Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Hey, Ed. Thought you were going to write the story of Hensonville and how it all came to be.


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Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey Cookie, did you sleep good last night
Cookie: Yeah, me sure did. Me dreamed there were lots of macaroons and me had to eat them all to get out of the room
Beth: Sounds yummy
Cookie: It was. Me wish me had macaroons right now
Beth: We could probably find you some type of cookie down in the kitchen, maybe some lunch too?
Cookie: Oh boy, that sound great, let's go!
Beth: All right

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Bry... That's one possible fic project, but I think that'll just be archived for now. Besides, there might be someone else working on something similar. What I'm kinda mulling over is my counting characters, how I can't seem to decide on a full bat-girl following or all the monsters of the night and why one has to be mutually exclusive of the other and my constant changing of minds between the two.

Might settle on something that mixes a bit of both, but of course, no decision's final as of yet. It just kind of brings me down a bit from time to time, but I keep goin' on.
Take care, might have something to share with you soon though, no promises though.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (walks through the livingroom wearing swim trunks and holding a towel and Rubber Duckie) Hi there, Bert! (humming to himself)
Bert: (sitting in his chair reading a book) Oh, hi, Ernie. Have a nice bath.
Ernie: I'm not taking a bath, Bert.
Bert: You're not? But you've got your towel and Rubber Duckie...
Ernie: I'm going to the beach!
Bert: To the beach? Ernie, it's the middle of winter.
Ernie: I know! Now let's see...I got my towel, my sunglasses (puts on sunglasses), and of course Rubber Duckie!
Rubber Duckie: (wearing matching glasses and a dab of sunscreen on his beak) *Squeak squeak*
Ernie: Khekhekhekhe!
Bert: But it's freezing outside. Ernie, you'll catch cold!
Ernie: Oh, I'm not going outside, Bert.
Bert: You're...not??
Ernie: Nope. I'm going bringing the beach inside.
Bert: Inside? Oh, oh! I see! You're pretending! You're pretending to go to the beach inside!
Ernie: That's right, Bert! (unfolds beach chair and sets it in the middle of the room)
Bert: Neat! Eh-eh-eh-eh!
Ernie: Let's see here...where is the perfect place to sit to catch some rays.
Bert: Catch some rays? Well, outside, Ernie. That's where the sun is.
Ernie: No, the sun is inside. (grabs the lamp and moves it over his beach chair) There we go!
Bert: Ernie, that's my lamp! I was using it to read!
Ernie: You can have it back when I'm done! Now what's missing?
Bert: Missing?
Ernie: Yes. What is on a beach that we don't have here?
Bert: Well, sand, of course...
Ernie: Exactly!
Bert: But you're not bringing sand into the livingroom, Ernie!
Ernie: Oh, just a little, Bert! (brings out a bucket full of sand and spreads it all over the carpet)
Bert: I just vacuumed!
Ernie: I'll clean it up in a minute, Bert!
Bert: (angrily) Grrrrr...
Ernie: Now, I'll just put on my cd of soothing ocean waves. (he turns on the cd player and lounges in his chair) Aaah...pretty relaxing, huh, Bert?
Bert: Ernie...
Ernie: Come on, Bert! Relax at the beach with me.
Bert: Well...
Ernie: It's really fun!
Bert: Alright...I'll just sit over here...this is silly, but I'll try.
Ernie: You can use my glasses.
Bert: Thank you. (puts on Ernie's sunglasses)
Ernie: Now feel the soft sand between your toes.
Bert: Well, I feel it in my saddle shoes, but--
Ernie: Imagine the warm sun against your skin...
Bert: Oh...ya know, it feels pretty good!
Ernie: Of course it does, Bert!
Bert: Yeah! Eh-eh-eh!
Ernie: Now imagine seagulls flying around in the sky. (the sounds of seagulls are heard)
Bert: How about pigeons?
Ernie: There aren't any pigeons at the beach, Bert.
Bert: There are at my beach!
Ernie: Oh!
Bert: Hey, Ernie! You were right. This is kinda nice! It sure beats the cold!
Ernie: I knew you'd like it, Bert!
Telly: (peaks in the door from the hallway) Hey, Ernie! Come on outside and make a snowman with us!
Ernie: Oh, I'll be right out, Telly!
Telly: Okay! (goes back out)
Ernie: (gets up and starts puting his snow clothes on over his swim trunks, humming to himself) Hmm hmm hmm...
Bert: This is so great! I am totally relaxed.
Ernie: That's wonderful, Bert, but I'm gonna go outside to play now. Enjoy the beach! Khekhekhe!
Bert: Thanks! I will! Ah, the sand against my feet and that nice cool breeze sweeping in...
(Just then, Ernie opens the back door to go outside and a big gust of cold wind blows in the room bringing a snowstorm inside covering Bert.)
Bert: (shivering) Er-er-er-n-n-ieeeee...

(music cue: the "Whah whah whah" ending music)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Take care, might have something to share with you soon though, no promises though.
Sounds "nifty", as a friend of ours would say!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Here's your chicken tortilla soup, Bert. Be careful! Es muy calliente.
Bert: (wrapped in a blanket with his bare feet soaking in a tub of warm water) Thank you.
Bry: Have you heard from Kathy at all yet, Prairie?
Prairie: No, but I hope she's feeling better. She's just been through so much lately. We should do something really nice for her when she gets back!
Rosita: Si. You're right, mi amiga. I wish we could do something for her right now though.
Big Bird: You could make her a card and send it to her. I have some crayons and paper you can use.
Bry: That's a great idea, Big Bird. What do you think, girls?
Rosita: Sounds good to me!
Prairie: Yeah, me too!
Bry: Alrighty!
Big Bird: Great! I'll go get the crayons and paper! (goes out to his nest)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: YARGH!!!
Gonzo: Something wrong?
Ryan: Gee, what would give you that idea?
Gonzo: Well, you did shout YARGH!!!!
Ryan: That was sarcasm Gonzo.
Gonzo: The YARGH!!!! was sarcasm?
Ryan: No! The- Ugh! I hate homework!
Gonzo: Well maybe if you weren't out all weekend you could've gotten it done.
Ryan: ...I think you should go now Gonzo.
Gonzo: Could you kick me out? I'd enjoy it more.
Ryan: *kicks Gonzo out*
Gonzo: Whoopie!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(up on the rooftop...)
Hoots: Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letters M, L, K, and by the number 3. Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day! (plays "One Small Voice" on his sax)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Cookie Monster walks into the room as Red is doing some situps*
Cookie: Red? What you doing?
Red: Situps and stretches. I have to get in shape for the swim season!
Cookie: Oh! You going to dive again? You real good at that.
Red: Sure am! I love diving as much as you love cookies.
Cookie: Cookies! Where cookies?
Red: No, Cookie, I was just trying to compare something
Cookie: What compare mean?
Red: It means seeing what is the same and what is different
Cookie: Oh I get it. Me loving cookie is same as you loving diving.
Red: Right! Boy, living with you must be rubbing off on me already, I'm doing Sesame Street type lessons!
*they laugh*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Outside in our winter clothes waiting.....

Grover: When will he bere here?

Any second Grover.

Herry: I can't wait to meet him.

Maurice: Me too.

Few hours go by and still no FilFil

Maurice: Well I'm heading back in. It's to cold out here. *goes back in*

Grover: Sorry guys but I have to start my mail carrying job. Let me know when he gets here.

Don't worry Grover. You'll get to meet him when you get back from work.

Herry: I wonder if Cookie is having fun?
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