: Animal, calm down man. This sequel hasn't been into theaters yet. (laughs)

: Sorr-eee!

: Like, Floyd when this movie rully coming out?

: You'll just have to wait Jan.

: Fer sure!
Me - Scooter, I thought your "Moves Like Jagger" was pretty cool.

: Well how about that number I had to fill in for the boss.
Me - You mean Kermit!

: Yup! Walter didn't exactly the song I choosen.

: I thought that was totally embarrasing. No offense, Colette since you're a big Muppet fan as I am.
Me - None taken!

: Oh! Oh this is going to be exciting.
Me - I know! I'm excited too, Miss Piggy, but the film is not 'til next year.

: I KNOW that! Will this film be about "moi"?
Me - Yes Miss Piggy!

: Wow! A teaser already. Hmmm... are you still here, Colette?
Me - Yep! Oh I cannot wait! I got to tell my parents to see this movie. Maybe they may or may not like it. Oh fablous day! Calloh callay!

: Good grief!

: Ya got some leftover Swiss cheese in the fridge?
Me - Yeah! Yeah! Don't take a lot! My parents and I need it.

: But how some leftover-
Me - Just go Rizzo! Sheesh! I had enough craziness for one day.