Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Glad to be back in our room, with everybody else slowly getting integrated into the dorms.
Count: Yes... Batty's in his little roost inside the vindow's overhanging frame.
Yep, so's Necra my newest bat, keeping him company.

*Meowing can be heard, along with a light pawing or scratching, just outside our door.
Hmmm... Guess Kath forgot to let Gaffer inside last night. Better open up and let her in here until those gals get back...
*Opens door to find a fabulous feline of inky black fur with a black velvet bow around her neck.
Count: Ah ha! Fatatatita, my little darling, come to join us have you?
*The Count's cat runs to him, seeking his approval.
Count: Yes, of course you can stay... Can she Edvard?
Of course, she's one of your pets, and I don't think it'll hurt our roommate total since others have pets of their own here in the dorms.
Count: Vonderful!
*Fatatatita comes over to me, allows me to pat her head and meows happily.
Good, now let's get going off to Everybody Eats. They're having a sort of Welcome Home buffet today for all the new people in town.

*All leave for the restaurant for some luncheon fare.


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Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey Ed! Wait for us!
Red: Yeah, we're going to the buffet too!
Abby: What's a buffet?
Red: It's lots of good food to eat, there's bound to be something that you'll like
Abby: That's so magic!
Beth: I guess you could look at it that way, anyway, let's go
*they head off to Everybody Eats*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*At common room, waiting for the elevator. Oh sure Beth...
*Elevator arrives, we get in, ride up and get out on the main floor.

Seymour: Good day Mr. Count, Ed... Oh hi Ms. Beth... *Waving goodbye with his trunk.
So Beth, find any good penguins lately?

*The group heads off to Everybody Eats.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Cookie M: Mmmm good food.

Grover: I just love how you cook those hot dogs.

Maurice: I got to help him too.

Grover: You did good too Maurice.

Maurice: Thank you Grover. Glad I could help out.

Thanks Maurice.

Herry: Kyle what is it you do?

What do you mean?

Herry: As in making this one monstrous meal so good?

I guess with love.

Grover: Well you did good job, Kyle.

Thanks you guys. I don't know what it is with monsters and them loving their mac and cheese and hot dogs mixed in a bowl with mushed up bread. But they enjoy it.

Cookie M: Me just might have to say, "This better then cookies!"

Everyone gasps

Cookie M: Nah! Me still can't give up cookies for this stuff. But still good to eat. *gobbles more Monster Meal down*

Everyone relief


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Nov 5, 2004
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*mumbling is heard outside*

Skeeter: I told you we should have moved in yesterday.

Christyb: Oh yeah? And what car may I ask would have held all your sports equipment besides my Rodeo? I had to get it licensed yesterday.

Skeeter: Yeah, but we're late!

Christyb: Scooter didn't tell you huh? These guys are used to me being late.

Skeeter: *mumbling* That brother of mine didn't tell me everything he knew like he was supposed too.

Christyb: Oh c'mon. This is gonna be great!

Skeeter: *cheers up* Nothing like making an entrance! I remember this one time I upstaged Piggy you see we were.....

*voices drift off as we disappear into our room*


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Last night after the party.)

