Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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MN: That's okay, Ed, I've got a plan here...floor 1, West Wing, room 7...ah.
Nora: So there is no proper floor beneath ours...then what the heck was that room we wandered into?
MN: Embarrassing, isn't it? I can navigate the New York subway system and the London Underground, but we find ourselves getting lost in the dorm.
Storyteller: Have we tried Hare Krishna?
Storyteller: I think some kind of hole opened up in the cosmic fabric or something.
MN: Yeah, maybe. Oh, well, life goes on.
Nora: Don't you still have an English exam to study for?
MN: As a matter of fact, I do. Each to your own devices, people. (gang returns to room 7, where MN starts hitting the books)

MN: This steel mallet isn't working on these works by Albee and Pynchon. Nora, would you pass me that sledgehammer, please?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK then... Hmmm, must've been the secret room we used a few years back for the first Halloween celebrations, when we held a skull-searching scavenger hunt. You'd almost've picked your brains and the ones in your totes figuring out the location of all of them.
Good times... Leave a message if you need me for anything.


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May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Is cleaning furiously in the room, to get it back to a nice state of living.* I still can't believe this room has gotten so....out of touch with cleanliness!

Sadie: Well, it's not so bad, hon.

Sara: "not so bad"....okay, where were you the last two weeks after thankgiving?

Sadie: Out shopping.

Scooter: *laughs from across the room, as he's folding and putting away some of his clothes.*

Sara: Ha, ha. Yes, the room has gotten bad, and so has my knee. I think it's gonna be a long time if ever if this thing heals.

Sadie: But it has healed.

Sara: I....oh yeah it has. Oh great. I'm apperently getting what my birth mother has: Arthritis. Lovely.

Scooter: It isn't too bad.

Sara: Oh, I'm not moping or anything! *flashes a true, sincere grin at him* Just irritated is all, really. Gah, didn't think anything of this nature would hit till I'm like....30 or something.

Sadie: Normally it's 40, isn't it?

Sara: Not to someone with a lot of health problems. Bad health problems, you have a few, and it's like....for afflications other stuff usually just speeds up. Either way, I'm glad the room is clean now! Let's go shopping and get those SS presents.

Scooter: "SS"? Sesame Street? Secret Sister?

Sara: No....well yes to the second one, gotta pick up something for her too. But no, "Secret Santa" presents! Now lets go!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Come on guys. It's almost time for the new cartoon tv movie.

Herry: I've been waiting for that to come on. It's tonight?

Maurice: Yep. I can't wait!

Grover: Me too.

Oscar: *pops up* I wouldn't miss it either.

For real?

Oscar: Nope. But I thought I would come in and something. Bye! *pops back down*

Cookie M: Me got the cookies for the big tv movie.

Good. I'm ordering some pizza for the movie too.

Cookie M: Ooooo me can't wait!

Herry: Me too.

We all sit down in front of the TV set ready for the big premire of "Re-Animated" movie


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *holds a sting of lights in place*
Bobo: *holds ladder in place*
Beau: *holds scissors*
Bean: *ties self up with electrical tape* Oh! I'm a Christmas present! Eee! - Wait, oh, I'm stuck...guys? A little help?
Bo: *holds a sting of lights in place*
Bobo: *holds ladder in place*
Beau: *holds scissors*
Bo: We're kinda busy...

