Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Hey there guys. Back from my sisters.

Grover: Why did you have to go over there?

The nieces wanted to see me and I thought I would go over there to visit.

Herry: We got a card.
From who?

Herry: From Bryan. He says "Thank you Kyle for letting my roomies stay over."

*calls Bryan up* Hey Bryan. Glad to see you back. Sorry I missed yea. I was out for a few days. I hope your roomies didn't think I abandon them. Sure thing. Anytime you need someone to watch over them I'll be the man. Thanks for the card too. You and your friends are welcome anytime. Bye. *hangs up* I just can't get enough of Big Bird, Telly, Bert and Ernie. There all fun to be with.

Cookie M: Me enjoyed Ernie over. He should come over often.

Yep. So do I Cookie Monster. Time for some TV. *sets back*

Cookie M: Me watch too. *grabs a box of cookies*

Can I have some?

Cookie M: *hands box to me*

Thanks. *starts eatting them like Cookie does*

Cookie M: Me not know you a monster?

I'm not. Just being around you makes me do crazy things.

Cookie M: Me see. *grabs box back*


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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You know something Fatatatita... *Sitting with her in my lap.
Been thinking of posting something along the line of short little scenes... Stringing them along into a grand collection... Might have some Muppetlike characters, might have some humans, and might have some other things. Hmmm, will probably talk it over with some of those writer fiends of mine. Maybe they'll see this and we can talk about it over the dorms' mailer.
Oh well... *Lets her get back to her corner, moves on to check more posts.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie & Rosita come in
Prairie:OK Kath...what's the matter?she sits cross-legged on the floor
Rosita:'re not usually in such a bad mood. You okay,amiga? Oscar didn't say anything to get you so upset,did he?sitting next to Prairie on the floor
No....Oscar didn't say or do anything to get me mad. I guess I felt like it was one of those days. You 2 were lucky you had to work. I was really bad company today.:rolleyes:
Prairie:You feel sick?Headache?Flu symptoms? It's going around the dorms,you know.
Don't worry "Nurse Prairie":wink: I'm not sick.Just tired,I guess.Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.
Rosita:I know what'll make you feel better.
Rosita:You'll find out in the morning.Now why don't you get some sleep,OK?
C'mon...tell me!
Rosita:And ruin the surprise? No way Jose! Prairie knows, right Prairie?
Prairie:I'm pretty sure I do. 'Night Kath!
they tiptoe out of my room
Rosita*whispering*:Those chocolate croissants that Kathy loves. I saw them in Mike's Bakery in Hensonville on my break!
Prairie:Good idea! And I'll get her a double chocolate chip frappucino from the coffee shop!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: It's so nice not to be sick anymore.
Big Bird: Yeah, I'm glad you're feeling better.
Bry: Yeah, it didn't last that long. And I really think it's a bit too early for the flu. Hopefully we can all keep ourselves from getting it this year. We don't want what happened last year.
Ernie: What happened last year?
Big Bird: Everyone got so sick. Even Snuffy!
Telly: It started with just snuffle sniffles, and then he would sneeze so hard he blew me right out the window! It was like living in the middle of a hurricane!!
Bert: Wow.
Ernie: (laughs)
Bry: We tried everything to get him better, including warm cabbage soup, but it wasn't til later when we found out that we needed the leaf of a stink plant for the mixture to work.
Ernie: A stink plant?
Bert: Whatever happened to good old fashioned echinacea?
Big Bird: Good thing we had Stinky around. He saved the day!
Bry: He sure did. Let's just hope that none of us get that sick this time. Anything good on TV?
Telly: Deal or No Deal.
Bry: Oooh! Let's watch that!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Hey, Bryan? What's is the Letter and Number of the Day?
Bry: Hmm...I dunno. I thought we'd find that out from Prawnie tonight.
Ernie: No problem!
Bry: You know what the sponsors are tonight, Ernie?
Ernie: No, I don't, but Rubber Duckie does.
Bert: Rubber Duckie knows the Letter and Number of the Day?
Ernie: That's right!
Bert: Oh, Ernie...
Bry: Okay. Well, then I'll leave it to you then. Goodnight, you two. Goodnight, Big Bird!
Big Bird: (from his nest area outside the kitchen window) Goodnight!
Bry: Come on, Telly, let's go to sleep. (goes to bed)
Telly: Okay. (follows me)
Ernie: Go ahead, Rubber Duckie. What is the Number of the Day? (Ernie squeazes Duckie as he talks to him) Is it 1?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak*
Ernie: No, it's not 1. Is it 2?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak*
Ernie: It's not 2, either.
Bert: Ernie, what are you doing?
Ernie: Quiet, Bert. Rubber Duckie is about to tell us the Number of the Day. Is it 3?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak*
Ernie: No?
Bert: Ernie, Rubber Duckie does not know the Number of the Day.
Ernie: Of course, he does, Bert. (to Rubber Duckie) Is the Number of the Day 4?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak*
Ernie: It's not 4, either?! What could it be? Is it the number 5?!
Rubber Duckie: (excitedly) *Squeak* *Squeak* *Squeak* *Squeak*!!!
Ernie: The Number of the Day is 5! Yay!!
Bert: Now, Ernie, stop this nonesense! Your Rubber Duckie did not just tell you that the Number of the Day is 5!
Ernie: He didn't? Are...are you sure?
Bert: I am sure, Ernie. That is ridiculous! You just made that up is all!
Ernie: I made it up, Bert?
Bert: Yes. All the duck did was squeak. You made him squeak. He did not say the Number of the Day.
Ernie: Oh...well, okay, Bert. I guess you're right.
Bert: Of course, I'm right.
Ernie: Gee...sorry about that, Bert. Come on, Rubber Duckie. Let's get ready for bed. (goes to the bathroom)
Bert: Yeah, it was made up. (Under his breath) Honestly...
Oh, hi, Bernice. (Walks over to Bernice, who is perched on the window) What's that?

