When i was in my teens and 20's, i used to be told i looked like all sorts of people on a constant basis - i usually didn't agree but every now and then i'd get one i could see. I haven't had that happen for several years now but it would happen all the time when i was younger. I often would hear Steve Martin, Jason Bateman, Elvis, Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode (after hearing that a couple times, i got a haircut like him 1985 era and REALLY heard it over and over when i camped out for Depeche Mode tickets - i often have been told i sound like him too...same with Elvis), both Nick Rhodes and Simon LeBon (one of my best friends in high school thought EVERY boy she found attractive was a cross between (Duran member #1) and (Duran member #2) so i was "a cross between Nick and Simon". What's really funny is about five years before i started watching and getting hooked on One Life to Live, i had some people tell me i looked like "Max from One Life to Live" (James DePaiva). Then when i became an OLTL addict in college, i kind of saw it but then when i got some late 80's tapes via tape trades then i could see why i used to get it a lot back then. When Farscape first started, i got a lot of Ben Browder's since he looked a bit different in the first episodes then he would later on. I also got my hair cut like his to emphasize it - but that was also the year i gained a lot of weight due to severe depression/bronchitis ruining my voice - so after a year, that ended. Havn't really got many "you look like"'s since.