Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys... Here's the updated list of who's left as potential Secret Santa picks.
The Count von Count.
Wanda the Cat.
Sadie Grosse.
Betty Lou.
Tosh Fraggle.
Gillis Fraggle.
The Beast.
The Jabberwock.
Maurice Monster.
The Storyteller's Dog.

Please remember to send me PM's with your picks. Do not, and I stress this very muchly, do not post anything related to picks or the presents you may have gotten them here in the thread. Just send me all the information pertaining to the MC Dorms' Secret Santa via PM's or E-mails.

Hope Lisa and Nyssa contact me soon with their picks... Might have to drop them an E-mail soon. Wonder if they want to be involved in the story too, if that ever materializes, eh, maybe during Winter or Summer vacations.
*Moves off to get some dinner before hunkering down with ML additions.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Okay, has everyone gone downstairs with know?
Nora: Right.
Storyteller: Mm-hmm. Now who's up for cocoa?
(chorus of ooh, me, me!)

(some time later, each is huddled around the table, sipping cocoa and wearing blankets around their shoulders)

MN: Finally, exam week is nearly over. (slurp of cocoa) Hope everyone's got their sweaters and thermals and stuff. It said on the radio that it's gonna drop to the 20s here tonight.
Nora: Forget the thermals, we're gonna need polar bear fur.
MN: Or maybe...hey, how can you tell if a whale's really depressed?
Storyteller: Don't know, how?
MN: He won't stop blubbering!
Nora: Ooh, ooh! Or if he wails (whales) all the time!

(chorus of good-natured groans and jeers, and tapping of cocoa mugs on the table)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Uh Erin... You live on the basement floor, so I'm not sure how much downstairs you can get. Unless you've heard, much like Scooter did... There's a new sound, it's coming from underground...
Bad jokes are welcome here, guess that's because Statler and Waldorf aren't living with anyone. That reminds me of a quote I might use as a sigline one of these days.

Oh well, finals may be almost over for you, but they're getting into gear over here in my neck o' the woods.
Good thing I can use tonight for continued Muppet-related project tinkering. Check with you guys later tonight.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: I'm home!
Big Bird: Oh, Bryan, you need to get ready!
Bry: Ready? Ready for what?
Big Bird: Why, for your birthday party, of course!
Bry: My birthday party? But my birthday is not til tomorrow.
Big Bird: I know, but you aren't going to be around much this weekend, so we wanted to have the party today. Now, hurry! People will be in the common room any minute!
Bry: Okay, okay! (goes to change and shower for the party)
Big Bird: (skipping down the hallway knocking on doors and calling everyone out to join the party) Hey, everybody! Come on out! It's party time!
(sings) We're gonna have a birthday party
We're gonna have a lot of noise
Can't get enough great birthday stuff
So break out all the toys!

Ernie: We've got the cake and the presents too
Bert: So let's everybody cheer!
Telly: We're gonna throw a great big party
All: Look! the birthday boy is here!
(song ends and I enter the common room)
Bry: Wow! Look at all this! Thank you so much! you didn't have to do this, but...oh, you really made my day. Thanks, you guys!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*the residents of room 3 arrive at the party*
Beth: Hey Bryan!
Red: Happy Birthday!
Abby: I made you this card and we all signed it. It's got special fairy sparkles.
Wanda: And, as a gift, we got you The World According to Sesame Street DVD and the complete works of Rodgers and Hammerstein since we know how much you love performing
Red: Let's dance!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Me and the Silly Band starts to set up for the song for Bryan's brithday.

Ok. Is everyone ready for the song? Good. Big Bird, Grover, Cookie Monster, Telly and me will sing a song about sillyness. Are you ready guys? Good! Hit it!

The Honker, Dinger and other creature band is starts the music

Big Bird: Sing me a sillg song about feathers, honkers and hair (Honker honks)
Sing me a silly song about polka dot underwear (whistles)
Make it so funny that I fall right out of my chair
Sing me a silly song yeah ha ha ha ha ha….

