President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Well....I think it's very important to help animals in need. But I do agree that it's too extreme to make them more important than people. Especially when there are so many innocents suffering.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Well....I think it's very important to help animals in need. But I do agree that it's too extreme to make them more important than people. Especially when there are so many innocents suffering.
That organization just sent me an email this morning wondering why their messages are being bounced back as spam. I am very much in support of animal rights – T\that's why I voted on the proposition to treat farm animals humanely. There's no need to torture an animal even if it is going to later be food. Fox News had a field day making fun of this proposition that they didn't understand. I'm not surprised.

Animals don't have voices and how we treat them is a good indicator of our humanity. Many of these groups go overboard in my eyes so I felt the need to cut ties with this one. The more members they had, the more funding they received so I joined. However, when people of all types are dying in Iraq I just can't see the rescuing of pets as the priority.

Speaking of animals, apparently there's media attention on what breed the First Dog should be. It's good to see the media's priorities are up to the usual standards. I wonder if this story will get more press than cabinet member appointments. :insatiable:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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This has to be a political issue all of us at MC can agree on. There's only one First Dog for this nation: :sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Well, I don't go to as great extremes as some people, but I also am a supporter of animal rights. Yes, the cabbinet appointments are very important, but I don't see any reason the media can't have a bit of fun speculating about the first dog. Adds a bit of humanity, warmth and feeling to politics, which a lot of people see as cold and hard. Just as it did when Obama mentioned it in his speech.
On that note, I have a question. Have the first pets, which themselves seem to be a whitehouse staple, always been purebred?
To answer your question about cows Heralde, I think that statement is true. Although I'm not an expert, I remember hearing that cows are the only animal that produce milk their whole lives, and not just after childbirth. I don't know, but think it's actually bad for them if you don't milk them.
And yeah, I laughed when you said you got the song stuck in your head, 'cause it was stuck in mine most of yesterday as well, lol!

Ziffled again. Ah well, I knew it would happen. Oh yes, no matter what the Obama family thinks,
:sympathy: will always be the first dog of my heart, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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The "first dog" is going to need secret service agents when it goes out for a walk. They there going to make a Disney movies based on what he's thinking. :stick_out_tongue: :zany:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Animals don't have voices and how we treat them is a good indicator of our humanity.
Yup, as far as our treament of animals (and heh...other issues we have discussed here) we have a very long way to go. America really shouldn't sit back and say it's as free and safe as assumed.

To answer your question about cows Heralde, I think that statement is true. Although I'm not an expert, I remember hearing that cows are the only animal that produce milk their whole lives, and not just after childbirth. I don't know, but think it's actually bad for them if you don't milk them.
Oh yeah you're right, cows do need to be milked. People made fun of me in High School saying cows can't possibily like being milked. But I insisted they had to be, lol. But that thing about how it makes more milk than its calf can drink. I mean...what did cows do before people regularly started milking them? It sounded a little shady in a capitalist sort of way, hehe.

Yva Minstrel

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Well, I don't go to as great extremes as some people, but I also am a supporter of animal rights.
I am as well, but I do think that sometimes people that put the welfare of animals ahead of the welfare of children simply makes me shake my head. I heard somewhere that a man who abuses a dog gets more jail time than his counterpart who abuses his child.

That just makes me shake my head in exasperation.

I loved Obama's 'Mutt like me' comment. My grandmother used to use that to describe my ancestry and it really made me smile.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hmmm, dog abuse Vs. child abuse? Just me, but I personally think the sentence should be equal or nearly so. That should be a good indicator of where I stand on animal rights.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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heralde said:
Oh yeah you're right, cows do need to be milked. People made fun of me in High School saying cows can't possibily like being milked. But I insisted they had to be, lol. But that thing about how it makes more milk than its calf can drink. I mean...what did cows do before people regularly started milking them? It sounded a little shady in a capitalist sort of way, hehe.
Before mankind, cows weren't engineered through breeding or pharmacology to produce excess milk.

And I, for one, ask that if Rowlf can't be Top Dog, then Sprocket be the next logical choice. :stick_out_tongue: