Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Sure thing Bry. *Gets beefy burgers, oven fries and onion rings, and garlic mushrooms out of the oven with care.
*Puts dessert inside to start baking.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Description of room:
To the right of the door along the same wall is a loft bed with hunter green t-shirt sheets and a complimentary oversized green comforter. Multiple pillows are on the bed matching the bedding except one in a beige pillow case. It sits at the head of the bed where the sheets are folded down waiting for an occupant. An overstuffed bag with the MUSC Children's Hospital logo is hanging from the knob with yarn spilling over the side connected to crochet and knitting works in progress. Underneath the bed is Sprockets beds (one knitted by Melissa and the one from Doc) and his trunk full of some of his belongings.

On the next wall is a huge bulliten board that stretches from the bed post to the closet. It has many things hanging from it all ready: multiple pics that are all Melissa's works ranging from Downtown Charleston, SC, to the mountains, to her five siblings, to her husband and the new house they are buying; Melissa's work schedule, a calander of M*A*S*H scenes, scraps of paper with fiction ideas, needlework patterns, and many works of art from Sprocket.

Caddy cornered between the door to the closet and the window on the back wall is a computer desk with the computer, all-in-one printer combo, the notebook with the next fan-fic in it, and manuals from Melissa's job.

Underneath the window is a unique bookcase that Melissa's husband built for her so she could use it as a seat as well. Handmade lace curtains have been hung over the window.

On the final wall is more pictures that Melissa has taken and posters of Sprockets interests. No furniture lines the walls in case Melissa and Sprocket ever have someone else come to bunk with them or even move in. They do have an aerobed for any sleepover's they may have.

<Melissa and Sprocket stand back at the door of the room and look around>

Remind me to ask Ed what his bats would like as a present when we go down to dinner,Sprocket. They really worked overtime on bringing up the stuff. I can't believe we have so much stuff. Wow.

<Sprocket nods head that he will remind her to ask>

Thank goodness we have a large closet to hide what I'm to lazy to put away correctly right now though. Now, Let's go down and check on dinner.


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May 12, 2005
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The Count said:
Huh? Yes, seems you've been lost in the translation. No worries, you can get that Lisa girl to translate for you, just hope she speaks whatever language you've switched to.

But on the serious side... RD, the dorms started anew. If you want to be part, you have to reregister by going to Post #8412, fill out the form, and send me your submission with all that stuff there.
Hope this helps.
Oh...I see...SOMEONE didn't tell me <glares at Lisa>....I don't check the dorms everyday...I'll get right on that...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Showered and dressed in record time, Catherine attempts to do something unscary with her hair. The third attempt is moderately successful and she clips the whole curly mess up in a big red poufy clip. Her dress is not freshly pressed, but it is freshly steamed from the shower and it will do. She is wearing sandals and has almost stopped panting as she throws herself down into one of the two recliners. Almost immediately, she is up, turning off the teapot on the stove before it boils dry. She refills the pot and puts it back on the burner after turning down the heat.
Catherine: Piggy--let's try not to burn the dorms down the first night, hm?
Piggy: Oh--silly me. Look--I put up some pictures.
Catherine: Oh--so you did! Thanks, Piggy. (Walks over the looks out the window that's over the sewing machine and the desk.) Looks like the rain has cleared up--I think we might get to eat outside.
Piggy: Good. I'm starving. (Looks up hopefully)
Catherine: (laughing) They're around here somewhere--let me look. (Rummages and returns with battered brownie tin.) You'll have to take a blondie--the movers ate all the chocolate ones. Take two--they're small.
Piggy: (looking up to see if she is being teased. She is not. Piggy takes two of the larges blonde brownies and puts them on her saucer.) It's nice to be back, isn't it?
Catherine: Yep--and I think it's just going to get better.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... We just got our first new addition to the register.
Room #23: Nyssa and Mokey Fraggle, Ludo, and The Jabberwock.
*Hands key to Nyssa. Directly in front of Lisa's, just like usual huh?
OK then. Almost 8 PM, and there's still some sunlight out in the waining evening hours.
Come on Count, let's move this out to the buffet table.
*Starts loading platters, trays, cups, and pitchers of water and flavored lemon tea out to the patio area.
Good thing the outside lights are turning on like clockwork. All right, better go call the others.