Me: Sing me a silly song about fruit that squirts when you chew (some fruit squirts)
Sing me a silly song about upside down kangaroo (a kangroo waves from the ceiling)
Make it a widdy diddy a pot of laugh a lot stew
Sing me a silly song

Big Bird: Silly, sloppy, chilly, gloppy, wacky, weird or wet
Now the only question is How silly can you get? (laughs)

Cookie M: Me can get pretty silly! (laughs)

Telly: Sing me a silly song about Elephants in a tree (Fluffy trumpets from Oscar's can)
Sing me a silly song about chickens clucking off key (muppet chickens cluck)
Make it a loony tuney chimpanzee symphony
Sing Me a silly Song (laughing)

Big Bird: Ok, play it boys but keep it silly! (laughs)

Instrumental Honkers, dingers and other weird creatures perform

Big Bird: That’s good! That’s good! (laughs)

Grover: (laughs)
Big Bird: (laughs)

Oscar: *pops out of a trash can in the common room* Oh brother. All this silly stuff is making me sick. You know what this song needs a little more grouchness heh heh heh heh…
Sing Me a grouchy song about trashy broken down toys
Sing me a grouchy song about cranky grouch girls and boys
Make it a yucky number with bangs, crashes and noise
Sing me a grouchy song heh that.

Big Bird: Silly, sloppy, chilly, gloppy, wacky, weird or wet
Now the only question is...

Big Bird and Grover: How silly can you get? (laughs)
Oscar: Not much sillier I hope?
Telly: Yes we can Oscar. (laughs)

Me: Sing me a sillg song about feathers, honkers and hair
Cookie Monster: Feathers, honkers and hair
Me: Sing me a silly song about polka dot underwear
Telly: Polka Dot Underwear
Me: Make it so funny that I fall right out of my chair

Me, Big Bird and Grover: Sing me a silly song!
Oscar: Grouchy!

Everyone: Just sing me uh silly soooooong!

*we all start to laugh*

(music fads out)

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *hauling a small artificial tree out of its box* So glad we decided to go with a miniature, pre-lit tree this year.
Betty Lou: No offense, but the one you had before was kinda puny.
Kim: None taken. How's the garland hanging coming, guys?
Gillis: *stringing garland on the ends of the beds* Not too bad; we're almost finished.
Boober: *looking at the floor and shaking his head* I'm going to have to run the vacuum cleaner when we're done...
Tosh: Oh, Boober, come off it once. Why can't you just enjoy what we're doing instead of agonizing over stuff like cleaning?
Boober: I can't help it. It's in my nature.
Kim: Well, I hope its in your nature to help finish decorating before you go on a cleaning spree.
Betty Lou: *decorating the outside of Speedbump's tank* So, are we going to go Secret Santa shopping tomorrow?
Kim: You guys can go if you want; I've got to work tomorrow at the library. And right after work I've got our staff Christmas party. I'll just have to shop for my Secret Santa some other time.

((OOC note: I know I've called Betty Lou's turtle Leafy in a couple posts, but then I remembered that I actually called it Speedbump first. So Speedbump is the name I'm sticking with))


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No problem Kim.

*Bats fly upstairs and deposit a well-wrapped present for Bryan. The present contains a CD of Sesame Street music recorded from the shows, movies, and MC Radio, in a CD jewel case with an insert card that features the Sesame Street logo and Sesame Street Muppets in festive party celebration with party hats and confetti flying down upon them with a cake and candles infront of the group gathered around the table.

Hope that puts a broad smile on your face Bry... And happy birthday to one of my greatest MC forum friends.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Boy, what a great party! Hey, Red and Beth! Thanks for coming. Good to see you too, Wanda. And Abby, this is the most beautiful card anyone has ever gotten me. Thank you. (gently pats Abby on the cheek). (unwrapping gifts) Is this...The World According To Sesame Street DVD! This was such a great documentary when I saw it on TV. And Rodgers and Hammerstein...Classic! Thanks, girls!
Big Bird: Hey, Bryan, Bryan!
Bry: What what?
Big Bird: Did you like our silly song?
Bry: I sure did!
Telly: We practiced with Kyle aaaall week!
Bry: I can tell! It was just wonderful. This has turned out to be such a nice party, and I see Cookie Monster has been behaving himself. The cake is still there.
Bert: Actually, we had two cakes made.
Ernie: Yeah, that's the back-up. Cookie scarfed down the first one hours ago.
Bry: And the second one is still standing.
Ernie: But did you notice the decorations aren't?
Voice from across the room: *BURP* 'Scuse me!
Hoots: Hey, Bry! You got another little package here! Looks like it's from Ed and The Count Baby.
Bry: Oh! It's a full and complete CD of Sesame Street music! Cool! I'll have to listen to some of this later.
Hoots: Hey, mind if I join you?
Bry: You got it, Hootsy!
Hoots: Alright! Hehehe!
Bry: In the meantime, let's dance!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Voiceover: The dorms were brought to you today by the letter U and by the number 8.
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