Bernice: *Coos*
Bert: What? (looks around to see if anyone else is in the room) Bernice...(lowers voice) The Letter of the Day is T?
Bernice: *Coos*
Bert: Terrific. I love the letter T. Thank you, Bernice.
Ernie: (walks up behind Bert) Hey, Bert!
Bert: (Startled) Ah! Oh, hi! Hi, Ernie.
Ernie: Bert, whatcha doin'?
Bert: Nothing. Nothing at all, Ernie. (embarrassed laughter) Just um...saying "goodnight" to Bernice. That's all...
Ernie: Oh...okay. Well, I'll be getting in bed now. Goodnight, Bert.
Bert: Goodnight, Ernie.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckling... Oh those two... They're almost as bad as Lyan.
Hmmm... Wonder where it is that Rosita works. I know Prairie helps out at Fran's Fragrant Flowers... And you can probably get a good cup of joe at Jim's Coffee House...
Oh well... Off to take care of some errands. Sure hope Sara's OK, haven't heard from her in a while. Also hope Kendra's doing fine, she hasn't been here in a while.
*Goes off to get some breakfast.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Zoot: What's that smell?

Diana: It's coffee from Dunkin' Donuts Zoot.I bought the gallon box,in case anyone wanted some.

Dr. Teeth: Thanks for the cafe Diana.

Diana: You're welcome Dr. Teeth. be continued.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth comes back from bakery with goodies for her roommates*
Red: Muffins!
Wanda: Why doesn't that surprise me?
Abby: Can I have the chocolate chip one?
Beth: Yes, I've got a chocolate chip one for you, a tuna one for Wanda and a doozer dust one for Red
Red: What kind of muffin are you going to eat?
Beth: Blueberry
Wanda: I'll go down to the kitchen to get us some milk
Beth: Sounds great! I love muffins
Roomies: We know!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*Christy wanders down the hallway reading the notebook in one hand and balancing two full latte cups in another*

Christyb: *muttering to self*

Skeeter: *coming down the hallway looking for her coffee* Whoa there! *takes her cup* You sure that was a good idea?

Christyb: Huh? Wha? Oh the coffee. Sure it was. Actually, that's the carmel mocha which would be mine. Yours is the single white mocha still in my hand.

Skeeter: *switches the coffee* Gotcha. What's so fascinating by the way.

Christyb: Destiny...*frowns, hands Skeeter my cup and begins scribbling*

Skeeter: Yours or the story?

Christyb: Ha ha very funny. No it's this whole reverse Piggy/Kermit thing. It's so much fun to have Piggy be the disintrested one!

Skeeter: I actually have a neat idea for the next chapter! Let's go into the common room and I'll tell you!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: (on phone) Mmmhmm. Right. Okay, it'll be in tomorrow. (hangs up) I love my job.
(sneezing from Nora's room)
Storyteller: Nora, are you all right?
Nora: No...(achoo). One of Mike's fraternity buddies had a sinus infection, and I think I caught it! (achoo) My day is ruined.
MN: Take a few decongestants and kick back with some soup and OJ. I'll call Mrs. Farley and tell her you can't come in to work this afternoon. (goes back to desk and starts shuffling through story notes again)
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