?
Not at the moment. But you might want to check the reading room, Lisa finally got enough nerve to post an update.
UD, small gleam in his sunken eyes: Flippersteps?
Nope... Say Cheese!
UD: Ah, well. At least it's an update.
*The phantomish creature disappears off into the shadows of the reading room to consult the new chapter.

Now if only the other authors here would contribute with their works of fanficdom...
UD's voice ringing from the shadows: What's this?
Oh yeah. Sean's got an exciting version of Spider-Man/Muppets 2 running as well. Enjoy yourself my fiend.
UD: I definitely intend to!

Hey Kath... You have any favorite dishe you want for tomorrow? For that matter, see if those who'll be here have any faves they'd like please.
Gotta get some chestnuts for the stuffing though, maybe they'll have those at the supermarket.
*Wanders off back to the common room kitchen area.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: All right, are we all set with our Thanksgiving plans?
Red: Yep, I'm excited to go down to the Rock and see my Fraggle friends
Abby: I'm excited to see my mom and dad again
Wanda: Thanks for inviting me to go with you to your family Thanksgiving Beth
Beth: No problem! So, we all meet back up here on Friday right?
Roomies: Right!
Beth: All right! Happy Thanksgiving!
Red: Bye guys! *escapes down Fraggle hole*
Abby: I have to wait until my mommy gets here
Wanda: We'll wait with you, we've got time right?
Beth: Sure do, let's play Uno while we wait

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? You're leaving us Beth? Well, hope you and your roomies have a good time. There are some sides already prepped, you can take some with you if you want. Or lemme know which you want and we can put them in some containers so you or your roomies can take them off to their individual gatherings.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys. Are ya'll coming to stay with me and my parents for thanksgiving or are you going to ya'll parents?

Grover: I will proubley go to my mommy. She is having her side of the family come over. Can not wait.

Herry: I'll come with you. My parents said if we wanted to come home to call and she also said if I wanted to hang out with my friends I could too. So I'll come with you.

Ok. Cookie? Marurice?

Maurice: I'm heading home for thanksgiving.

Cookie M: Me go with Maurice. He said me could hang out with his family.

Alright then. Is everyone ready to head off?

Monsters: Yes!

Then lets head out. *walks out the front door waving to everyone* We'll see you guys later and have a happy thanksgiving.

Grover: Bye.

Cookie M: Bye!

Herry: Bye!

Maurice: Good bye!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Hey Kath... You have any favorite dishe you want for tomorrow? For that matter, see if those who'll be here have any faves they'd like please.
Sweet potatoes for me please! I LOVE them!!
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