Lisa: You guys all settled in?
Gonzo: Yeah, pretty much.
Clifford: Should we be worried?...
Lisa: About?...
Clifford: <gestures towards Chef and Camilla>
Camilla: Bu-BAWK buck buck baw...
Chef: Mir geshvunda, noopen di kleeviern gor na shpunka.
Camilla: Brawk bawk?
Chef: Shkyuopen na flushkie doodle!
Camilla: Braw... Buck bawk baw?
Chef: Ya, gur shmok ney hop shop!
Robin: WHAT?
Gonzo: <shrug> Relax... from what Camilla was saying, it sounds like he's promising not to hurt her.
Rowlf: Just from what SHE said?
Gonzo: Well I can't understand what HE says. He's weird!
Clifford: Those who live in glass houses, Gonz.
Robin: <alarmed> He said something about a hop shop!
Lisa: Sh... <hugs Robin> It's all right, Robin, he was just explaining how he isn't going to hurt Camilla, the same way he's never going to hurt you.
Robin: <relieved> Oh.
Chef: Ya, gur neshka køøken de frøøgen hoppity-hoppin gishka.
Clifford: ...Yeah.
Lisa: So Uncle Deadly's staying with Ed and Count?
Clifford: That's what he said.
Lisa: Gotcha.
Rowlf: So what's on the docket for tonight?
Lisa: You know very WELL what's on the docket!
Rowlf: ...Ushy-gushy with Leyla and staying up later than you know you should?
Clifford: Oh, no, you've got that in THIS room, too?
Lisa: ...Okay, so you know PART of the docket for tonight. You SHOULD know all of it...
Rowlf: What am I forgetting?
Robin: Ooh! I know! I know!
Lisa: I know you know! I know you know!
Robin: Can I tell them?
Lisa: Let's keep it a secret.
Robin: Cool!
Lisa: I'll go work on it!
Robin: Okay!
Rowlf: Work on what?
Chef: Ya, shmergle shnoo?
Gonzo: Yeah, tell us!
Camilla: Brawk BAWK ba-gawk!
Clifford: Does anyone ever understand anything that's goin' on in here?
Rowlf: Nope.
Clifford: I didn't think so.