Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *in the stands with Camilla and Uncle D.* Woo!! Go Cliff! Go...Hey...Is THAT Gonzo?!
UD: *smirks* He DID have a dire need to injure himself today.
Camilla: Bawk bagawk bawwwk!!
Me: Yeah! Way to go Gonzo! Way to get totally clobbered by that huge forward! Way to totally take my spot on the team and get injured for me! Wooo!
UD: This could get interesting...


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Nyz: <lays on roof looking at the night sky>

Jabber: What are you doing?

Nyz: Daydreaming...

Jabber: But it's night...

Nyz: Then I'm Nightdreaming...

Jabber: Isn't that kind of a waste of time?

Nyz: Not at all...It is clinical proven that if you don't "work out" your brain it will shrink...and one of the best ways to "work out" your brain is to Daydream...or Nightdream as the chase may be...

Jabber: I see...

Nyz: Besides...If I didn't Day/Nightdream I would never be able to write my stories...ever...

Jabber: <nods>

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Scooter and Skeeter are sound asleep, both tired out after cheering at the big game and selling sodas and snacks at the big game.
Count, quietly: Ed? Vhat are you doing up so late?
Well... Just felt like getting up and checking my messages for a while.
Count: Mmm, I see. Vell, just let me know if there's anything interesting.
Will do buddy.

*Reads messages from Ryan. Huh? Thought we were playing against the Acme Loons this week. Oh well, guess that game got pushed back to next week, and the game with the Mice was this Saturday. Sure hope we won though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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The Storyteller's Dog: What are you doing up so early again? I figured you would be to tired to get up this morning.
Melissa: Well, I would be if I wasn't going to work again.
The Storyteller's Dog: You're working entirely to much.
Melissa: I'm sorry, but I'm needed and the money helps my husband and I get the little things we need for the house we are buying.
The Storyteller's Dog: True.
Melisa: Anyway, how are you doing? Settling in okay? Sprocket showing you around and giving you the grand tour?
The Storyteller's Dog: Yes, <looks over at Sprocket who is sleeping on his back with his legs half up in the air> he's a good dog. This is a welcome break from all the traveling around a Storyteller has to do. Better than that cold, drab castle we stay in too. I think I might like it here.
Melissa: Good, I'm sorry that I haven't been around so much to get you settled. I promise to spend more time with both of you on my next day off.
The Storyteller's Dog: Which is?
Melissa: <Shrugs as she stands up to find shoes to be able to leave> By the way, what's your first name?
The Storyteller's Dog: I don't have one. Most people call me mongrel.
Melissa: That won't do. You should think about what you want to be called let me know.
The Storyteller's Dog: Okay, I'll do that.
Melissa: You all behave today and I'll see you tonight after work. <leaves room and quietly exits dorms>

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN:, man, Scooter and Skeeter had a birthday this weekend and I missed it? Rats. I need to start taking on a relaxed workload.
Nora: Great...just when I had to go up to Danforth and visit my snob of a brother and his buddies in Delta Upsilon Mu. (aside) Spells out DUM.
Storyteller: Now, now, I managed to grab some cake, and there's a football game soon. (starts sorting through letters) Ah, here's one from the Rock...Beige Fraggle is the Cave's new ambassador to the Rock, and on his first official visit he brought his little sister Ecru along, how nice...oh ho, what's this?
MN: Judging from your sudden tone shift, I'd say there's something juicy in that letter.
Storyteller: The World's Oldest Fraggle is now going out with the Cave's Oldest Fraggle!
(room dissolves in peals of laughter)
Nora: Now that's irony, seeing as they hated each other's guts. (looks glum) But I bought Scooter this really nice green and orange and turquoise sweater, and I got Skeeter a new set of nunchuks.
MN: Yeah, and a while ago I got Scooter some good books of guitar music, and I got Skeeter a trial membership at the local skydiving school.
Storyteller: Oh...I think you'll still have time to give those to them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Floyd: What are you wearing Diana?

Diana: It's a new shirt Floyd.I bought it at the Maryland Rennaisance Festival.