(Catherine, Piggy, Kermit and Fozzie step off the elevator together. Catherine moves off toward their room, but Kermit and Piggy pause, looking at each other shyly.)
Kermit: Um, Fozzie--wait here for a moment while I walk Piggy to her door.
Fozzie: But I thought--
Kermit: (interrupting quickly) Just for a minute--I'll be right back to get you.
(They walk to room 20, which Catherine has unlocked and entered. Kermit starts to speak, then hesitates and stops. Piggy reaches out and takes his hand.)
Piggy: I'm glad vous are here again this year, Kermie.
Kermit: Me, too, Piggy. I was, um, I was hoping, that we could, um--"
Piggy: (breathlessly) Yes?
Kermit: I was wondering if it would be okay with you if we saw a little more of each other this semester than we did last semester. Do you, um, think that would be okay?
Piggy: (blushing) That would be okay with Moi.
Kermit: Great. (leans forward suddenly and gives Piggy an extremely chaste little kiss on the cheek) Um, well, I'd better go get Fozzie so we can find our room.
(Piggy watches him go for a moment, then turns around and dashes into the room.)
Piggy: Catherine! Oh, Catherine--he just, he just kissed me and asked if we could spend more time together this semester!
Catherine: (very pleased) I take it that was acceptable to you?
Piggy: (growling) Acceptable! Are you kidding?
Catherine: Well, good, because-- (There is a knock on the door.) Oh, Piggy--that must be our new roomies.
Piggy: (sulkily) Swell.
Catherine: Now Piggy--promise you'll be nice.
Piggy: (mumbling)
Catherine: Speak up, dear. (There is another tentative knock.)
Piggy: Oh all right! I'll be nice to the new roomies.
Catherine: (smugly) Glad to hear you say that. (Opens the door to find Kermit and Fozzie standing on the welcome mat. Fozzie waves. Kermit smiles.) Hey there, roomies. Come on in.
(For a moment, Piggy just stares, then her blue eyes narrow and she looks at Catherine suspiciously.)
Piggy: You knew--you knew they were going to be our new roomies?
Catherine: Yep.
Piggy: (whirling and glaring at Kermit) And you--you knew all along.
Kermit: Hey Piggy.
Piggy: Don't you "Hey Piggy" me, you--
Kermit: Don't be mad. I just, um WE just wanted to make sure that you weren't, you know, going to be upset if Fozzie and I moved in.
Piggy: Moved in! (She is gearing up for a big meltdown when the implications of the situation occur to her. She stops suddenly and adopts a very meek demeanor, which fools no one--at least, no one in this room.) So you and Fozzie are going to be living here with, um, Moi and Catherine?
Fozzie: (tentatively, maybe a little defiantly) She invited us.
Kermit: Yeah--we thought this arrangement might be, um, nice.
Piggy: Oh. Nice.
Piggy and Kermit are suddenly staring at each other in a very friendly way. Catherine steps between them.
Catherine: Okay--ground rules. Kermit, you and Fozzie have rooms over here. (Takes them over and shows them two clean, pleasant rooms, then walks them back to the entryway.) Piggy and I have rooms on the other side. This (indicating the large living area) is coeducational space. The rooms are not. Do I make myself plain?
Kermit and Piggy: Of course, sure, um yeah.
Fozzie: What's coeducational mean? Are we going to learn something here in our rooms?
Catherine: (muttering to self) Not if I can help it.
Kermit: It means you can have boys and girls in the same space.
Fozzie: Oh. But what if Ma comes to see me? Can't she see my room?
Catherine: Moms are always allowed, Fozzie. Okay. Well, look, guys, I'm sorry your stuff hasn't come over yet, but we've got two very cushy comfy recliners right over here. Think you guys could bunk down here for the night until your stuff comes tomorrow?
Fozzie: I could sleep anywhere, I'm so tired.
Kermit: Oh, sure. When you grow up in a swamp, you can sleep anywhere.
Catherine: Good. Once your stuff comes, we'll get the room set up, okay?
(Fozzie is yawning almost constantly now. Catherine puts her arm around Piggy's shoulder.) C'mon Piggy--let's go catch some zzzzs. (At first, Piggy doesn't move, looking at Kermit. He is looking back. At last, she turns and smiles up at Catherine.)
Piggy: Let's turn in. I'm ready now. (They start toward their rooms.) And Catherine?
Catherine: Yes, Piggy?
Piggy: You're forgiven.
Catherine: (with affectionate sarcasm) Oh, thank goodness. I was sooo worried....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Looks like Cath's got things well in hand up above. Though I wonder why she took the elevator, her room's on the main floor, no elevator necessary to reach it...
Count: Unless she vas on one of the other floors first.
Fright. You have a point. Well, the B-Day calendar's almost finished.
Count, with Fatatita in his lap: Who's missing?
Well... Still need Emmett's, Rowlf's, Scooter's... And then there are our pets like Batty and Fatatita.
*She perks up upon hearing her name.
Yes, you're part of our little brood here.
Also need Radar's, Bernice's, and Chucky Sue's. Maybe one of our good friends can help with original airdates of when each of these appeared on TV or in their respective Muppet specials.
They'll come through though. Oh, and our room descript will be posted, eventually.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm, feels so good.
Count: Vhat does?
Finished my story, A Muppet Family Gathering.
Count: You did?
Yep... And went on a bit of a nagging spree to get some more of all those great stories we enjoy here in the reading room.
Count: Ah... Then there'll be more stories for me to count, and read of course.
Yep... And now I can focus on other projects I've got cookin'.
Count: Like vhat?
You'll have to find out. Say, did Bryan get back home?
Count: Not sure, haven't seen him today.
Well, hope he gets here soon... That, and I'm worried his new roomies Bert and Ernie might've gotten lost on the way to the dorms.
Count: Don't vorry, they'll show up.
Sure hope so. Come on, let's go get some dinner and watch our Saturday evening Toonami and Jettix feeds.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hey Prairie & Gaffer...I have surprises for both of you.
Prairie:Really?*perking up a bit since she's missed her friend Rosita* What is it?
*Gaffer looks at me curiously*
*a knock is heard at the door*
*trying to hide a smile* Hey Prairie...why don't you get that?
Prairie:Sure...but what's the... *opening the door*ROSITA!!What are youdoing here? :excited:
Rosita:Nice way to greet your new dormie, Prairie!*hugging Prairie & then me*
Prairie:New roomie?YAAY!!!! *then turning to me*So Rosita's the surprise?
Prairie:Oh Kathy...THANK YOU!*throwing her arms around me*
You're welcome Prairie *hugging her back* And no Gaffer....I didn't forget you,sweet kitty. The Count and Ed have their cat friend Fattita downstairs in their room!
*Gaffer runs around purring and meowing excited ly*


Room #22: Kendra (furryredmonster) and Elmo and Dorothy, Elmo's goldfish.
*Handing key to Kendra. Your room's here next to Catherine's, the last one in the corner. You can have Dorothy with you, it won't count against your roommate total.
Thanks! Well, here we are, Elmo. Do you want to unpack?
Elmo: Sure! Elmo is so excited to be here!
Me too.
-Both go into room to unpack-
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