Goat: <to Norman> My name is Goat. And despite whatever Frosty there thinks, I'm totally female and entirely human. At least, as far as I know. As for Ms. Muffin and Knick-knack, I have no idea where they came from. Actually, I don't know where you came from, either. And let's not get into where I came from. But anyway, like I was saying... <to Father> Seriously, Frosty? Tea National Monthly? You actually read that rag? Really? Tell me you just look at the pictures. The pictures are great. But I mean, for reading? TNM makes better kindling than reading, dude. You oughta try International Cup. Now that's a good magazine. But Tea National Monthly? <shudders, releasing a fine layer of dirt--or dust, or both> Please tell me you just look at the pictures. Oh, look, a flying pony!