Dr. Teeth: How did you enjoy your stay at the woods of medieval imagination?

Diana: It was nice to be walking around,seeing a lot of families spending time together.A place to be invisible amongst the living.I miss being in the forest too,reminds me of summer camp.

Janice: We have a balcony Diana,care to check it out? We put some patio furniture,a dart board and a foosball table out there,gives us something to do.

Diana: Fabulous.Thanks for doing that. Will be a nice place to meditate at too.

Janice: Fer surely.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: I am NOT sick.
Rowlf: Yet.
Lisa: <Glares.> I am not sick, and I am not GETTING sick.
Rowlf: You're awful tired for someone who's not getting sick.
Lisa: That's called sleep deprivation. Happens all the time.
Rowlf: And you don't look so good, either.
Lisa: That's because I'm TIRED. Not sick.
Rowlf: <Puts paw on Lisa's cheek> You're awful WARM for someone who's not getting sick, too.
Lisa: It's warm in here.
Robin: I'm not warm!
Lisa: Well- you're cold-blooded. I over heat easy. Big difference.
Rowlf: So you're not sick?
Lisa: No.
Rowlf: And you're not getting sick.
Lisa: No.
Rowlf: Well in that case, why not write some more story?
Lisa: Would you CAN IT, Rowlf? I'm all ready in enough of a guilt-trip for not going to the family party today OR going out to see my grandmother when she was supposedly in my aunt's car at the synagogue. I have homework to do, all right?
Rowlf: ...You're also in an awful bad mood for someone who's not getting sick.
Lisa: ROWLF!
Rowlf: Sorry.
Lisa: <rubs head and groans>
Rowlf: Just drink plenty of water, okay?
Lisa: <sarcastically> Yes doctor.
Rowlf: Hey, your mom told you the same thing...
Lisa: I know...
Robin: Rowlf?
Rowlf: <Guiding Robin out of the room> Let's go to the park... Just leave her be for now, Robin.
Robin: Do you think she's just upset?
Rowlf: Upset?
Robin: She said Ed was the only one who replied to the chapter she posted with Ryan...
Rowlf: That may have something to do with it. The fact that she stayed up past two in the morning to post that chapter might have something to do with it, too.
Robin: But Ryan stayed up too, and he seems okay...
Rowlf: I don't know, Robin. I just think it'd be a good idea to leave Lisa be for now.
Robin: Okay...

Lisa: <Now alone in room 24> I am not sick. I'm just tired. ...I can't be sick, I have too much to do. And besides, I feel fine... I'm just tired. <Drinks water>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Watching football games from the NFL in the common room with Skeeter.
Wow... That was a great come from behind win.
Skeeter: What team was that?
The NY Giants.
Skeeter: Sure was great!
Yeah... And my team won too.
Skeeter: The Giants?
Nope, the Ravens. Different team. There's cold sodas or juice in the fridge if you want. I'll be back in a little while.

*Goes to check on Erin. Hey Erin... You can still hand the twins their gifts, they're staying with me for the weekend until Christy and Sara get back. And the MC Frogs game was last night.
Hope this helps... Let us know if you catch Richard's cameo in the movie.
*Walks back to common room, refills pretzel rods and popcorn bowl with garlic nutter butter.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *doing math homework* ...Hey Cliff...Do you understand geometry?
Clifford: *laying on the bed throwing footbal in the air and catching it* Naw dude, but I understand that our team had some killer chemistry last night! Heh heh!
Me: Sheesh...I'll go ask Uncle D. Don't wanna ask Lisa...She's sick. *thud against wall* ...How DOES she hear that??


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <leaning against doorpost of room 24, glaring at door of room 25> Same way you knew without a doubt that it was I who made the thud. <Raises and lowers eyebrows> Beware the wrath of Lyan... <giggles> <starts to close door, stops, throws it back open> And I am NOT SICK! I was just tired. I feel much better now, so beware... <glares over shoulder at backpack.> Well. Prepare to beware, anyway... <goes back into room and resumes work on homework>
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