Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Gaffer comes up to me and starts rubbing her head against my face
Hi Gaffer...*rubbing the top of her head* Thanks kitty...I needed that. I'm in kind of a down mood today.
Gaffer gives me a sympathetic look
Awww...I'll be OK Gaffer.I love you,cutie.*kissing her*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, guys. Did you have fun with Kyle?
Ernie: It was great! We had the first football game, Scooter and Skeeter's birthday...
Telly: You missed a lot.
Bry: I know. I wish I was around.
Bert: How many more weekends do you have to do this show of yours?
Bry: Only one more weekend, Bert.
Bert: Oh, good.
Bry: I'd like to make it up to you for missing everything this weekend. I've been invited to a special press luncheon for the USC football team today and I thought maybe you guys would like to come.
Ernie: USC?
Big Bird: Hey, I think Red Fraggle told me about them once. It's the University of Silly Creatures...whatever that means.
Bry: (laughs) Something like that, Big Bird. Anyway, you guys wanna come?
Ernie: You bet!
Bert: Ernie, we have class today.
Ernie: Oh yeah.
Telly: Yeah, and I have a tuba lesson this afternoon.
Bry: Oh.
Telly: Sorry.
Big Bird: Well, I'm not busy. I can go!
Bry: Oh, great, Big Bird!
Ernie: Hey, when you're there, see if you can get the inside scoop on their team's strategies this year so we can whip them when we play.
Bry: You got it, buddy. Okay, Big Bird, it's just you and me. You ready?
Big Bird: Yep!
Bry: Let's go! Bye guys!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Nyz: Confounded art project!

Mokey: I thought you liked art...

Nyz: I do! When it's not this <waves art project in the air>

Mokey: <blink> What makes that so different?

Nyz: <lements> I used to detailed of pictures...And trees are to hard to draw!

Mokey: I see...

Nyz: <slams head on table> It's going to take me all night to finish!

Mokey: Then you should probably get started.

Nyz: <rubs forehead and says sadly> Yeah, I guess....


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(coming back to the dorms after the luncheon)
Bry: Did you have a good time, Big Bird? I hope you got enough to eat.
Big Bird: Oh, it was fine. No birdseed cookies, but I can get over that.
Bry: (laughing) Good.
Big Bird: It was such a beautiful room. Reminded me of the banquet hall we used to celebrate Grover at the Flyer's Club Roost.
Bry: Yeah, this one was a little bigger but it did look almost like that.
Big Bird: I wonder where everyone is.
Bry: I dunno, but I think I'm going to take myself a little nap.
Big Bird: Okay. I'm going to go outside and see if there's anybody to play with. See ya later!
Bry: Bye!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *tapping pencil on keyboard*
Clifford: Hey dude, whatcha doin'? What's that you're typin' there? "Ahgdinvid?" What?
Me: Oh sorry Cliff, I was just hitting my pencil on the keyboard...Can't seem to figure out how to word this essay the right way...
Clifford: Well, you could type if from right to left, that would be the right way. Heh heh.
Me: You're not helping Cliff...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Good to be back home... Got a lot of posts to go through, will be logging off around 8 PM, Monday shows take over you know.
Sure hope Scooter got back to his room all right, saw Sara here earlier though I haven't heard from her. Hope he likes the neat leather bound agenda we got him for his birthday, he can keep much more information stored there than on his clipboard, stuff like important dates and phones and that sort of stuff.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Bert, would you do me a favor?
Bert: Sure. What is it?
Bry: Would you make a few deliveries for me? A couple of belated birthday gifts and a card for Kyle thanking him for letting you guys stay with him last weekend.
Bert: No problem.
Bry: Oh good. (Hands Bert 3 envelopes each containing something different--the first one is for Scooter and holds a gift card to the Sharper Image; the second, for Skeeter, has a gift card for Chicks Sporting Goods; the third is a thank you card for Kyle.) I really appreciate it, Bert.
Bert: You're very welcome. I have a system.
Bry: What's that?
Bert: Get a load of this...(walks over to the window) Bernice! (Bernice the pigeon soars down from the roof and lands on the window sill) Would you deliver these please?
(Bernice coos and takes envelopes in her beak and flies off to deliver)
Bry: (intrigued) Well, look at that.
Bert: Pretty nifty, huh? Now, that's air mail! (Laughs)


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Wanda is sitting by herself, staring sadly at a picture of Wayne. She looks up as Leyla enters their room.

Wanda: Hi... oh... are you okay?

Leyla: Hmm? Oh, oh yes, I am. I'm just....

Wanda: You look confused.

Leyla: Yes, that's it exactly. I'm confused!

Wanda: Um... about what? I'm... not feeling too certain these days either.

<Leyla smiles and settles next to Wanda in their little blue sofa, drapping an encouraging arm over her shoulder.> I know. It'll get better.

Wanda: Thanks... are boys confusing you too?

Leyla: Well, one is... but not in the same way. It's one boy and one girl, actually. A couple of writers... or maybe just one.

Wanda: Toga and Prawnie?

Leyla: Yeah, I was hanging out with them for a while... and they were being confusing... and evil, apparently. I only know about the confusing part.

Wanda: <confused> I... don't understand.

Leyla: I don't think you're supposed to. It's fun though.

Wanda: So you had a good time?

Leyla:I did! I really did. They're good fiends.

Wanda: Um... was that a mistake? You mean good friends?

Leyla: Sure... that too. <laughs>


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: *pokes head into Layla's door* Ah, yes they're good fiends as well, believe you me. Now if you'll excuse me, that prawn has an essay to finish...*leaves*


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Leyla: Did... that just happen?

Wanda: Oh, relax. You'll get used to him.

Leyla: He's a little scary.

Wanda: And Prawnie and Lisa aren't?

Leyla: Point taken.
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