^ Awww, I love Bernadette. :3 She still looks fabulous and-- ooooh, I want her hair! x33
Oh- and I got Marianne Faithful again from a teacher.

And I can *sort of* see it but I always thought I had smaller lips. Well, as of late, I have no idea why, people have been telling me who big my lips are.

My brother goes, referring to a photo, 'don't pout...' and I told him I wasn't pouting in the shot. Guh. So now I officially have... fish lips? Or something? I guess that contribute to the "Marianne" look, but I dunno. She seems too petite compared to me. xD
I like seeing people age to be honest, but it seems she's aged a little more gracely than others.
"Gracely"? Whutwhut? I meant gracefully. O.O xP Geez, what happened there? I must've been so braindead after school yesterday- sorry folks. xPP Guh.
And unlike most other celebrities, save for A botox treatment (from what I understand), she's aged without the aid of invasive plastic surgeries.
Exactly, and she looks great! And with the exception of the botox, all her beauty comes naturally, while generally speaking celebrities will just resort to cosmetic surgery, which has some icky side-effects...
... um... Beyonce's not even thirty yet. And she's aged gracefully?
Lol, no, I was referring to Barbara Eden.