Muppets' Wizard of Oz cast list

The Good Doctor

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Aug 4, 2004
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TuttertheMouse said:
I love Bobo, I connected with him fairly easily.
I think for every one who liked and watched Muppets Tonight it was easy to connect to him. I wanted Muppets Tonight to be more like the old Muppet Show, I love that kind of theater entertainment. Not watching Muppets Tonight probably means I have missed out on a lot, so I do not feel so connected to Clifford, or BOBO or a few of the others.

I am glad that BOBO is in Muppets wizard of OZ, I also hope we get to see Bean Bunny.

Zack the Dog

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Apr 14, 2002
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I have talked it in a circle, and despite my best efforts few have seenmy side of the story. And perhaps I am older and not as hip, or cool or in as the younger generation. I had thought that that was allright in a place like this.
Of course it's all right in a place like this! :smile: The Muppets have a larger older fan base then younger people. I can see and respect your points about IAVMMCM.

Certain Muppets are more edgy then others, Pepe saying "I am so sexy" in this Oz clip shows this movie may still be a little edgy abut maybe not as much as IAVMMCM seeing that the Muppets are with Disney now. Pepe's character is edgy and he's never said anything that has surpirsed me. I think we will get some great stuff from Oz! I just hope there isn't like 7 mins of screen time with just human characters like the "Intro Heaven" sceen in IAVMMCM.:wink: I don't think Oz will be like that, I don't think Oz can be like that! not with Piggy as all four witches and Pepe with Dorthy from the start!

i just hope that Bobo the Bear and Rowlf the Dog get some lines in the movie! It's like some muppets take turns in the next movie, Clifford wasn't even in IAVMMCM and now Oz might have Clifford with lines and Rowlf and Bobo in the background or not in the movie at all?? Gee, it's like you can never have all the muppets in one place now a days. Speaking of Bobo, he's not really a carry over from TMTM at least not his character/personality /performer. But his type of large bear puppet is. I love him and he's one of the new Muppets i feel I can connect with the most! He's so nice and consiterate, i love how he talks and i can really connect with his shyness. his personality is VERY much like Rex the T-Rex from Toy Story. These two big animals that most others would find fearsome, but these characters are sweet and gentel and they would never want to hurt anyone or take sides in part of making someone feel bad.

The Good Doctor

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2004
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great insight.

I was thinking that they simply do not have enough performers to give all the Muppet gang speaking lines all the time, so they ahve been trading on and off. But i really do not know why that is, does any one know?

It might be that they hae an idea of who will fit the story and then they try to use them the most.

Like MCC, with all the new muppets characters that make up the London town folks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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It's almost as if , with the exception of the five or so "core characters", that most of the characters get speaking roles in cycles. Depending on (to repeat what was just said) who is avaliable to perform and who fits in the story line.

The Good Doctor

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2004
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I think so

I know that frank OZ is not performing with them any more and that really opened things up for others to pick up those roles. I also know they were re-casting Jerry Nealson's characters because I guess he is getting on in years and can't really do it any longer. So until all the characters get new performers and voices that the Muppets all approve of we will probably continue to see this kind of cycle.

That would be my best guess. Also we have to consider that With Disney in charge they may want a specific core group to be the main stay. Kind of like Mickey, Pooh Bear, Tigger, Donald and a few others have become. They simply speak the Disney name, Kermit and the core gang is recognizably Henson and speaks to remind us of whom and what they are. Some of the other characters from an advertising and marketing stand point are more obscure, and do not carry the same weight.

I also red and Article on Muppet Central that Disney will be spending a lot of money to re-introduce the Muppets to the general public and remind us all who they are and what they stand for before launching things like toys and products into production.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Hmmm...makes sense. We just gotta remember that right now is a transitional time for the Muppets. So as fans we are going to experience "growing pains". As time goes on and Disney gets used to their new acquirement we may see more of our favorite "minor" characters pop up again.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I was thinking that they simply do not have enough performers to give all the Muppet gang speaking lines all the time, so they ahve been trading on and off. But i really do not know why that is, does any one know?
Yes as it's always been the Muppet performers perform more then one character either it be a main/minor or new or random character. So, not that it was never done but but Miss Piggy and Fozzie don't converse that much like wise with Steve as Kermit and Rizzo. Rizzo has really taken a back seat after MFS. Steve is busy with Kermit and he should be, but it's nice to have rizzo get a few lines like in IAVMMCM.

It's funny about Clifford though, I hope Kevin Clash is looping his voice for him same goes Brian Henson's Sal the Monkey. It's understandable that Janice's and Scooters voices change devloping them back to there roots as part of the Muppet gang again in new things.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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So wait. Is Kevin and Brian essentially not performing their characters much anymore or are they not planning to??


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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christyb said:
So wait. Is Kevin and Brian essentially not performing their characters much anymore or are they not planning to??
Brain has been a big part of this production (not only as an executive producer, but as as a performer). Brian was on the set a lot working on the film. Brain performed Sal, Scooter, Janice, and some other puppet work too. He's still around and working his characters.

Kevin on the other hand had a conflict with the Sesame Street shooting schedule. Being Kevin is behind Elmo, he was needed on the set a lot to do shooting for Sesame Steet (and Elmo's World), whereas the other puppeteers that overlap into The Muppets from Sesame Street (like Steve and Eric) could get away to shot The Muppet Wizard of Oz. Kevin could not get to the set to shot the film. Kevin did loop his character's lines (so it's still his voice), but he was not able to get to the set to work the puppets. He is not handing off his characters of phasing them out, but in this case he just could not physiclly do the puppeteering needed. This has happened on a lot of the muppet productions with diffrent muppeteers (having someone else work the puppet and looping lines later due to scheduling/time conflicts and restraints). Kevin is still around and working his charactes, but this production and Sesame Street had conflicts in shooting times which could not be changed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Ahhh...I understand now thanks. I just misunderstood some things thanks for clarifing them.