Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Oh Uncle Deadly, could you please float this by over to Room #6?
UD: It would be my displeasure.

*The phantomly dragon steals himself out from the darkness of Room #1, crosses the hall, and sneakily leaves a package of sweetly salted peanut butter bars with chopped nuts and a cookie bottom crust for the occupants.
Done... Now off to get some substance before settling in for the night here at homework HQ.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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opening the doorHey girls...look at this!Peanut butter bars with chopped nuts and some yummy stuff on the bottom of them! They're from Ed Uncle Deadly & The Count.
Rosita:I'll go leave a thank you note by Room 1.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(There is a sort of manic attitiude of purposeful cheerfulness in room 20, led by Catherine, who is sortof manic and cheerful herself. She has a mailer wrapper in her hand, and the coffee table has been mysteriously covered with a tablecloth. Underneath the tablecloth are some mystifying lumps. Kermit is back, but being treated like a piece of shabby furniture by Piggy. Kermit seems grateful for the acknowledgement.)
Piggy: Can you tell us what the big surprise is already?
Catherine: Okay roomies--this is it!
Fozzie: What? What's it?
Catherine: I finally got a copy of "Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas." I've never seen it before. Everybody grab a slice of a chair.
Fozzie: Can I grab a slice of cheesecake, too?
Catherine: (whipping off the tablecloth) Of course! And there's popcorn and pretzels and a cheese ball, and some marinated mushrooms, and some little chocolates and a whole bunch of fresh fruit and some baby carrots and raisens and all sorts of things. I thought we could have a little movie party and, you know, celebrate all the fun stuff that has happened this year. Oh, and there's more cheesecake.
Piggy: (noncommittally) Mmmm
Kermit: This is, um, nice, Catherine. I think this will be fun. (He is trying so hard it is almost painful to watch.)
Catherine: Come on, people--plant yourselves. I want to start the movie.
(Gradually, everybody finds a place to sit. Fozzie is stretched out on one of the loveseats. Piggy is sitting regally in one of the lime tweed recliners. Catherine is sitting on the other loveseat. Kermit hesitates for a moment, finally taking the other lime tweed recliner beside Piggy.)
Fozzie: Everybody's ready!
Catherine: (hits the remote) It's showtime!
Fozzie: (sitting up) Um, is this movie scary?
Catherine: Nooo. It's family entertainment.
Fozzie: Oh good.
Piggy: Shhhh!
Catherine: Shushing now.
(The movie plays.)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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UD: Ah... It sounds as if Catherine is finally enjoying one of our fiends' starring roles.
Yep... She'll get to know Emmett as well as Ally does. Though I wonder if she got the edited version or the full uncut version.
Count: Vhat's the difference?
Well, a brassy musical number by one of the minks and the frog's involvement.
Count: Oh. Vell, time for beddy bye.
UD: Yes, and I thank you for taking me in during Ryan's prawnlonged absence.
No problem Uncle Deadly. Now if I could get this over and done with...
*Mutters to self, but at least there's still one day left to actually do some writing... Though I'd rully not want to, but I have to for classes you know.
Oh well... Good night.
The lights are turned out and the occupants of Room #1 fall into a restful slumber.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*wakes up* Oooooo..*streaches*....*yawns* that was a good night sleep. Now for a refreshing warm bubble bath. *walks through the hallway to the bathrooms with robe, rubber monster and scrub brush*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Sure is quiet around the dorms today
Red: Everybody is probably sleeping after being up all night cramming for finals and stuff
Beth: Could be
Wanda: I'm so glad we went Christmas shopping this weekend. I've got my Secret Santa gift and my gifts for all of you
Abby: I got my Secret Santa gift too. I hope the person I'm giving it to likes it
Beth: I'm sure they will. All right, why don't we clean up a little and then head out for breakfast
Red: Oooh, I'm in
Wanda: Me too
Abby: Me three! Hee-hee!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Rushing around with errands to take care of.

OK, I'm satisfied with how that turned out. Would've liked my mom to check it as well, but that can't be helped. Sent it off, I'll head down to the campus soon and make the hand-in official.
Count: Anything else on the docket?
Yes... Off to a quick breakfast, then shave and a shower to get dressed.
UD: My, we're certainly a flurry of activity today.
Yes, I'll come get you guys so we can do some Christmas shopping afterwards. Good thing I'll have the weekend to brainstorm over my two exams. Man, it's gonna be busy around here soon.
*Leaves Room #1 still in a bit of a tizzy.
Count and UD: Mmm, we should do something for him.
UD: Isn't his birthday soon?
Count: More like a veek avay, 9 days to be hexact.
UD: Hmmm... Maybe that cyber sister of his will have something.
Count: Or there'll be fanfics updated by then.
UD: One can only hope so.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(in room 7, occupants are rigging up bits of holly hither and yon, setting out candles and things like that)

MN: All together now, people.
Nora: The branch that bears the bright holly...
Storyteller: The dove that rests in yonder tree...
MN: The light that shines for all to see...
Nora: The peace of Christmas...(takes a swig from her cup of tea) Ick! Blech, I think we let the tea steep for too long!
MN: Hmm, I don't remember that line being in the Peace Carol.
Storyteller: What's the matter, Nora, did you get the dregs of the pot or something?
MN: Wouldn't think so; the pot's mostly full. I'll go brew another one. (takes teapot and goes into kitchen)
Nora: (starts setting up some dove and angel carvings on the table) Can you believe that the quilt's done?
Storyteller: Yes, after two months of sewing, snipping and the jabbing of fingers. I'll be sad to see it go.
MN: (returns with new pot of tea) But I know a lot of people are going to love it. (puts pot down) Which reminds me, I need to send a photo to Amanda.
Storyteller: Well, of course! Richard is her uncle, after all. She and the others have a right to know what a group of gleefully insane fans are up to.
MN: Too true. Now where did I put that spool of floral wire...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Bryan! Bryan!
Big Bird: Sssshh, Telly. He's still sleeping.
Telly: Still sleeping? But it's almost 11 o'clock and why is he on the couch. His bed is right in there.
Big Bird: He must have fallen asleep watching TV late last night. You know he had a big busy weekend.
Telly: Oh yeah! With all that birthday celebrating.
Big Bird: That's right.
Bry: (wakes up and sees Telly and Big Bird over his head talking) AAh!
Telly: (Screaming) AAAHH!!
Big Bird: (Screaming) Whaaa!!
Bry: You guys startled me!
Telly: We startled you?!
Big Bird: Rise and shine, Bryan!
Bry: What time is it?
Telly: Almost 11.
Bry: Oh gosh. I should get you guys some breakfast.
Big Bird: Oh we already had breakfast.
Bry: You did?
Big Bird: Uh huh. Bert and Ernie took us to Everybody Eats.
Bry: Oh, okay. Well, then I should get myself some. (sits up from couch and then plops back down and falls asleep again, snoring)
Telly: Umm...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *watches the tv*
Bobo: *watches the tv*
Beau: *watches the radio* *blinks*
Bean: *runs and leaps onto the tv* HEY! I'm on tv! Look! *stands on one leg*
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