Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Nope... Twas just coincidence buys. Actually, we were adding entries to the list thanks to all the wonderful people's work at Muppet Wiki. Bit tired though, didn't even finish. And there's soo much left to do to get it just perfect before posting the next version. Oh well, that can keep till my B-Day after I've finished with exams and stuff.
Count: Ah, I see our fanfic nagging's done for the night.
Yup, unless someone actually posts an update or two or three...
Count: Yes... Did you talk to Catherine?
Did, she was just what I needed... Someone to listen to my randomness. Bit more confident, though we'll see how long that lasts.
Count, placing hand on shoulder: I know the feeling. So really, it's OK vith me if you can't decide vhat to do regarding the castle creatures.
Thanks buddy, that means a lot.

*Both leave to go get some dinner before watching a few TV shows.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Boy, things have been kinda slow and quiet around the Dorms lately.
Telly: That's cuz you haven't been around much.
Big Bird: Yeah, it's just not the same without you!
Bry: Aww thanks. Yeah, it's been a busy couple of weeks. Mainly because of this show I'm rehearsing for.
Big Bird: Oh yeah! How was rehearsal?
Bry: It was fine. By the way, I think I need to talk to you all about something.
Ernie: What is it?
Bry: Well, you all know I'm in this show, right?
Telly: Yeah...
Bert: Sure we do.
Big Bird: Yeah, and we can't wait to see it! Right, guys?
Ernie: Oh yeah!
Telly: I'm excited!
Bert: It'll be great! Eh-eh-eh!
Bry: Well, I didn't mention that it's a national tour.
Telly: What does that mean?
Bry: It means that I'll be travelling around the country performing the show.
Big Bird: Really? When do we leave?! I gotta get packing!
Bry: Slow down, Big Bird. I don't know if you guys will be able to come.
Big Bird: We won't.
Bry: I'm afraid not.
Telly: Then what's going to happen to us?
Bry: We'll figure it out. It would only be for a couple months and I'm sure you'll be looked after alright by some of our friends here at the Dorms.
Big Bird: But who's gonna tuck me in at night and make me my birdseed milkshakes for lunch?
Bry: Kyle knows the recipe, Big Bird. Remember? He's made your milkshakes dozens of times, and you will all be taken care of.
Bert: We're sure gonna miss you. Aren't we, Ernie?
Ernie: You got that right, Bert.
Bry: (sigh) Yeah...I'm really gonna miss you all too, but I'm not really leaving until March, so we don't have to worry about it too much til then. Let's just have a good time together now and enjoy our Christmas!
Telly: Yeah!
Bert: Hey, speaking of which, and in honor of the Letter of the Day --the letter F-- I've made some figgy fizz punch! Who wants some?!
Bry: Sounds refreshing! Thanks, Bert!
Bert: You're welcome, and might I add that the Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letter F and the number 5!
(all take their glasses and sit in front of the TV for a movie)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Isn't it nice to see the dorm all pretty and decorated for Christmas?
Red: Sure is!
Abby: Are we going to make Christmas cookies?
Beth: Yes, we are definately going to make cookies
Wanda: What kinds do you make?
Beth: All kinds really, plus fudge
Wanda: Ooh, yummy
Red: It is
Beth: So Bryan's birthday is coming up. Any ideas for a present?
Red: I've got nothing
Abby: I can color a picture
Beth: I'm sure he'd love that Abby, but we need something else too
Wanda: I might have an idea
Beth: Great!
*they continue conversing while sipping hot chocolate and eating toast*


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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In our room sifting through Christmas decorations..

Skeeter: Well these are pathetic and so are you. You feeling any better?

Christy: Yeah, somewhat. Ever have a time when everything goes wrong at once?

Skeeter: We all have times like that. Now come on it's Christmas and well our leftovers from last year stink! So you up for some Christmas shopping gloomy?

Christy: Sure thing! *throws a pillow at Skeeter* Hey I'm not as gloomy as I was! Besides, I got to buy my secret Santa gift and plan something for Eduardo

Skeeter: That's right! Sooo who'd you pick? Hmmm???

Christy: Nice try! C'mon let's go buy some pine boughs to put in here...this room smells like your gym socks! *runs out of our room*

Skeeter: *runs after me* I heard that!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm... The room looks a bit better this way.
Count: Yes, just the fright touches of Christmas cheer amidst our usual trappings.
Got some faux holly sprigs covering and dangling from the spider chandelier/ceiling fan.
Count: And the twinkling lights add a sort of merry feeling.
Not to mention the wreath outside on our door and the light streams with some more faux holly lining the window.

Hope the rest of the guys have fun decorating their own rooms... We'll have to enlist some help for decorating the trees and the rest of the house though.
That, and think of what we can get Bryan for his birthday.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*yawning* Oooooo what a good night sleep that was.

Herry: *scratches his belly as he walks by the room*

Good morning Herry.

Herry: Good morning...*yawns*...Kyle.

Not quite awake.

Herry: You got that right. I'm heading to take a bath.

Me too. I'm half awake. Ok. What would you like for breakfeast?

Herry: Whatever you want to cook. *heads on to the bathroom*

I'll cook that one thing everyone liks. Pancakes. *starts the breakfast*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Look at that! Sprinkling just enough to take a birdbath outside. La la la!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well guys I'm heading on to work. And if I see anything you can't live without Oscar I'll bring it back.

Oscar: It better be rusty and old.

Don't worry. I work at a recycling place. They throw away old rusty stuff. Maybe I'll find something there for you for christmas.

Oscar: You better not give me anything for christmas. I'll hate you forever!

Don't you do that anyways?

Oscar: Uh...oh yea. Still don't! *slams trashlid*

Oh that Oscar. I'll see you guys a little after 6.

Herry: Alright. Bye.

Maurice: Bye.

Cookie M: Bye! Bring me cookies!

I'll try and remember. *shuts door* Hey Big Bird. I'm heading off to work. I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye! *runs off towards the door*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Bye, Kyle! (waving) Have a good day at work!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie& Rositacome in.
Hi're home early.Thought you both needed to work overtime.
Rosita:Fran let us leave early.She figured you needed us.
That was sweet of her.But I'm sure with the holiday rush she needs all the help she can get.Let me call her.
dialing phone...rings twice
Fran's Fragrant Flowers.Happy Holidays!Fran speaking.
Hiya's Kathy.
Kathy!How are you dear?
Been better.
Yes....Prairie and Rosita told me. You poor thing.
Thanks. You know,you didn't need to send the girls home.It's the holiday season and you need all the help you can get.
Nonsense.You need them now.I have enough help right now.They'll still get paid for today.I forgot to tell them.Please let them know for me,OK?
Are you sure?
Positive,Kathy.Now you take care of yourself,okay sweetie?
OK Fran...thank you.
You're welcome Kath.Bye-bye.
Bye.hanging up the phone She's a nice lady.Oh yeah...she told me to tell you both that you'll still get paid for today.
Prairie: Well...that's good.Me & Rosita picked up some sandwiches for the three of us.I got a you know what salad sandwich for you:wink: starts flapping her arms and clucking softly
*giggling* Gotcha.Good idea to pantomime it in case someone overhears you.:smile:
Prairie:Thanks! I got a tuna sandwich for myself.
Rosita:And for me,I have a roast beef with American cheese on a roll.
All sounds good!Let's eat!
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