Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Gaffer: (pawing at the door) Meow...
Bry: What? You wanna go out and play with Fatatatita?
Gaffer: Meow!
Bry: Okay. (opens door) There ya go!
Gaffer: (trots off downstairs)
Ernie: Gee, it sure has been quiet around the Dorms lately.
Bert: I like it.
Bry: Well, winter break is coming to an end, so people are probably either going back to work or school.
Rosita: I wish Kathy was coming back here.
Bry: Well, did you finish making your card for her.
Prairie: Yep! Just finished. See? (holds up the card)
Rosita: It's a drawing of Kathy playing with us in the snow. That's me and that's Prairie.
Prairie: We drew it because that's what we miss about Kathy most. Her smile and how much fun we would have playing with her. I drew her throwing a snowball at me but missing. Tee hee hee!
Bry: Very nice. Should we mail this now?
Prairie: Yes, please!
Bry: Okay. Let me just put it in an envelope and take it to Grover for delivering. (puts card in envelope and writes Kathy on the outside of the envelope)
Bert: Oh, why don't you have Bernice deliver the card? It will be much faster.
Bry: Are you sure, Bert?
Bert: Oh yeah! Bernice loves taking mail!
Bry: Okay. Here you go. (gives Bert the envelope)
Bert: (taking the envelope and goes to the window) Here, Bernice. Please take this letter to Kathy.
Bernice: *coos*
Bert: (places envelope in her beak and the pigeon flies off) Thank you!..."Air mail" (laughs) Eh-eh-eh-eh!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Still outside......

Herry: *sees Bernice* There goes Bert's pigeon. *waves to Bernice*

What's she doing?

Herry: Looks to be a peice of paper in her beak.

About that time a bus pulls up in the parking lot

Look it's Fil.

FilFil: Thank you sir. Thanks for letting me dance. You dance very well too sir.

Bus Driver: Thank you FilFil. I'll see you later. Bye. *waves and shuts door and drives away*

FilFil: Ok. Now where do I go first?

Hey FilFil! Over here!

FilFil: *sees Me and Herry* Hey there!

*walks over to him* Glad you could make it.

Herry: Let me get those for you Fil.

How was your trip?

FilFil: Fun. I got to meet lots of people. I got to dance on the bus too. It was so much fun.

Glad you had a safe trip. Let's head to our room.

Everyone stops to say hi and to greet our new dormie FilFil "

FilFil: Everyone here is so nice.

Yep. Everyone here are nice to everyone.

Oscar: *pops up from his trashcan* What have we got here?

This is our new roomie Oscar. His name is FilFil.

Oscar: I see. Come here FilFil. I want to tell you something.

FilFil: *walks over to Oscar's trashcan* Yeah?

Oscar: *leans over in FilFil's face and yells* NEVER COME NEAR MY TRASHCAN EVER! *slams trashlid*

FilFil: *runs back over to us*

It's alright Fil. He's always been like that. He's a grouch.

FilFil: You got that right.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: Oh, the college girls are exhausted.
Nora: No sense repeating the obvious, Storyteller. (turns to MN) What do you have, Erin?
MN: Two newspaper stories and an ode to write, a chapter to read on ancient Egypt, and I have to start reading Dangerous Liasons. You?
Nora: Two chapters on Renaissance art, one chapter to read on the Aztecs and five bio questions.
Storyteller: If you two want my advice, I'd tell you to worry about the paper stories tomorrow, Erin. As for you, Nora, just tackle one assignment tonight.
MN: All the permission I need, teach.
Nora: Right on.
Storyteller: But since you were up late last night with the paper tigers, Newsgirl, you'd better get a few decent Zs. Is that clear?
MN: (mutters something in assent)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Bryan?
Bry: Yes, Rosita?
Rosita: Do you think Kathy got our card yet?
Bry: Well, I don't think Bernice has come back yet.
Rosita: Oh.
Bry: But Florida is quite a distance from here and Bernice is small, so it may take a while.
Rosita: But Bert said it would go faster.
Bry: He did say that and I'm sure it will. Afterall, if the card was put through the regular postal service, then it would have more stops with the approval and stamps and filing and sorting... I never thought I'd say this, but thank goodness we have a pigeon. Don't worry, Rosita. If Kathy doesn't get it today, then I'm sure she will very soon.
Rosita: Oh good.
Bry: Now come on and let's get the others for dinner.
Rosita: Okay!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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from home:
Hmmm...what's this? Hey!A Get Well card from Rosita & Prairie! Bert's pigeon Bernice delivered it to me. Thanks Bernice!Here..have some bread and relax your wings a bit.
looking at card Oh...look at the drawing of the girls and I in the snow! Awww...I miss them! I miss everyone in the dorms! I'm going to try and go back tomorrow. I need to thank Bryan for taking care of Prairie Rosita & Gaffer for me.


