Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 11, 2006
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That's right, M*A*S*H. I've just got to grab a few more seasons before that DVD collection is complete. I'll head down to Penny Candyman tomorrow.

All of this food looks delicious.

<Grabs two plates and fills them with a little of everything. Cuts up one plate's contents into managable bits and takes it over to a corner to set down for Sprocket so no one will accidently step in it>


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May 12, 2005
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Nyssa: I'm going downstairs!

Mokey: <She looks up from where she is all ready painting a large underground lake on the wall> Ok, I'd like to finish this...See you later

Jabber: <playing video game> Bye!

Ludo: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz...

Nyssa: ....Bye! <runs downstairs and starts making smores>


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Mar 21, 2005
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Lou: *comes running out to paddeo with Wembly and Gobo* Well, here we are. Sorry we're late; Kate just had a few phone calls to make before she could come down, and she didn't want the boys *points at Gobo and Wembly* eating all the food before she got here. She should be right behind us.
Gobo: What's that supposed to mean, eh? The "boys" eating all the food.
Lou: Oh look, here she is now.
Me: Hey Ed, thanks for the reoppening party. I braught this box of chocolates for you, and her's a tray of homemade chocolates for all our friends to pick at this evening. I'll just put them on the end of the food table with the other desert you made.
*walks over to Nyssa* Hey, great to see you and Luto back. Can't wait to meet your other roommate, Jabber, was it? And of course it will be lovely to see Mokey again. Heh, to tell the truth, I was kind of hoping Mokey would agree to be my roommate this year, but there's always next year. Maybe she could sleep over with me and the other fraggles some time, if you don't mind. I'm sure she'd enjoy seeing them!
*helps herself to a big helping of food, and sits down to enjoy it*


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Apr 12, 2005
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<Up on the roof- still.>

Lisa: All right, guys, is that everything?
Rowlf: Yup. We even got the piano down.
Lisa: <stares> In one piece?
Rowlf: We'll find out when we get down there!
Lisa: What a perfectly terrifying thought...
Robin: All set!
Chef: Zee stooffffy-stooffffeeng-stooffff is ell peckety-pecked evey und up und reedy tu gu duuuuuoon!
Lisa: Ready to get your cooking stuff back?
Chef: Yuoo hefe-a keeene-a nu idea hoo mooch I meessy-meess-meessing my keetchee!
Lisa: Well, we'll be back soon enough. Come on, everybody- down the ladder!

<Lisa, Rowlf, Robin, and the Swedish Chef descend the roof ladder one final time.>

Rowlf: Hey, look at that- the piano made it down intact!
Lisa: How'd you do that?
Rowlf: Don't ask.
Robin: We lined the sidewalk with a bunch of the Swedish Chef's cupcakes.
Lisa: Ohhhhhh... the inflating ones he made for my birthday?
Robin: Yup!
Chef: Nu respecty-specteble-a-spect fur feene-a cuukery. Bork bork bork!..

<All go inside, pick up the key, and head for room 24>

Lisa: Ah, home sweet home!
Robin: Can we go to the party? Can we? Can we? Please? Can we?
Lisa: Well Robin I think it's almost over now... I could be wrong...
Rowlf: Shouldn't we unpack?
Chef: <sings> Noo zeere's a perty gueeng oon reeght here-a, a celebreshun thet'll lest thruooghuoot zee yeer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Su breeng yuoor guud teemes! Und yuoor looghter tuu! Ve're-a gunna celebrete-a yuoor perty veet yuoo, cume-a oon noo cellllllebreshun.... Ve're-a gunna celebrete-a, und hefe-a a guud teeme-a... I furget zee rest ooff zee vurds. Um gesh dee bork, bork!.. It's foon tu stey et zee, YMCA! It's foon tu stey et zee YMCA...
Lisa: No, apparently, we shouldn't unpack. Let's go see what's left of the PAR-TAY!!
Robin: <waves arms around> Yaaaaaaay!
Rowlf: He is his uncle's nephew...


