Well, I don't go to as great extremes as some people, but I also am a supporter of animal rights. Yes, the cabbinet appointments are very important, but I don't see any reason the media can't have a bit of fun speculating about the first dog. Adds a bit of humanity, warmth and feeling to politics, which a lot of people see as cold and hard. Just as it did when Obama mentioned it in his speech.
On that note, I have a question. Have the first pets, which themselves seem to be a whitehouse staple, always been purebred?
To answer your question about cows Heralde, I think that statement is true. Although I'm not an expert, I remember hearing that cows are the only animal that produce milk their whole lives, and not just after childbirth. I don't know, but think it's actually bad for them if you don't milk them.
And yeah, I laughed when you said you got the song stuck in your head, 'cause it was stuck in mine most of yesterday as well, lol!
Ziffled again. Ah well, I knew it would happen. Oh yes, no matter what the Obama family thinks,

will always be the first dog of my heart, lol.