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Gonzo, Trip won't write itself.
Gonzo: Has it ever?
Ryan: ...No.
Gonzo: Oh.
Ryan: P.
Gonzo: Family forum Ryan!
Ryan: Good grief...
Gonzo: Ah well. Just get back to your writing. *leaves*
Ryan: ...Curse that weirdo.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(in room 6, Prairie and Rosita are laying in their beds trying to go to sleep...)

Rosita: Prairie?
Prairie: Yes?
Rosita: Prairie, I'm worried about Kathy. I mean, she hasn't called or anything. Do you think she's okay?
Prairie: I'm sure she's just fine. She's been through worse than this.
Rosita: Si, you're probably right. What do you think she's doing right now?
Prairie: I'm sure she's sleeping and getting plenty of rest as she should be.
Rosita: Oh, I miss her.
Prairie: Me too. Hey, you know what I'd do to her if she were here?
Rosita: What?
Prairie: This! (throws a soft fluffy pillow at Rosita's face)
Rosita: Hey!
Prairie: (giggling) Tee hee hee!
Rosita: This means war! (throws a pillow back at Prairie, which leads into a playful pillow fight)
Hoots: (outside the window) Hey, girls!
Rosita: Hola, Senior Hoots.
Prairie: Hi, Hoots.
Hoots: Just wanted to let you know that Bryan got a letter from Kathy saying she'll be back to the Dorms tomorrow.
Rosita: Really?
Prairie: Yay!!
Hoots: And also, it's your night to do the sponsors.
Prairie: Oh! Well then...the Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letter T for teach, terrific and tomorrow.
Rosita: And by el numero quatro--the number 4!
Hoots: Nice! Well, goodnight!
Prairie: Goodnight!
Rosita: Buenos noches!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Bryan... Hope you have your closed captioning equipment ready should Episode 4115 air today in hopes of getting that last Hopping Honker's name. Will try to get it on my own should the episode air here on my local affiliate, but if you can help out that'd be great too. Talk to you later though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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getting out of a taxi at the dorms and paying the driver Thank you sir.Have a good day.
Driver:You're welcome, ma'am. Ya shoulda gotten crutches or somethin'.That's a nasty limp ya got there. Let me help you inside.'s OK. I'll be ...uh,on second thought,you don't mind,do you?I'll pay you extra.
Driver: Don't mind at all.offering his left arm for me to lean on while taking my bag with his right. You don't need to go all the way upstairs,do ya?
No...thank goodness.getting out $5 and paying him Thanks again.I'm glad you're not Oscar and your taxi isn't the Sloppy Jalopy!
Driver:Heh heh...dontcha worry about that.Have a good day,OK?*tips his hat and leaves*
thinking to myself:Now just let me get myself back to Room 6. Everyone's probably at work or class now. we go..*unlocking the door,placing my bag at the foot of my bed*I can unpack the bag later.Now to call Bryan Hi's Kathy. I'm back at the dorms. Prairie and Rosita...come on back when you get a chance.Bye!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie opens the door to our room and she and Rosita (who's holding Gaffer) walk in
Prairie:Kathy! You're back!:excited:
Sure looks that way!How are you,Prairie? Come give me a hug...both of you!
Just be gentle OK?
The girls each hug me and Gaffer gently jumps on my lap and starts purring happily
Rosita:How's your foot,Kathy?
Still hurting unfortunately,Rosita. two won't mind helping me with things,will you?
Rosita:Kathy!Estas loca,chica?Of course we won't mind helping you! Right,Prairie?
Prairie:Um...I guess so.What was the first thing you said,Rosita?
Rosita:Oops..sorry Prairie.I asked Kathy if she was crazy. "Estas loca?" means "Are you crazy?" in Spanish
Prairie:Ah-ha. Kath...we're definitely going to help you.No ifs and or buts.
Thanks.Of course there are some things that I'll need to do myself.
Prairie:Oh we know that.The doctor in the ER was crazy not to give you a walker or crutches.
Well my house at home is small and only 1 floor.I can't balance on crutches anyway. I have this shoe that's supposed to help heal my foot. Not really doing any good though.:rolleyes: I've been putting ice on my foot too.That's not helping either.I see my foot doctor tomorrow.
Rosita:I hope that it helps you.
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