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla staggers through the door to room 18, buried in so many bags and boxes that very little of her can actually be seen>

Leyla: Oh, gosh, please tell me this is the right one!

Hilda: Yes... Yes, dear I think it is. Room 18?

Leyla: Yeah, that's it! 8th try's the charm! I like that number, eighteen. It's also next door to Catherine, I think and we have a lot in common.
<Leyla shuffles her burdens around until she is able to fit the key in the lock. A few more shuffles with her armload swaying precariously and she manages to get the door open. A fishing rod rolls back and she catches it in her teeth>

Hilda:Oh! Could I give you a hand?

Leyla<letting go of the rod so it rolls forward then holding it under her chin>: Oh, please don't. Applause is not necessary, Hilda. I'm a little shy, anyway. I shouldn't like to cause a fuss.

Hilda:That's not the kind of hand I meant!

Leyla: Oh, well, of course you can give me a hand... but right now I couldn't possibly hold another thing, so if you could just hold on to the hand first, and then we'll find a nice place for it, that would be great!

Hilda<exasperated>: No, I meant, can I help you?

Leyla<blankly>: With what?

<Hilda, shocked into speechlessness, waves vaguely in the direction of the boxes>

Leyla<catching on at long last>: Oh! Oh, yes. The things! Well, that would be lovely. <She crouches and Hilda relieves her of a box and the fishing pole>
Oh, look, this is such a lovely space for us!

<To Hilda's consternation, she lets the pile drop unceremoniously to the floor.>

Leyla<noticing Hilda's expression>: Sorry, sorry. We'll get it all sorted out once we get it in here. I just don't like to leave Wanda alone too long, and goodness knows the Jimish looking fellow won't leave me alone!

Jim Henson Farmer Guy <hollering from outside>: Leyla! while you're up there, could boil me up a pot of tea and then fill out my tax forms?

Leyla<put upon sigh>: See what I mean? <yells out window> Hold your horses! This is your stuff I dragged in here!

Jim-ish Farmer guy: Have you got my pipe?

Leyla: You're not smoking in here, so forget it! <sigh> C'mon, Hilda. Let's go get them inside.

Hilda:You're not really going to carry them all are you?

Leyla:<shrug> Well, I have to carry Robot Kermit... he's all broken and stuffed in a box. I think Piggy got to him... either that or Kermit's got a violent streak we don't see. Wanda's a mess, but she can walk... and as for Jimmy boy... he's gonna walk or he's gonna fly. <Narrowed eyes> I'm a relaxed kinda person for the most part... but there's a reason I've got that cage outside.

<ominous pause>
Hilda: So what's in the cage?

Leyla: Um... the personification of my slight streak of madn...ushy gushyness. <shifty eyes>

Hilda:I see. <Clearly, she does not see.>

Leyla: It's... mostly harmless. Don't worry about her. Why don't we-

<Hears loud, frantic thumping on the door. Leyla rushes over and pulls it open.>

Leyla:Ru! Hi! No... I don't know anything about a party... I'm late getting in I'm afraid, but when you meet the gang you'll see why. Oh, and look at you, dressed to kill! I imagine that means Piggy must be dress to commit genocide then. Well, give us a minute, and Hilda and I will upgrade to at least "dressed to maim" and we'll join you at the party! It's so good to see you! <hugs ushy gushy sis then closes door>

Hilda: So... now what do we do?

Leyla: What else? PANIC!!!! <They do>


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Furry Arms Hotel

*gets call* It's opened?! Thanks Ed. I'll see you there later. *hangs up* YES! Time for the Muppet Dorms to have there one and only monster loving friend back! YES! *calls up Grover, Herry, Cookie Monster and Maurice*

In the car on the way to the Muppet Dorms........

Oh I am so happy to be going back. I miss you guys.

Grover: So did I.

Herry: I know I missed Big Bird, Telly, Rostia and Snuffy. Being all in one building.

Well Snuffy and Rostia aren't going to be there anymore. Unless someone roomes with them. But Big Bird, Telly, Ernie and Bert are going to be with Bryan.