*Makes general announcement from lobby's desk's PA system. Attention dorm residents, dinner is served and waiting in the outside patio.
See you there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: C'mon, Piggy--let's go get some chow!
Piggy: I'm your girl! (looks a little down)
Catherine: What's the matter, honey? Homesick?
Piggy: (blushing) No, not homesick. I just--I just wish Kermit could have come back this year. It won't be the same without him.
Catherine: (working hard on her poker face) Well, sometime things work out the way they do for a reason, y'know? Let's be optimistic. Why--I'll bet you'll be seeing Kermit before you know it!
Piggy: (hopefully) You really think so?
Catherine: Yep. Now c'mon--let's go mingle with our dormies.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*At outside patio area... OK, that goes there. Sure hope some of the guys come down soon.
What's that? Yeah, hope they remember to wear their colors.

*Camera pans back to reveal Ed wearing a Kermit green polo shirt, dark jeans, black belt with a gold-brown shiny metal buckle, white socks and black penny loafer shoes. The Count is dressed in his normal garb, though complimented by a Kermit green cape showing off the dazzling swirls of gold and brown on the inside paneling.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Me: Thanks Ed...<Grabs key> Come on Lu, Mokey, and Jabber. Let's go! <We walk up to our room and open the door>

(I dug this out of the depths of the Dorms archive...edited, of course)

There are lots of tall tree like plants and grass flooring(for that foresty look). The room has bunk bed with an extra large mattress on the bottom for Ludo. One of the trees has a large cubby so that Jabber can sleep inside and there's a hammock in the corner for Mokey. There's a large bookcase full of fantasy books. Several comfy, wood carved chairs for sitting and a large bean bag for Ludo. Several different sized rocks(friends for Ludo). A TV with a DVD player, Game Cube, and an X-box hooked up to it. Another small bookcase filled with muppet DVDs and various different games. In the corner is a desk for doing school work(yeah right), artwork, and writing stories. On the desk is a reading lamp and a computer. All the walls are painted white(waiting for me and Mokey to paint wonderful murals on them later on). Next to the desk is a large dresser for clothes. On the other side of the room is a small dorm fridge with a microwave on top. There's some counter space, a small sink, and a few cabinets over head full of food.

Me: This is gonna be great!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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<Melissa steps out on the patio into the corner with Sprocket. Sprocket is wearing a knitted Kermit green kerchief with a golden brown border and Melissa has on kahki's and a Kermit green polo shirt>

(whispering to Sprocket) Oh, well, I guess it's kind of hard to hide when not many are out here.

<Sprocket runs off to the buffet table to examin the offerings>

Hey, Ed and Count, what can I get the bats for doing such a terrific job bringing in all of our stuff? I didn't realize I worked them so hard until I was putting it all away.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh... That's OK Melissa. They usually like little sweets like peppermints or marshmallows. Don't like them myself, but the bats always seem to gobble it down, stuff like that. There's a candy shop in town, the Penny Candyman I believe.

Oh, meant to ask about your room layout... M*A*S*H?!? *Laughing a little, don't get anywhere near D'Snowth... He works at the local T*K*O unit, let's just say that show's one of his little hobbies along with a total devotion to Kathy Greenwood of Whose Line is it Anyway? fame.

Waiting for others to arrive... There's white rice, baked beans, fries and rings, water and sweetened lemon tea, seven-layer salad (you can ask me for its composition later if you guys wish), garlic mushrooms and beffy burgers. Dessert's in the oven, wonder why noone else's shown up though.
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