Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Feb 8, 2006
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Ally: Oh, thanks guys! *grabs some popcorn and eats away marrily.*

Emmet: Yeah thanks, packing up sure was hardwork, I was getting kinda' hungry!

Ally: Yeah. How was packing up for you guys? It was sure a nightmare for us! *Shakes head.* So much stuff...

Emmet: Well, were done now atleast. *Watches tv for a momment.* I'm not sure if I ever really have sat and watched the Emmys...

Ally: *laughs* Ah, dont worry Emmet. *Passes him some popcorn.* Here have some, too!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Cookie M: Did me heard someone say cookies!

Someone did Cookie Monster. Beth and the fraggles have asked us to join them for a while.

Grover: I am so sorry about that Kyle.

It's alright Grover. Everyone makes mistakes. Come on and lets join Beth, Mokey, Red, Emmett and Ally.

Herry: Good. Something to eat. I'm starved.

Hey there Beth. Hey Red. Mokey! Ally and Emmett. *hugs them all* I thought I would join ya'll. We've had a pretty exciting day.

Cookie M: Anyone else going to eat these cookies?

Anyone could Cookie Monster. Leave some for our other friends in the dorms. Sorry about that Beth. He just can't seem to get it through his head that he has to share. *eats some popcorn*

Cookie M: Sorry.

Thanks again Beth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: All right, guys, up to the roof with us!
Chef: Ve're-a sleepy-snuuzeeng under zee ster stoodded skeees!
Lisa: Got that right.
Rowlf: I thought we didn't have to be out until tomorrow?
Lisa: Well yeah, but I've got school and voice lessons and homework tomorrow. Who KNOWS how long that'll take? I figure, we'll get out tonight.
Robin: You got the tents?
Lisa: I sure do! You got your harmonica?
Robin: Yup! You got a fiddle?
Lisa: Um... funny story about that...
Rowlf: Hey Lisa? How are we getting my piano up there?
Lisa: Well, uh- very carefully.
Rowlf: I see. Very carefully... How?
Lisa: Um... don't ask.
Rowlf: <stares> I see.
Lisa: Pardon?
Rowlf: Nothing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok. Thanks again for the food Beth. See ya'll soon girl and fraggles and hope to see ya'll again. That is when the new dorms open. Come my monster friends. To the automobile. Time to get over to Sesame Street.

Grover: Where are we going to stay?

Well I thought that if everyone wanted to go to their parents. I would stay at the Furry Arms Hotel.

Herry: Are you sure about that?

I'm sure! Now on to Sesame Street!

Grover: On to Sesame Street.

Herry: On to Sesame Street

Cookie M: To Sesame Street.

I wonder if Oscar is already at Sesame Street? *sees Robin, Lisa, Rowlf and Chef as we march to the car* Hey there girl, guy, frog and dog. Rhyme didn't it. See ya'll later. Hope ya'll have fun outside on the roof. Bye.

Grover: Bye. *marching*

Herry: See you real soon. *marching*

Cookie M: See me cookies anywhere? *marching*


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*Me and the fraggles creep down to Beth's room.* Knock knock, is anyone there? Just wondering if you had any cookies or popcorn left over. We're kinda hungry.
Lou: Yeah, someone made us miss dinner because she waited 'til the last minute to pack.
Oh hush. Beth, if you want this one you can have her!
*all laugh*
*takes a cookie and a hand full of popcorn* Thanks. You know, there's something kind of good about the combination of sweet and salty. Heheh, guess that's where the idea for Snickers came from, eh? Well, I guess I'll see you when the dorm reopens. Hope you and the girls enjoyed the Emies; personally, I'm not into most of those award shows. Just an extention of reallity TV to me, but that's just my own oppinion.
Well, good night then. See you in about a week.

Wembly, Lou and Gobo: Good night. *Wembly takes another cookie for the road, and Lou takes some more popcorn.*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Just hook the piano up to this little harness... Take it away!
*Team of spiders crawl all the way up the outside rear walls of the dorm building, hoisting the harness and the piano secured in its grip. *They reach the roof, unhook the piano once it's there on the landing, and wait for tip from dormies' encampment.

