Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *skips into room*
Clifford: Uh oh... He's happy.
Ryan: Hello Clifford... Is it not a splendid day?
Clifford: So who's the girl?
Ryan: Pardon?
Clifford: The only time you act like this is when you've got a chance with a girl, or when you finish a fan-fic. And since the second choice ain't logical, who's the girl?
Ryan: Silly Clifford, my happiness cannot be summed up just like that!
Clifford: M'kay, then how 'bout the fact that you're talking like Grover. You only do that when you're really excited. And the only time you're really excited is when you think you've got a chance with a girl.
Ryan: ...Alas, I must go Clifford!
Clifford: To where?
Ryan: To hide in my room so you quit interrogating me. *runs and locks self in room*
Clifford: Hey! That's my room too!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Alas indeed. For seuth, if only twas there more fanfic abounding tonight... Whoa, for I do so loveth fanfics... And yaey verily, updates hath been long neglected. To nag, or not to nag, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the muffins and ziffles of outrageous fortunes... Or whether more canst be posted in one night. Alas, I say, and alas again.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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(group is gathered around the dinner table)
Storyteller: All right, let's have a recap of everyone's day.
Nora: Okay. (clears throat) I went to my classes, ran a few errands, did my shift at Coming Unbound, that sort of thing.
MN: I went to my classes...and my history prof completely forgot that our class was the ancient Egypt class...and after my last class of the day, I went to the campus' monthly Great Books forum.
Nora: I've heard about that. They usually go in for the dusty old tomes like the Aeneid.
MN: Yeah, well, tonight it was the Sherlock Holmes books.
Nora: Wow!
Storyteller: All right, my turn. I taught my two classes on legends and folklore, started work on a biography of the World's Oldest Fraggle and I had lunch at that new radish bar shop in the south branch of the Rock...and Beige Fraggle and his little sister finally delivered those stories from the Cave.
Nora: What took them so long?
Storyteller: of the stories in there was a rather torrid story about the Cave's Oldest Fraggle and some of her old the new security Fraggle advised Beige and Ecru to hold off on coming.
Nora: What? Beige isn't security Fraggle anymore?
MN: No, he gave the job up so he could become the Cave's ambassador to the Rock.
Storyteller: And he says he likes his new job a lot better. Now dig in, that winter vegetable pie won't stay hot forever.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Were Prairie and Rosita okay sleeping in their own room last night without Kathy there?
Bry: Oh sure. I had Hoots watch over them.
Big Bird: Good.
Bry: Man, it's so cold. Will it ever stop?
Big Bird: (cheerfully) But it's wintertime! It's supposed to be cold!
Bry: I know that. I just wish it wasn't as cold inside as it is outside. Sometimes I think it's colder.
Bert: (coming in the room followed by Ernie) No.
Ernie: Come on, Bert!
Bert: Ernie, it is a secret and he will tell us when he is ready to tell us.
Ernie: But, Bert...
Bry: Hey, boys! What's going on?
Ernie: Well, I heard from Clifford that Ryan is holding a juicy secret and won't tell anybody.
Bert: And I was telling Ernie that he should mind his own business.
Ernie: But I'm bored, Bert.
Bert: I'll tell ya what, if you're bored then why don't the two of us play a game of checkers.
Ernie: No, I want to do something exciting and interesting, and this secret is the most exciting and interesting thing that's happened around here for a while!
Big Bird: We can play Journey to Ernie! We haven't played that for a while.
Ernie: Not today, Big Bird.
Bry: Ernie, maybe you spent a little too much time with Red Fraggle while I was gone because it seems like she's rubbed off on you.
Ernie: What do you mean?
Bry: Nevermind. The point is that Bert's right. Leave Ryan alone. He'll talk when he wants to talk.
Ernie: I think he mentioned something about a girl!
Bry: Ernie, that's enough!
Ernie: Oh, alright...
Bert: Come on, Ernie. I'll show you my newest book I checked out at the library--Cloudy with a Chance of Oatmeal. (leaves the room)
Ernie: (not enthused) Great... (follows)
Bry: (To self) A girl, hmm? Hope it's not Hilda. Yikes!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Rowlf: <Checking Lisa's temperature> I'm still not sure why you stayed home sick. You don't feel too bad.
Lisa: Yeah, well, considering the headache and nausea of yesterday, I didn't think I'd survive another day of school. It's a shortened day, anyway. And I've got stuff to work on...
Rowlf: <Shrug> Suit yourself. Just be glad you slept through the part of the day when Chef's the only one in the room.
Lisa: Heh. He was my only room mate for a while, 'member? I think I could handle it.
Rowlf: Suit yourself...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Arrrgggg
Wanda: What's wrong?
Beth: I'm so bored. I have nothing going on right now and I'm just so bored.
Red: I'm not, I've got swimming things to prepare for
Beth: Well, I'm not a swimmer
Cookie: When me bored me make cookies then me eat them
Beth: I suppose I could do that but that's not the most productive thing I could be doing
Red: You could watch me dive!
Beth: Yes, I could do that
Wanda: We could go shopping
Beth: No money, bad idea
Wanda: True
Red: You know what? You should do something nice for yourself!
Wanda: Great idea Red! Let's do nails and facials and stuff!
Beth: Ok
Red: Well, I'm still going diving
Cookie: Me think me going to watch t.v., girly stuff not for me
Beth: I understand. Come on Wanda. Tell you what Cookie Monster, when we're done, we'll make cookies too. And even come watch you practice Red
Cookie: Oh boy!
Red: Cool!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... If you're feeling bored Beth, you could always do a drabble or two. Yes Lisa, that's the word of the day... Not "squabble" like when you and the prawn and the British boy squabble-squabble-squabbled... Drabbles, go check the thread in the fanfic library.
Either that, or you could start that 4th story you hinted at a while ago.

As for me, errands and alike dominate tomorrow, but I have time for some goofing off this somewhat chilled rainy afternoon. Might have something done now that there's, um, well, never mind. Don't want to jinx it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ah yes, the fourth Rowlf story, the big wedding of Rowlf and if I could just get this stupid block out of my head......


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Call the doctor!! Call the doctor!! It's an EMERGENCY!!!
Bry: Telly, what is it?! What's wrong?!?
Telly: Beth has a block in her head!!
Big Bird: A block in her head? Sounds painful.
Telly: (grabs me by the shirt) Quick, Bryan! Call 911!
Big Bird: Yeah, Bryan. Do something!
Bry: But wait a second, Telly--
Telly: (runs back out) Don't worry, Beth! We'll help you out!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey What's wrong with him?

Herry: I over heard something about someone having a block in their head.

A block? In their head?! Never mind. Come on Herry. We're showing FilFil around the droms. Here's Bryan's room. Hey Bryan. Big Bird. This here is my new roomie. FilFil.

FilFil: Hey there.

What was wrong with Telly?
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