Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Oh, I thought we were allowed to get little presents during the time up until Christmas and then we give them a more special final present. But nevermind.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: I'll be back guys, I forgot something in my car. (goes outside)
Bert: So we're gonna have Bryan's party tomorrow?
Ernie: Yeah, because he won't be around for his real birthday on Friday. He'll be gone all weekend with his family and girlfriend.
Hoots: Woo woo! Hehehe!
Bert: Hmm...we better tell Ed so he can make a Dorm-wide announcement.
Ernie: I'll tell him. (opens the door and calls out loudly down the hallway) HEY ED! WE NEED TO HAVE BRYAN'S BIRTHDAY PARTY TOMORROW!!
(voices of angry and disturbed residents trying to sleep saying "Keep it down" "what's all the racket" "Hey bathboy, I'm tryin to sleep here")
Ernie: THANKS!! (comes back inside and shuts the door) There.
Telly: Looks like the "Dorm-wide announcment" has been done already.
Bert: *sigh*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Oh, I forgot something...(goes back out to the hallway) MUPPET COLLEGE DORMS WERE BROUGHT TO YOU TODAY BY THE NUMBER 7 AND THE LETTER O!!!
(More voices of a Grouchy residents)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh... Yeah, we can do that too Bry. Leaving little presents like candies or Christmas cards is fine. Just leave them tied in baggies around the doors' knobs or tied to the light fixtures next to each door. And thanks for letting me know Ernie, I'll be back in a little while and make the announcement.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Ok girls did you hear Ernie last night?
Red: Who didn't hear Ernie last night?
Beth: Good point. So, Bryan's party is tonight. But we've got the present so it's ok
Abby: I made a big card
Wanda: Wow, it's so sparkly!
Abby: I sprinkled it with fairy dust!
Beth: Ok, so we'll all sign it, wrap the present and we'll be good to go
Abby: I'm excited, I love birthdays
Beth: Me too


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: (leaning against the door of Piggy’s room) Honey, aren’t you even going to come out for lunch?
Piggy: No!
Catherine: (gently) Piggy, honey, sulking and hiding aren’t going to help. Besides, everybody knows what happened.
Piggy: (sarcastically) Thanks for reminding me!
Catherine: (sighing) What I meant was that everybody understands that Robot Kermit tricked you. Layla’s not mad at you—heck, I think she would have helped you dismantle him if she’d known at the time—
Piggy: (interrupting) I don’t care! I’m not coming out!
Catherine: (not wheedling desperately) Piggy, Kermit knows, too, and he’s really—
Piggy: Do not say THAT FROG’s name in my presence!
Catherine: (now trying to be reasonable) Piggy, that’s not really fair. Kermit’s sorry. He—he misunderstood when he came in and found you—
Piggy: If he’s so sorry, why hasn’t he apologized!
Catherine: Um, because you won’t take his calls? Or come out of your room? Or go to class…by the by, what are you planning on doing about your exams?
Piggy: Um…um, I’ll take them online.
Catherine: Computer’s out here.
Piggy: (wildly) I’m not coming out! I’m never coming out! (There are sounds of sniffling.)
Catherine: (sympathetically) Oh, Honey. Okay, okay—don’t cry. We’ll, we’ll think of something. How ‘bout I bring some lunch and leave it outside your door?
Piggy: I don’t want any—
Catherine: I made my vegetarian ghoulash.
Piggy: Um….
Catherine: And I saved you a gingerbread cookie.
Piggy: It’s not a gingerfrog, is it?
Catherine: (hastily, but with fingers crossed) Oh no—of course not. So, you’ll eat if I bring something?
Piggy: Ummm
Catherine: Super. (stops and puts a hand on the door) This will pass, Piggy. I promise. Everything will be okay by Christmas. (There is no answer. Catherine sighs and heads for the kitchen.)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Revises totals and looks through ornament box.
Hmmm, you know, I think this'd be better for some sort of surprise. I'll just let the others decorate the trees.
Count: And vhat do you plan to do for finals?
Working on that, have reading and writing to do, it can keep till the weekend.
Count: Hope you know vhat you're doing.
So do I my fiend... So do I.
Count: So vhat about the monsters and batty girls? Ru did encourage you didn't she?
Yes, but I explained that I think I'd prefer to do one-on-one teamups, sort of Counting Pages if you will.
Count: Ah, how fondly I remember those... So many outfits, so much counting.
Yep... But I think I'll leave that off the docket for now. Sounds like Christy's plotting something behind our backs. Will let her surprise us, if it is she does have something and then it's a matter of taking it from there if I wish.