Sure gonna be a lot of activity here these next few days.
Good night everyboddddeeeeeeeeeee!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Okay, is that everything?
Gillis: *looking at the boxes everything is packed in* I believe so.
Boober: Maybe we ought to open some boxes just to make sure...
Others: NO!
Boober: ...just a thought.
Kim: I'm pretty sure we've got everything, Boober. And if we don't, Ed and the Count will see that it gets back to us. Otherwise, we're all set to move out tomorrow.
Tosh: Kim? You promise we'll all still be rooming together when the dorms re-open?
Kim: Well, I can't really promise anything. Roommate requests are on a first-come, first-serve basis. And if someone says they want to room with you, or Gillis, or Boober, or Betty Lou before I put in my request, then they'll get to room with you instead of me. But we'll still be in the same building, and you can still visit.
Betty Lou: Everything will be fine, Tosh. You'll see.
Kim: Betty Lou's right. But for now...
Going home, going home.
I'm just going home.
Quiet light, some still day.
I'm just going home.

Betty Lou: It's not far, just close by
Through an open door.
Work all done, care laid by,
Going to fear no more.

Boober: Mother's there, expecting me.
Father's waiting too.
Lots of folk gathered there
All the friends I knew.

All: All the friends I knew.
Ohhh, I'm going home.

Gillis: Nothing's lost, all's gain
No more fret nor pain
No more stumbling on the way
No more longing for the day
Going to roam no more

Tosh: Morning star lights the way
Restless dream all done
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life begun

All: There's no break, there's no end
Just a living on
Wide awake with a smile
Going on and on

Going home, going home
I'm just going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
I'm just going home



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Alright, everyone. Time for bed.
Big Bird: Bryan?
Bry: Yes, Big Bird?
Big Bird: What's going to happen to us?
Bry: What do you mean?
Big Bird: After tomorrow.
Bry: Well, you guys are going back home to Sesame Street.
Telly: Will we be able to come back with you when the dorms reopen?
Bry: Oh, I hope so. I really don't know what is going to happen exactly. That is, I'm not sure if we will all be in the same rooms together.
Rosita: We've all been rooming together for a year now with so many wonderful memories.
Bry: We sure have, Rosita. And I have had so much fun with all of you.
Prairie: Starting tomorrow things are going to be so strange.
Bry: But even if we aren't all living in the same room together, I am sure I will still see you all around, and you are always welcome to visit.
Snuffy: I'm sure gonna miss my caveroom.
Big Bird: Yeah, and this nest. But I have been missing my Sesame Street nest a lot.
Bry: I'm going to have Ed store your nest here at the dorm house until you come back. I don't know what to do with it and there isn't really any room in my car for it with all the other stuff. Snuffy, is your mother still picking you up tomorrow?
Snuffy: Yeah, she's coming by along with my sister Alice and we're going out for a Snuffleupagus family breakfast on our way home. Which reminds me, I better get some sleep.
Prairie: But first we forgot to do something!
Telly: What?
Prairie: The Letter and Number of the Day!
Telly: Oh!
Prairie: Muppet College Dorms were sponsored today by the letters M and C. Put them together and they are Muppet Central! And by the Number 6 for 6 great friends who shared their room with me for the last few days. I had so much fun!
Bry: That's sweet, Prairie. Oh, and 6 is also your current room number.
Prairie: Hey, that's right! Gosh, I can't wait for Kathy to get back tomorrow so we can spend our last day together in that room.
Bry: That will be exciting. Well...Goodnight, friends.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Waking up in the Furry Arms Hotel

Ooooh my goodness. That was the best sleep I've had in a while. Time to get to work. I'll leave a note for the monsters here. *gets a bath, gets dressed and then goes downstairs* Hey there Ingrid and Humphrey.

Ingrid: Hey there...uh....what's your name sir?

I'm Kyle. The friends of Grover, Herry and Cookie Monster.

Humphrey: Nope.

What? I just cheaked in last night.

Ingrid: Who's your friends again?

Grover, Herry and Cookie Monster.

Ingrid: Never heard of them.

They live here on Sesame Street.

Humphrey: Sesame Street?

Just never mind. I'll leave a note for them somewhere else.

BellHop Benny Bunny: What's wrong with him?

Ingrid: He said he live here with some monsters.

BellHop Benny Bunny: He doens't live here. Those are his friends.

Humphrey: Who's friends?

BellHop Benny Bunny: *faints*

Humphrey: We need a dinger for some help.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*The residents of room 3 take one last look at their now empty room*
Red: I'm going to miss this place
Mokey: Me too, we had some good times here
Beth: Well, hopefully we'll all be back together soon, we'll just have to wait and see what happens this week. Now are you sure you want to come to my house and not go back to Fraggle Rock?
Red: Yes, we want to spend time in Outer Space
Mokey: And time with you in case we don't get to room together again
Beth: All right, let's head out then
Red: How will we hear the announcement?
Beth: Don't worry, we'll come back and check and I'm sure we'll get messages online too
Red: Oh good
Mokey: That was almost Wembley like of you Red!
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