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Wonder what today will bring for us here at the dorms. Waiting to hear from a few people to finalize the Secret Santa lists... And I've got stuff for my classes and finals to get to... Rully wanna create, but I'll just wait and find out what Sis is scheming.
*Good sigh. Just wait and see what the day brings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Fozzie: (clicking with the mouse) Wow--look at this! Ed's getting ready to post a lot of updates to Muppet Wiki. He must have been up all night!
Catherine: (looking over his shoulder) Wow--and in the middle of exam time, too. I sure do appreciate all the folks to keep our sources of muppety information in great shape. (looks around the room ruefully--or should that be Ru-fully?) Organization is certainly not my strong suit. I certainly couldn't do what they do.
Fozzie: What would we do without them?
Catherine: Make lots of mistakes.
(There is a small sound behind them. Catherine and Fozzie exchange lightning-fast furtive glances, then act elaborately casual as Piggy approaches.)
Piggy: (trying very hard to sound casual) What's so interesting?
Catherine: Catching up on the dorm news.
Piggy: (sounding anxious) Anything about...Moi?
Fozzie: Um, somebody liked your song on the new album.
Piggy: Santa Baby?
Fozzie: (looking up) Uh huh. I like the, um, other one....
Piggy: (without expression) The Christmas Queen?
Fozzie: Um....
Catherine: I didn't really like that one, Piggy. It didn't show you to advantage.
Piggy: (Sniffs) I was supposed to get final approval on my songs. (mutters something under her breath)
Fozzie: (plunging on bravely) Um--I liked the first song you did. The one you did with (gulp) Kermit.
(Everybody freezes. No one has been allowed to mention The Frog's name in the room for several days. After a moment, Piggy shrugs. Catherine and Fozzie exchange quick looks again. She was out of her room, plus somebody said "Kermit" in front of her and she didn't cry or break things. It was a start.)
Piggy: (to Catherine) Is there any more goulash?
Catherine: No, I'm afraid not. (Takes Piggy by the hand.) Tell you what, though. If you'll come with me to deliver this gingersnap pumpkin cheesecake to Ed's room, I'll cook anything you want. Deal?
Piggy: (hesitantly) Um. Let me put on some lipstick. (trots off)
(Fozzie and Catherine grin at each other.)
Fozzie: I guess she's not homocidal any more.
Catherine: Guess not.
Fozzie: (wistfully) Maybe Kermit could stop sleeping at the bus station.
Catherine: Fozzie, I've told you. Kermit's not sleeping at the bus station. That was just a joke. He's...well, he's somewhere safe. I'll bet by tomorrow she'll let him back in the room.
Fozzie: Good. I want things to get back to normal around here. (even more wistfully) Are you really taking that whole cheesecake to Ed?
Catherine: Yes--he's been working very hard. It's just a little thank you. Besides, there's another one in the fridge.
Fozzie: (brightening) Really? One for us?
(At that moment, Piggy returns. She looks a little pale, and her outfit is somewhat subdued, but she looks ready to face the public. They smile at her and she smiles back.)
Catherine: Yes. One for us. Go ahead and have a piece. Piggy and I will be back soon, okay?
Fozzie: (bolting for the kitchen) Thank you!
Catherine: C'mon--let's get this cheesecake where it belongs!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Cath... Actually, it's the other way around. I don't have an account at Muppet Wiki, though I might consider it what with all the others they have helping them. What I've been doing is going over all of their articles and adding to my own list. Oh man, that'll be a Christmas present for sure that I hope will delight many a person here... And voluminous it is too.
Hmm? Why, a ginger snap pumpkin cheesecake? Thank you Ru, this will certainly frighten up our day. Thanks, and here...
*Hands over a container with chocolate chip filled brownies, topped with a bit of fudge icing.
I know how much your roomies like these, so I got them at the bakery. There's a new baker there Sarah Y or so I've heard. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

*Puts cheesecake in room's fridge and goes to catch up with The Count and Uncle Deadly in the reading room.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys tonight ya'll are coming with me and my sister's family to the movies.

Cookie M: For real!

Yep. Were going to go see "Happy Feet" and "Santa Claus 3."

Grover: Oh boy. Those cute little penguins are so adorable, like me.

Yep Grover. Those little penguins are adorable. So I wanted to let ya'll know so we could get ready. We're not leaving till 7 but still there's enough time to get ready.

Herry: I'll have to look handsome for Bonnie.

She'll enjoy ya'll coming. All three of them will.

Maurice: Can't wait! *shoots off to get ready*


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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OK....back from Christmas shopping. putting a heavy package down. There!The person who I'm the Secret Santa for will like this.:smile:'re very stubborn,you know that?You've been through a lot this week.Either Rosita or I would've picked the item up.
I've depended on the two of you way too much for everything lately.
Rosita:Kathy....Kathy....Kathy...:rolleyes: don't you understand? We want to help you!
Yes Rosita,and I'm very grateful. Trust me! But there's a such thing as taking advantage of people.
Rosita: You haven't been doing that.
Prairie:If you hadn't had to go to the emergency room twice this week, just had to deal with the toe,and asked us to do your shopping for you,we'd say " you're taking advantage!" But you're not!So take it easy,all right? I'll take it easy.
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