Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Good, one of my obstacles cleared and checked off the list.

OK, time to go take you guys downtown to the stores and do some Christmas shopping.
Wonder if Christy or Catherine are about. Wouldn't mind getting some fanfiction, or poking at Sis to see what she's up to or if there's some sort of hints we can pry out of her. Then again, let them work on their stories and surprises, I'll just wait to hear from them on the 25th of the month.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: Do you have-
Bobo: No.
Beau: Our presents for our Secret Father Chrimbles?
Bo: Exactly.
Bobo: Still no.
Beau: No.
Bean: I do! I do! I do!
Bear: Anyone would think he's getting married...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Back home at the dorms. *Sigh.
So that surgery'll have to wait a little longer. Subtract the gifts, and add the payments...
Sure hope the boys are OK in the library on their own.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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LITTLE BIRD: Hey! Peter, What'cha doing

PETER: I went to Boston and got some more TV Schedules

BABY BEAR: Wow!, Peter you have more

ZOE: What schedules did you get

PETER: Boston TV Schedules from Christmas 1960-77, 1982-83 and 1986-89

ZOE: That is kind of neat

LITTLE BIRD: You are the TV Schedule King!!!

PETER: Thank you, Little Bird- We are watching Supernanny

ZOE: I hope those kids do better


PETER: Yes, Baby Bear

BABY BEAR: Why don't you show your latest TV Schedules to your Collection to the other dormies.

PETER: Good Idea!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Peter... Don't forget to send me a PM with Baby Bear's pick for his Secret Santa. The updated list of who's still available can be found in Posts #10291 to the current post. Hope to hear from you soon, and remember all Secret Santa stuff is to be relayed via PM for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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When we last looked in on room 20, they were attempting to watch a cheery Christmas special together....
(Not quite half-way through the movie, Fozzie and Catherine are both sawing logs on their respective loveseats. Kermit and Piggy are left functionally alone, but Piggy continues to act as though Kermit is not there. After a few moments, Kermit and Piggy both reach for the popcorn. Their hands brush, and Piggy’s jerks away as though Kermit is on fire. After that, she makes a point of avoiding the popcorn. Kermit sighs, but a few minutes later when her hand reaches for the carrot sticks, he reaches out nonchalantly and they fumble fingers yet again. Piggy snatches her hand away, gives him a look that would melt steel at close range, and studiously avoids the carrot sticks. The next time Piggy reaches for a bowl—pretzels this time, Kermit puts his hands out at the last minute and Piggy retreats without even touching the bowl. Kermit is now enjoying himself. Because frogs are able to look in two completely different directions at the same time, he can keep an eye on Piggy without seeming to do so. Every time she makes a move toward food, he cuts her off at the pass. She will either acknowledge him, or go hungry. When he thwarts her attempts to cadge a chocolate, she bolts up out of her chair and glares at him.)
Piggy: I know what you’re doing, so stop it!
Kermit: Oh, so you’re speaking to me now?
Piggy: Back off! (She flops back into her chair, crosses her arms and glares at the television. To her complete surprise, Kermit hops up beside her and sits on the padded arm of her chair.)
Kermit: Piggy look—
Piggy: Get off my chair or so help me I will swat you into next—
Kermit: (defiantly) Go ahead! Swat away! It sure won’t be the first time, and it probably won’t be the last! If karate-chopping me into next week is what it takes to get you to talk to me, then have at it!
(Piggy draws her arm back and Kermit winces, waiting for the blow. It never comes. Piggy crosses her arms again and wedges herself as far back into the chair—away from him—as she can get.)
Piggy: (muttering) Not worth my bother.
Kermit: I’m not going away, Piggy.
Piggy: Then I’ll—
(Kermit reaches out and clasps her plump little forearms in his surprisingly strong grip, making her look at him.)
Kermit: No matter what, I am not going away. (His expression is earnest.) I know I said some things I shouldn’t have said. I—I was jealous, and surprised. I should have known you wouldn’t, um, kiss some other frog—not unless I gave you a reason, anyway. And I haven’t, Piggy. Frog scout’s honor.
(Piggy looks away. It is entirely possible that her eyes are wet, but her chin is high and she would not admit it if it were so.)
Piggy: (a little sulky) You were never a frog scout.
Kermit: (sheepishly) No, but I am courteous and helpful.
(This elicits a thin smile from Piggy, who tries to hide it, but Kermit scoots down into the chair beside her and takes her hands.)
Kermit: Look, Piggy. I may never have been a frog scout—in fact, there are lots of things I will never be—and the top of that list is that I will never be able to be happy when you’re mad at me.
Piggy: You hurt my feelings. I—I was embarrassed, and I felt so foolish. But the worst part of all was knowing that it wasn’t really you kissing me under the mistletoe. I wanted— (She stops herself and shakes her head.) It’s not important.
Kermit: Piggy? (When she doesn’t turn to look at him, he reaches up gently and turns her face back to his.) What do you mean it’s not important? You covered the whole ceiling with mistletoe! (He moves a little closer and she does not pull away.)
Piggy: (mumbling) There was a sale....
Kermit: Oh…a sale. (They are almost kissing now. When their lips are two centimeters apart, Fozzie makes a loud, contented snore and Kermit turns and looks over his shoulder. Without warning, Piggy puts one hand on the back of his neck, pulls him back to face her and gives him a kiss that makes the one she gave Robot Kermit look like a bad dress rehearsal. Once released, Kermit looks dazed and more than a little pleased.
Kermit: Wow, Piggy. That was…that was worth almost getting karate chopped for.
Piggy: (regaining some of her diva-like bearing) What did you expect?
Kermit: (honestly) I never know what to expect. That’s what makes it so much fun. (He reaches for the box of little chocolates and passes the box to Piggy.) Everybody else is asleep—why don’t we poke the bottoms of all of these so we know which ones are the good ones. (Piggy starts to giggle.)
Piggy: You are a lunatic.
Kermit: (settling an arm around his girl) You don’t have to be to live here, but it helps. You want a chocolate cream?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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The Count is sound asleep, his softened trailing voice almost inaudible, lieing in his batty bed.
Uncle Deadly dozes off in the comfort of the creepy couch set up in the middle of the room, his tattered jacket removed and replaced by a ghostly white nightshirt and pair of ghostly grayed pajama pants.

Me, looking through our basement window at whatever sort of wall is in front but not really noticing: *Sigh... Lunatics huh? That's kind of a song I now associate with Lisa. But it's late and everybody else must be resting comfortably in their rooms. Think I'll just check the reading room and probably nod off in a little while.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(As Ed goes off to sleep, Hoots can be heard out on a lamppost playing a soft lullabye version of the Sesame Street Theme.)
Bry: (voice-over) Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letter L and by the number 2.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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B-Day Announcement.

Haven't done one of these in a while, everybody's been on birthday alert without need of reminders. But here's one for you...
Today, the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year, we celebrate the birthday of Sadie Grosse. Mother to the gofering twins, currently rooming with Sara in Room #5, her discovery of her children was chronicled in the fanfictional tale The Search for Sadie.

So I wish Ms. Grosse a joyous birthday, and I hope to see you guys at the party later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Christy: Shouldn't you be getting ready to take your Mom out for lunch?

Skeeter: I will...besides this project is much more intresting.

Christy: Very however you best shut the door. We don't want a certain neighbor hearing any hints!
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