I have been doing a lot of thinking and soon will post a resoeones to all the take about "Gay Marrige". There has been a lot of talk from people that are for it, but we really havn't heard from the Rilgious people that you all have mentionted. I will show you all where most Christians stand on the issiue but also have verses from the Bible to help back up what I'm saying. I just want to say at first that I'm not doing this to show my haterted towards anyone, but i do feel that both sides to this argument need to be on here and not just one side.
Dude, most of us
know Christian theology's stance on gay people. That was never the issue. Again, the issue at hand is that
we shouldn't all have to follow Christian teachings in order to have civil rights in America. Following such teachings is a choice and I’ve made my very informed choice and rejected it.
There’s no need to proselytize people one way or another in the legitimacy of gays or Christian beliefs. People should follow where their heart leads them, it is their choice to make without interference or judgement.
Muppet Central is a place where we all can all come together and enjoy the same rights freedoms.
That is how I'd like the country to be. There is no need for groups to arbitrarily revoke every church's tax exempt status just like there's no need to deny people of any gender from building lives together that are legally recognized as much as what some refer to as "traditional marriage".
The reason that this is in the Obama thread is the same reason he mentioned gay people in his victory speech. We are one of many issues that will be addressed during his presidency. I don't know if many people here understand this quite yet, but this is
one of the biggest civil rights issues of our generation. It isn't going away. I'm not much of an activist and I'm not making this statement just because it concerns me or that I live in San Francisco. It's happening and this time this issue has enough support behind it to be a big deal for a very long time to come.
I just want to live my life and build a secure and respected future the way I see fit just like anyone else. I don't need pious folk inserting their beliefs into my life.
I just want to make sure that people know that I am not personally upset with anyone here. There are people in my life that I care about very much that disagree with me on this issue. That doesn't make them bad. I won't even say it makes them wrong because it is their heartfelt perspective. I don't much need the validation or understanding - I just want the rights! Equal rights.