Cookie M: Oh boy. Me can hardly wait!

Remember Cookie Monster. You need to tell Kathy and Prairie that your sorry for what you did.

Cookie M: Yes sir.

So Maurice are you ready to move into the dorms with us?

Maurice: I guess so. I am kind of scared.

Grover: Where here with you.

Herry: Yeah! We can't wait to see Ed and The Count.

Cookie M: Or those wonderful cookies!

Oh boy. :smirk:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Posted by that Fanfic Queen: "I could be wrong..."
Rully? Thought you were Lisa. Or Ms. Sylum for that matter.

*Hearing Layla's conversation with her roomies while moving in.
You know... I think she's going to fit in just fine here.
Come on Count, let's get back to the party.
Count: Fright behind you my fiend.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: No problem, Count; glad I could help. The Muppet Wiki comes in pretty handy sometimes. *winks*
Boober: The Muppet what?
Kim: Never mind, Boober. Oh, guess Mokey's going to be at the dorms after all. I heard she's rooming with Nyssa this year.
Boober: Oh, good. I have to admit, I was worried about her being in the Rock by herself, without any of us around.
Tosh: There are other Fraggles in the Rock besides you five, you know.
Boober: I know, but..!
Kim: Whoa-hey, simmer guys! Don't want to start this year off on the wrong foot.
Gillis: *looking at his feet* Which foot should we use then?
Kim: *facepalms* Gimme strength... Anyhoo, here's the description of what Room #19 looks like from the inside:

The room's the standard rectangular shape of any other dorm room. On the right side of the room as you enter are Tosh, Betty Lou and Boober's beds; Tosh and Betty Lou are sharing a bunk bed while Boober has a platform (that's non-converting) futon. Once again this year, Tosh has the top bunk while Betty Lou has the bottom. Tosh has a plum and olive-green quilt and cream-colored sheets on her bed, and she still has the curtain around her bunk. Her pillows have plum-colored cases. Betty Lou's bedspread is blue and white check, and she has blue sheets with a white blanket, and her pillows have white cases. Betty Lou's bottom bunk is also a futon that can convert to a sofa in the daytime. In between the girls' bunk and Boober's bed is a chest of drawers that is the perfect height for two Fraggles or one Muppet girl. The top two drawers are for Tosh and Betty Lou's things, like extra dresses for Betty Lou (and her dolls) or Tosh's Fraggle pebble collection. The bottom drawers are Boober's and hold all of his cleaning and laundry supplies. Boober has a brown blanket and cream-colored sheets on his bed, and tan pillowcases on his pillows. On the wall near his bed is a peg where he can hang his hat and his scarf when he goes to bed.

The left side of the room is the "grown-ups'" side, or Gillis and Kim's side. The bed, which is near the closet, is a loft-style bed. This is Kim's bed; it has a quilt of lavender, green and white squares with flowers embroidered over them, purple sheets and purple cases on her pillows. At the head of the bed is a taller dresser that's shared by Kim and Gillis, and the top of which Kim uses for a nightstand. Underneath Kim's bed are the TV/VCR and DVD player, and a smaller bed belonging to Gillis. Gillis' bed has white sheets and an olive-green blanket. The TV/VCR and DVD player sit on a wooden TV stand that has a cabinet on the bottom. Inside is their DVD and VHS collection, including Season 1 of TMS, Doctor Who and the Marx Brothers. Beside the TV is a small refrigerator filled with pop, fruit juice, water and extra Doozer sticks (which taste just as good cold).

On the wall opposite the door is a desk that is roughly 3/4 the length of the wall. Above the desk are bookshelves the same length as the desk. On those shelves is Kim's book collection, including her copies of Harpo Speaks!, Of Muppets and Men and Jim Henson: The Works. Also on the shelves are photographs of the roomies' friends and family - the rest of the Fraggle Five for Boober and Tosh, the Minstrels for Gillis (one group shot, and an individual shot of Brio), and some of Betty Lou's friends from Sesame Street. On one end of the desk is the computer; the other end is left empty in case someone wants to do some writing or drawing. School supplies are kept in the desk drawers. The remaining quarter of the wall is a window.

