Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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MC Dorms Announcement.

Hello and greetings from your friendly MC Dorms management team.

The dorms thanks everybody who's come here and registered as residents, or just stopped by to tour or visit the grounds. Our second anniversary is quickly approaching, and there'll be some new changes in store. To that end, we request all tennants currently registered as part of the MC Dorms' register to clean out their rooms and please vacate the premises. The dorms will be closed during this brief period for its annual cleaning and renovations, and we wouldn't want anybody to lose any of their personal belongings. You might wish to secure other temporary living arrangements around the town of Hensonville during this time. Additionally, the current copy of the register will be wiped clean and a new application process will be instituted shortly. We the management team thank you for your cooperation and hope you have a very good day.

MC Dorms Management Team:
Eduardo and The Count von Count.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *standing in the now-empty (except for the beds) Room #15) Okay, this is the last time we're going to go through this (so Boober, don't even think of asking again) check - does everyone have their stuff?
Roomies: Yes!
Kim: Tosh, you've got all of your dresses, and Beast's bedding, toys and extra rope?
Tosh: Yup!
Beast: *nods yes*
Kim: Betty Lou, you've got all your dolls, right? And according to the plan your folks are going to pick you up at my house and take you back to Sesame Street.
Betty Lou: Yeah; we just have to call them when we get to your place so they know we made it safely.
Kim: Gillis, got all your music supplies?
Gillis: *patting his knapsack* Right here. All of my extra batons are accounted for as well.
Kim: Good...and no riding on my suitcase out of the building this time. Boober, I assume you have all of your personal belongings and cleaning products, correct?
Boober: Yes. I double-checked four times.
Kim: And I've got all of my things, and our furniture and other stuff like that has already been moved to a storage locker in Hensonville. Well, guess this is it guys. Let's head out.
*the roomies leave Room 15*


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thank you everybody. If you should happen to have any questions for me, you can reach me via PM or through the forum's E-mailer if the PM box gets too full.
Sure hope everybody got the messages, just finished letting all the residents here know about it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Bye, Snuffy! I hope I see you next semester!
Snuffy: Yep! See ya later! *waving with his snuffle*
Big Bird: Bye, Snuffy. See you back on Sesame Street!
Bry: Okay...Snuffy is gone with his family, Hoots already set himself up on the roof, and Prairie went back downstairs to wait for Kathy. How about the four of us get the last of our stuff in the car and head out.
Telly: I'm missing a triangle...I'm missing a triangle!!
Rosita: I found it!
Telly: Oh thank you!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Well gang, looks like this is it. We're a bit late in leaving, so we better hurry up before they lock us in!
Wembly: Oh no! Would they really do that?
Meh, probly not really.
Lou: You really do like causing trouble, don't you?
Yep. *evil grin*
Gobo: Well, let's go then. Uh, Kate?
Gobo: Well, I'd like to see where you live someday, but I think I'd better go with the others back down to the rock for now. So do you think you could send me some pictures, maybe a postcard?
*laughing* Sure, Gobo. It may not be very exciting, but I'll see what I can do. I'll just send it to Doc, okay?
Gobo: Thanks. Well, I'll see you in about a week then?
It may be even sooner than that. Either way, I'll see you soon.
LGobo: We'll see you later then.
Wembly: Allright, buy then.
Lou: So long.
Buy fraggles. Have fun in the rock. Say hi to the others for me!
Gobo: We will!
*I go one way out the door, and the fraggles go the other way through the hole.*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(On Sesame Street)
Bry: Okay, now that Telly, Rosita and Big Bird are safe and sound at their homes, maybe I'll stick around the street for a while. Even check into the Furry Arms Hotel. I heard Kyle might be here. (walks into lobby) Hello.
Ingrid: Hello. How may I help you.
Humphrey: And may I be the first to welcome you to the Furry Arms Hotel!
Bry: Uhh...right. I'd like to check in please.
Humphrey: Wait, are you the one who lives here with the Monsters?
Bry: I don't live here, no.
Ingrid: Oh good. We've been having some problems with people recently.
Bry: No, I just came to drop off my friends at Sesame Street and thought I would stay the night.
Ingrid: Oh, who are your friends?
Bry: Telly and Rosita.
Humphrey: Telly and Rosita?
Bry: Yes, they're two monsters.
Ingrid: Two monsters?
Bry: That's right.
Humphrey: Must be a convention in town.
Bry: Listen, could I just please get a room. I am really tired. I've been packing and driving all morning.
Ingrid: Here you go. (hands over a key) You are in room 12. It's on the 2nd floor. Benny will help you to your room.
Bry: Thank you. Hey there, bunny!
Benny: That's Benny!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Scooter: He said "completely cleaned out" oh great...

Sara: I thought I'd only have to take what I needed! Luckily I've got my VW bus with me....

Jim: We've got everything packed and out in the bus, Sara.

Jerry: Only thing left is our instruments.

Frank: Let's play one last time, before we leave!

Scooter: Sounds great!

Sara: *has her two suitcases beside her, her bed already packed and in the bus as well.* Well, I guess this is goodbye guys.

Jim: It's not goodbye. It's just see ya again real soon.

Jerry: Can ya get your stuff out to the bus, Sara?

Sara: Huh? Yeah, yeah. I can. I got it Jerry, thanks. *grips her wooden cane, as she hauls her two suitcases over her shoulders, about to leave the room until next time.*

Scooter: *whispering to Jim* I thought her knee was better?

Jim: *whispering back* She fell again. Agravatted that old injury too. It shouldn't take long to heal though.

Sara: Scooter, can you take my bags out to the bus? Let's have one last concert! *picks up her alto saxophone, pulling the strap over her shoulder*

Scooter: Right!

Jim: One last song.

Jerry: A farewell concert!

Frank: Something to appease the masses of college students!

Sara: A last hurrah!! *they go down to the main room, where they set up to play one last time.*

*They begin to play "Saying Goodbye" followed by "Together Again"*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *climbing up a ladder to the roof* Hey everybody, I'm home from school!

Clifford: Finally! I've been here with this nutcase all day!

Me: Nutcase? I thought Lisa went to school too...*winks*

Clifford: Unbelievable...Anyway, you didn't miss much, Robin and Rowlf played for a while on the piano and harmonica, Gonzo tried to figure out why The Swedish Chef wanted to make chicken/roof plaster soup instead of the traditional roof plaster/pigeon soup...And me, well I've been trying to get cell service up here all day and have yet to get any...

Me: Hmm, that's too bad Cliff...Hey Gonzo...Where's my sleeping bag??

Gonzo: Well, I needed a sled to slide down the roof on, and Rowlf said the piano wasn't stable enough, and heaven forbid I use Lisa's stuff, so I used yours. Hope that's okay.

Me: *glares* Oh yeah, FINE. I'll just sleep on the cold hard roof and chime my electric triangle until I fall asleep...*rolls eyes* I've got a chemistry test to study for...So er...I'll be doing that.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: (Flies up onto the roof) Hey, cats! What's shakin'?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Clifford: Finally, someone I can connect with...Not much Hoots, how's it goin' with you? Everything goin' good on Sesame Street?

Camilla: Bawk bawk bagaaaawk.

Gonzo: Hey! Camilla! Keep your eyes offa him!!

Me: Good grief...Sorry about that Hoots...Camilla's a little...Erm...Well she's a little nothing...Especcially agressive...Anyway, how's Bry doing?
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