And here's another Bob moment that sticks out in my mind. It's not really a "blooper", but it was shown at a rather inappropriate time.
When I was in about first grade, we had this really huge snowstorm. Ten below zero, ice and blowing snow everywhere. What people were out couldn't start their cars and kept falling down on the ice. Yup, school was cancelled! Yaaaaay!
Anyway, my mom was turning on the weather in the kitchen (on the radio) and told me to turn on the TV in the living room to check our local weather station to catch the radar. So I did.
"Is the weather on?" she asked. "Did you find it?"
I looked at the TV. "Well..."
Confused at my answer, Mom came into the living room. Sesame Street was on, and there was Bob with an ice cream cone in each hand, standing in front of a huge, cardboard sun backdrop. She looked at the TV right when the camera showed a close up of Bob saying "Boy, it's hot today!"
Mom raised her eyebrows, looked out the window at the two feet of swirling snow on our street, back at the TV, and said "Well, I don't know what forecast Bob's been watchin', but it sure ain't hot here!"
I started laughing and then Bob said something like "Boy, I need to cool off!" Before Mom changed the channel she said "Well, Bob, if you want to cool off, you can come on over here and shovel the walk. That'll cool you off real quick!"
We evenually found the right forecast, but Bob never came over to shovel our walk.
Convincing John