The closet is on the same wall as the door, and like last year is divided in half. One half is for clothing - Tosh's dresses, Gillis' jackets and Kim's wardrobe. On the floor is the laundry basket and the hamper. On the shelf above are Kim's shower caddy and the room's first-aid kit (always kept stocked by Boober), not to mention extra cleaning supplies. There is also a screen to be used for privacy when changing your clothes. The other half of the closet belongs to Tosh's Beast. He has a large dog bed with a yellow blanket and a fluffy pillow. At night (or when the roomies have to go somewhere without him), his rope attaches to a hook on the wall. Tosh keeps extra rope in one of her dresser drawers. Also on the floor of Beast's side of the closet are various toys for him to play with.

Kim: And, that's our room. Hope you enjoyed the let's get to the party, you guys!
Roomies: Yeah!



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Guess Mokey found a roommate after all!
Beth: I knew she would
Abby: Who is Mokey?
Red: She's my friend, you'll meet her later, she's really nice
Beth: So, did you guys get enough to eat at the welcome party?
Abby: I did! It was nice to see my friends. I like Big Bird and Telly, they are so nice
Beth: I'm glad. I'll bet you're getting sleepy though, it's pretty late for you
Abby: No I'm not tired....*starts to fall asleep*
Red: Um, what do we do now?
Beth *picks up Abby* We bring her back to the room and put her to bed. I'll probably go to bed too, I'm tired
Red: Actually, I am too, unpacking and all that is alot of hard work!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At the dorms

Where here guys! *gets out of the car with a box in hand*

Monsters: YEAH! *runs over me*

And I thought having them would be fun......not pain. *falls down*

Grover: I get this side of the room!

Maurice: No no no no no. I do!

Cookie M: Me get near the cookies. That what me want.

Herry: Wonder where my dumbbells are?

You could of waited for me. *drops box*

Grover: Whoops! Sorry about that Kyle. Come on guys. *zips off screen and comes back with coach whistle and coach hat* Now! To the car! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! *blows whistle*

With all that blowing of the whistle Grover gets all the stuff from the car to the room with no delay (with the help from the monsters)

Cookie M: *huffing and puffing* Me hungry. Any cookies?

Maurice: Where to put my stuff? Hmmmm....

Herry: Watch out Cookie Monster! *drops some boxes on Cookie Monster*

Cookie M: You clumsy Herry.

Herry: I know. *walks through the dorms singing*
Every day I wake up, and don't have any fun
Every day a gray cloud seems to cover up the sun
People run away and hide when I walk down the street
Life when you're a monster's not too neat

I know I'm loud and I sound like a crowd or maybe two
What can I do? I can't help it (breaks someone dishes)
I'm feeling glum 'cause I'm dumb and I'm clumsy through and through
What can I do? I can't help it (breaks a lamp)

Please don't get sore if I smash down your door
Or yell and roar and wreck your floor
That's what monsters are for

Wish I were less of a messy, destructive sort of pest
I need a rest, (crashes through a door) but I can't help it

(crashes can be heard through out the dorms) Uh I'm sorry about that. Uh Oh! I think I broke it! Hey! Who put that thing there?

When I get low, you folks give me a glow! It's great to know you love me so
Hey! Where did everyone go?

I know you flee when you see me
You run away in groups
But I just don't....(crashes through somes room into ours)....Oops!
I just can't help it (everything to the room starts to fall apart) Oh no! Not again! I hate being a monster! *starts crying*

*hears Herry crying* Somethings wrong with Herry. Come on guys. *runs to the floor he was on* Herry?! Are you alright Herry? It'll be alright Herry.

Grover: Ooooh poor Herry. *starts crying*

Were already back and things just arn't going well. I'm so sorry Ed. Herry is going through his aging again. We need to cheer him up.
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