Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Room description time!

Our room is the basic dorm shape of a rectangle. When entering the room on your left is Beth's side of the room. Beth has a desk with a computer on it, pictures of her husband, friends and pictures from various dorm events over the last year. She also has the complete set of Fraggle Rock plushies released to date, a stuffed Kermit, Fozzie and Bert and Ernie as well as a couple of penguins. Hanging on the wall are more pictures and a bulletin board with a Charlie Brown calendar, a cross, and posters of favorite bands the Goo Goo Dolls and Flogging Molly. Next to the desk is a bed with a purple flowered comforter, many assorted pillows and stuffed bears. On the other side of the bed is the closet, loaded with clothes, bags and everything that won't fit in the room. On the back wall is a bookcase loaded with DVD's including all Muppet Movies, the Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock and a couple of SS DVD's. Next to the bookcase is the tv/dvd/vcr. On the other side of that is another bookcase with books about fairies, rocks, cheerleading, swimming, music, communications and some storybooks. Opposite of Beth's side is Red and Abby's side. Red sleeps in a hammock strung across the top of the wall. She has her red swirly slide to get to the bottom still. She also has a rope ladder to climb up into the hammock. Below Red's hammock is Abby's bed. Abby has Tinkerbell sheets and a Tinkerbell comforter. On her bed are also assorted pillows and her blanky. Next to Abby's bed is a closet filled with red sweaters, frilly dresses and a cloak for when Red wants to be like Mokey. There's also a few swimsuits of Red's. Next to the closet is the desk that Red and Abby share with a computer. There are pictures of each of their friends and family such as Mokey, Gobo, Wembley and Boober, Elmo, Zoe, Baby Bear and Rosita and also Abby's mom and dad. Hanging above the desk is a shelf with Red's trophys from swimming competitions. In the middle of the room is a swing and scattered about the room are beanbags and a big flower rug in the middle. The walls are painted in bright yellows, pinks and purples.

Beth: Well, I think that's about it for unpacking!
Red: I'm excited to see everyone at the big dinner
Abby: I don't know if I want to go. What if no one likes me?
Red: It's ok Abby, everyone's real nice and Beth and I will be there with you
Beth: And some of your friends from Sesame Street are here too like Elmo and Big Bird
Abby: Really? Ok! It will be fun!
Beth: All right, well I suppose we finish up here so we're ready to go!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... You win some points and laughs/smiles from me Beth. Anyway, room descript... On Things-to-Do list.
Dinner's going to be cooking for a while... Got the beef and rings in the oven... The rice's done, just have to make the beans and salad.
Think I'll go over and catch up on my fanfics until we're ready to eat.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Ahhh...dormroom sweet dormroom!
Prairie:Yep..looks great.I'm glad we're sharing a room again,Kath.
I'm glad too Prairie.What would make you think I wouldn't want to share a room with you again,though?
Prairie:Well,I was kind of crabby a few times last year.
Oh...and I wasn't? We learned to live with each other's quirks,you silly!:smile:'re right. *picking up Gaffer* So glad to be back here?
Gaffer:Purrrrrrrr... meow....
The feeling's mewtual with Gaffer,I think,Prairie.
Prairie*laughing*:I can tell that you haven't changed,Kathy.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Thanks, Ed. So good to be back at the old dorms and in our old room again.
Big Bird: Number 29!
Bry: Still right across from the bath. I'm sure that will be convenient for atleast one of us.
Big Bird: Unless he brings his own tub.
Bry: Wouldn't that be somethin'! Hey, I see Ed left the colored doors on our back entrance. Perfect, though we may need to do a little adjusting once we start getting the others in here too.
Telly: (carrying in Chuckie Sue's cage) I wonder when they're showing up.
Bry: Not sure, but what do you say we start getting our stuff unpacked?
Big Bird: Good idea.
Bry: And Big Bird, I'm sorry Snuffy isn't joining us this time.
Big Bird: Yeah, me too. It's okay though. He lives close enough to visit, right?
Bry: Of course. I'm sure Ed wouldn't mind that too much every now and then. I think Baby Bear slept over once.
Telly: Yeah.
Bry: But those times may have to be limitted somewhat. Also, this old caveroom will probably need to be taken down if no one is using it. By the way, there is a little dinner party tonight and you guys can go, but I'm not gonna be able to make it.
Telly: Why not?
Bry: I have a show tonight.
Big Bird: Aww...
Bry: I'll be back later though.
Telly: Can we go with you?
Bry: No, you should stay here incase our other two roommates arrive tonight.
Telly: Okay.
Bry: Now, let's get started on this room.
Big Bird: Yay!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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The door to room 20 swings open slowly. Catherine (Ru) and Piggy step into the now glistening clean room.
Catherine: Wow, Piggy--they did a great job on the room, didn't they? And look, they got the renovations done in record time. See--we won't have to give up any of our space just because we're getting roomies.
Piggy: (pouting) I still don't see why we have to have roommates. I liked it last year when it was just the two of us.
Catherine: (masterfully hiding a smile) Wait and see, Piggy--you might like having roomies. (Walking through the now-empty space) I think they made the kitchen a little bigger, too. That means we can put the drop-leaf in the table so we can all sit down together.
Piggy: (sniffs) Oh joy....
Catherine: Well, look--I'm going to go down and get Monster Moving to start bringing all our stuff up. Do you want to help? (Piggy just stares.) Oookay. Tell you what--our rooms are to the right--yeah, through that door. Pick whichever one you want and I'll have them bring up your canopy bed as soon as they can get it out of the van, 'kay? (Piggy starts through the door leading to the two bedrooms on the right of the door.) I think Ed said the closet in the back is slightly bigger, but I don't care which one I get, so pick the one you want. I'll be back up with the movers in a minute.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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The Count said:
Room #19: Kim and Betty Lou, Boober, Gillis and Tosh Fraggles, and The Beast.
*Walks to room diagonally to the right across from Layla's. Here's the key Kim, your room's directly above your Three Candles' middle sister's.
Kim: Well, here we are gang! I told you I wouldn't break up the set.
*Kim and the Roomies haul their luggage inside*
Gillis: *glancing around the room appraisingly* Hmm. Good size. Should do nicely.
Kim: It better; Ed probably won't let us switch rooms.
Tosh: *getting Beast's area set up in the closet* Any of our friends move in yet?
Kim: I think Kathy, Prairie and Gaffer have moved in. So have Beth and Red, and their new roomie Abby Cadabby. I guess Mokey decided to stay in the Rock this year?
Boober: Yeah. She wouldn't tell me why, though.
Betty Lou: Abby's a sweet kid, though. I'm sure she'll fit in well here.
Kim: I'm sure she will too. Now let's get unpacked.

