Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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*watching TV*

Grover: Hey Kyle.

Hey Grover. What's up?

Grover: Nothing.

Is something wrong my little adorable monster?

Grover: Well I do not know what to get my mommy for christmas.

Have you asked her?

Grover: Ya but she did not really say.

How about I call her and talk to her and let you know.

Grover: Would you do that for me?

I would do anything for you pal. *hugs Grover*

Grover: *hugging me* Thank you so very much. I can now sleep. *runs off to bed*

Oh sometimes I don't know what it is with him but he's too adorable to understand. *goes back to watching TV*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OMG! So sorry I didn't alert you guys... But today, December 15, is Emmett Otter's B-Day.
OK... So to make up for my lapse in alerting you guys, we'll have a boffo birthday celebration on Sunday for both Emmett and Little Bird.
Hope this is OK with you Allyssa and have a good night.


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Apr 12, 2005
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(In room 24, the roomies have all gathered around the window. The lights are turned off, because Lisa said so.)
Rowlf: I can't see a thing!
Robin: Sh!
Lisa: <quietly> Ready guys? <turns on a lighter and lights a single candle in the center of a menorah, turns lighter off, and uses the lit candle to light a second candle all the way on the right> <sings> Baruch atah adonai... eloheinu melech ha'olam... asher kiddushanu b'mitzvotav, vitzivanu, l'hadlik neir, shel Hannukah. Baruch atah adonai... eloheinu melech ha'olam... she'assa nisim lavoteinu, bayamim, haheim, bazman hazeh. Baruch atah adonai... eloheinu melech ha'olam... shehecheyanu... v'kiyamanu... vhigiyanu, lazman hazeh.
<All watch the candles burn for a moment>
Robin: Pretty...
Lisa: Mm-hm... Happy Hannukah, guys. ...So, do we wanna play dreidel, or watch Muppet Christmas Carol?
Gonzo: You switch around between holidays that easily?
Lisa: Welcome to the holiday season with Toga. This what happens when one parent is Jewish and the other is Christian. Fasten your seatbelts, there's lots of birthdays in my family this month, too. Am I gonna get any answers?
Clifford: What's the point of dreidel, anyway?
Lisa: ...Well... it's basically gambling.
Clifford: I'm in.
Gonzo: Aw, but I wanted to watch the movie!
Lisa: We can do both! And we can play with popcorn.
Robin: Popcorn?
Lisa: Well we've gotta put SOMETHING in the pot!
Chef: Poppin poppety pop pop in de pot?
Lisa: Sure! Why not? I've played it with all sorts of things... peanuts, sugar cubes... Chef, you make a bowl of popcorn. Rowlf, you put the DVD in. I'll get a dreidel.
Gonzo: Why not just make one?
Lisa: <Giggles> <sings> I had a little dreidel...
Robin: <Hops> Can you sing the funny verses?
Lisa: I gotta get through the real ones first!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Hmmm, vonder what one vould sing for the 8 Days of Hannukah.
UD: Well, you could always ask...
Count: Lisa?
Me: Sure... Hope she spotted the bit of nagging in FanFic. That, and she still hasn't PM'ed me with her Secret Santa picks.
Also hope Beth spots the bit of E-mail I sent her, her and Cath. Oh well, they'll get in touch soonish.

Count: Ish?
Me: Now, you know that term's used for nagging Beth. Wonder if she'll start that 4th Rowlf Story about the wedding.
*Goes off to watch some TV in a bit of a dreamy wondering waiting for friends to contact him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Guess what Sunday is, Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: What is it

PETER: Your Birthday

LITTLE BIRD: Oh, Sunday is my Birthday

BABY BEAR: And Tomorrow we are going to the mall to do secret santa shopping plus Little Bird's Birthday present

ZOE: It's going to be fun

PETER: Good!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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in the common room,laying on the couch
Rosita*lightly tapping me and whispering * : all right?
Huh?opening my eyesOh hi Rosita.My teeth are just bugging me.So rather than waking you,Prairie and Gaffer up with my tossing and turning.So I came down here.
Rosita:Oh,but's freezing here! Come on back to our room.Is that pain killer working even a little?
Yeah...a bit. I'm sorry I worried you.
Rosita:That's all right.Come....let's go.You can take it easy for the whole day.
We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Oh what a lovely day, the season's upon us and we're simply crazy!
Gonzo: We're always simply crazy.
Ryan: Oh, right. Can crazy people sing Christmas carols?
Gonzo: You tell me! You're the one with the Muppet Christmas CDs!
Ryan: Good point. May I begin?
Gonzo: I'd be shocked if you didn't. Not that I don't enjoy a good shocking.
Ryan: Deck the halls with bows of holly.
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Gonzo: 'Tis the season to be jolly!
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Camilla: Brawk bagawk byuck bawk bagawk bruck.
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la la.
Uncle Deadly: Toll the ancient yule tide carol.
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la la.
Ryan: Alright Cliff, you're next!
Clifford: Alright dude, here goes! See the blazin' yule before us.
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Ryan: Strike the harp and join the chorus!
All: Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Gonzo: Follow me in merry measure.
All: Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Uncle D.: While I tell of yule tide treasure.
All: Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Camilla: Brawk byuck bawk bagawk bruck bawk buck.
All: Fa la la la la la, la la la la.
Ryan: Hail the new yea' lads and lasses.
All: Fa la la la la la la la la.
Gonzo: Sing we joyous all together.
All: Fa la la la la la la la la.
Camilla: Brawk bagawk bruck bawk byuck bawk buck.
All: Fa la la la la...La la...La...Laaaa!
Ryan: Oh I just love Christmas!
Gonzo: Well it IS the most wonderful time of the year!
Ryan: Don't start another song...Please.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back from the store......

I'm back!

Grover: Glad to see you. Where did you all go?

Well I went to Walmart my sister and my mom went there as well but went to other places. I've got all the stuff in the car but I'll wait later when I get sneak them in.

Cookie M: What you get me?!

I can't tell you Cookie. That wouldn't be a christmas present. I have to keep it a secret.

Herry: I'll help you later.

That will be....hold on. Your trying to trick me into getting to see your too.

Herry: I almost had you.

Maurice: When can we go get our presents for the rest of the crew?

Maybe sometime tomorrow or something.

Maurice: Ok. I still haven't gotten anything for my secret santa.

That's fine.

Grover: Kyle?

Yes Grover.

Grover: Have you talked to my mommy yet?

Yes. She told me she would really love a neckless. She said she saw it and wanted it but didn't want to spend anything herself since it was Christmas.

Grover: Oh I can not wait. Can we go tonight?

Maybe. We'll see. Right now I just want to rest.

Herry: Ok. We'll let you rest.

Thank you Herry.

Herry: (whispers) Then we can go out to the car and see what we got.

I heard that!

All the monsters scatters

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckles... Good try guys. Hope everybody remembers the double party tomorrow.
Count: And I have a sneaking suspicion there'll be more joy later in the veek.
What was that?
Count: Oh, nothing... So, is Uncle Deadly back with Ryan? Or vill he be staying vith us longer?
Not sure, only Ryan can answer that.

Come on, let's see if some nagging will net us some fanfiction before burying ourselves in schoolwork and football scores tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *calls down to Room 1* Hey Ed, it's Ryan, just wanted to let you know that Uncle D.'s back with me now. Thanks so much for looking after him while I was gone, I'm sure he had a de-frightful time.
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