OK, back to the grindstone. Leave a note if you guys need me.
*Goes back to working on Muppet Listings.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys. Tonight is Bryan's b-day. You do know what we have planed?

Cookie M: *salutes* You got it boss.

Maurice: *salutes* Understand!

Ok. When Grover and Herry get here we'll explain it to them. Now get anything you know of that is ment for the surprised tonight gathered and ready.

Maurice & Cookie M: Yes sir! *salutes and runs off*

Good. Now to get this present wraped.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bean: *rushes in* Oh, this secret Santa thing is SO much fun! *bounce* I picked-
Bobo: *cough*
Bear: *sniff*
Beau: *sneeze*
Bo: Bean! The whole point of a secret Santa is that it's secret!
Bean: I thought the whole point of a secret Santa was that it was Santa?
Bear: Well, that is one point...because with no secret, or indeed no Santa, there would be no secret Santa.
Beau: *sneeze*
Bobo: So wise.
Bo: So, you can't just go around saying, "I've chosen-"
Bobo: *cough*
Bear: *sniff*
Beau: *sneeze*


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is sitting alone in the kitchen with her head buried in her arms when Hilda enters.>

Hilda:Oh! <concerned> Are you alright?
Leyla: <sighs> I... have NO idea what to do.
Hilda: About the-
Leyla: About that. <Without lifting her head, she points to the wall, beyond which lies Room #20.>
Hilda:Ah. <She settles into the chair beside her moping roommate.> It certainly is a mess.
Leyla: <sighs> Yep.
<long pause>
Leyla: It's my responsibility too, you know. My fault.
Hilda: You're not going to join the pity party, are you?
Leyla:<sitting up> No... but... it is true, you know. I just HAD to dig Robot Kermit out of that closet, and then I just HAD to set him to rights... now he's setting my favorite frog and pig to wrongs, and I don't know what to do with it. He's caused SO many problems!

Hilda: Aren't you having him apologize to them?

Leyla: <grimly> Oh, yes. He's writing his letters, and I'll be like Santa in this and check them twice over to see that they're good letters. I've had a good long chat with Catherine over the whole matter. Piggy's cloistered herself away in her room and won't come out. I wouldn't be surprised if she was layering bricks against the door. It's all very alarming, and not like her... ah, she's SO upset, not that I blame her. Fozzie's in a tizzy with all the stress in that room. I let him pitch jokes to me for over an hour last night to try to cheer him up a bit. I've already apologized personally to Kermit.

Hilda: Did Kermit accept it?

Leyla: I...I guess so. Well, yes, of course he did. He says it's not my fault, and he's too nice a guy to hold it against me, but... well, you can tell how miserable he is over the whole thing.

Hilda: <dryly> Isn't he always miserable over the whole thing with Miss Piggy?

<the ushy gushy girl suddenly rattles her cage moodily>

Leyla: You're not helping. Nothing seems to be helping. <softly, guiltily> Hilda... if... if Piggy ever does get out of her room and goes to town on Robot Kermit... I'm not sure I'd try to stop her, and, what's worse... I'm not really sure if I should try and put him back together again. Is that... does that make me an awful roommate?

<Hilda opens her mouth to reply, but a sound at the door interrupts her. Robot Kermit is standing there, holding his apology letters in his hands, looking as heart broken as a robot can look.

Robot Kermit: You... don't like me?

Leyla: <horrified> Oh, gosh, we didn't see you... of course I like it's just that...

<RK drops the letters on to the floor and bolts off. Leyla starts to follow him, but by the time she disentangles herself from the chair, he's gone.>

Hilda: <softly> It's just that nobody else does.

Leyla:<sharply> Hilda!

Hilda:He asked, and he's gone anyway.

Leyla: But... but... I DO like him... oh, this is awful. I need to find him! <she moves to the door, stopping to scoop up the letters.> Gosh, Hilda... there's a letter in here for me, too. <she shakes her head, distraught> I've got to find him.
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