Oh, and Ed? Muppet Babies premiered on September 15, 1984.



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(A seemingly endless supply of hefty, furry movers comes marching into room 20, bringing boxes, bags, clothing trucks, a rufflely pink canopy bed, two purple tweed recliners, a coffee table and several bags of what might be groceries. Catherine directs some things to their spots and looks blank over other things. The most common phrase heard for some moments is "In Piggy's room in the back." Happily unpacking, Piggy has stopped pouting. Catherine directs plants, lamps, a sewing machine, an entertainment center, a writing desk and a small wooden two-drawer filing cabinet to their spots around the room. Some of the stuff is sent vaguely to "over there for the time being" while other things go straight to their allocated spots around the big common area. The table is quickly set up and the leaf inserted. Catherine throws a pink linen tablecloth over it, shaking out the wrinkles, and puts down four lime-green linen napkins--one on each side. Groceries are put away in the small but roomy refridgerator or in the cabinets over the sink. Dishes are unpacked and stored away. At last, Catherine looks around the room and purses her lips, relatively satisfied with the arrangements.)
Catherine: Hey Piggy--come see what you think!
After a moment, Piggy emerges from her room. She is very nicely dressed in a light pink kimono-style dress, and her hair is swept back from one pink ear and held in place with a flower. She is wearing matching pink pumps which make Catherine's feet hurt just looking at them, but she moves in them as though they were scuffs.
Piggy: This looks good. I think the kitchen is bigger. Very nice--and I like the new recliners.
Catherine: Me too. I thought we should update our living area a little. You're very dressed up for a quiet evening at home.
Piggy: Didn't I tell you?
Catherine: (not liking the way this is going) Tell me what?
Piggy: There's some sort of wing-ding here tonight to celebrate the dorm re-opening. Some of the girls in the hall were talking about it.
Catherine: Gah! Piggy--I'm a mess! (desperately) When? When are we having a wing-ding?
Piggy: Didn't catch the time--ask one of the girls in room 18. Did you make tea, yet?
Catherine: (counting slowly to self 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) No. No, I have not made tea yet. Use the microwave or turn on the teapot. I'm going down to room 18--back in a minute. (pauses in doorway) Oh, and Piggy--if our roommates come while I'm gone--BE NICE.
Piggy: (silkily) Moi is always nice.
Catherine: (mutter, mutter, mutter)
Piggy: What was that, dear?
Catherine: Nothing. Back in a sec. (rushes desperately to room 18 and beats on door) Hellow? Anybody home? Hello? Can you tell me what time the party starts tonight?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks Kim... Good to see folks arriving at the dorms.
Hmmm, might have another question for you Kim, that's later though.

Maybe half an hour more to get everything ready, and then we'll eat. Might have to be indoors though. Been raining this whole afternoon, *checks outside*, oh looks like it's let up and the sun's dried all the puddles away. Good, means the kids will be able to play while we're eating dinner.

Cath... Looks like you posted almost the same message twice. Will let it slide, cause I'm hoping for an update to Kermie's Girl soonish.
*Goes back to working on seven-layers salad (family recipe*.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Oh good. Glad Kim was able to give you that info because I was unsuccessful. Hope everyone enjoys the dinner party tonight. Wish I could be there. Big Bird and Telly will be though. Not sure about the rest of my gang. They may not arrive til later this evening or the weekend. If they show up, Ed, just let them know I'll be back later. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(rushes desperately to room 18 and beats on door) Hellow? Anybody home? Hello? Can you tell me what time the party starts tonight?
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