Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Telly: Do you have to go?
Bry: Telly, I've got a date tonight. I'll be back a bit later.
Big Bird: What are we gonna do?
Bry: I'm sure you'll find something. Why don't you guys go see what Kyle is up to.
Big Bird: Okay.
Bry: See you guys later! (exits)
Rosita: Adios.
Big Bird: Well...come on, guys. Let's go find Kyle.
Rosita: Okay.
Telly: Coming, Big Bird.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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*Ally and Emmett return from getting ice cream.*

Ally: *Looks at watch.* Ah! Emmett, I'm sorry but it's time for me to go!

Emmett: No problem, *Sighs.* So... I guess I'll see you later?

Ally: Yeah, I guess so.

Emmett: *Hands her the bag of goodies.* Don't forgett this!

Ally: Oh, oops... Thanks Emmett! *She smiles at him then rushes out the door.* Wish moi luck!!!

Emmett: Okay, good luck!!! Bye!

Skeeter Muppet

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Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Hey guys, you interested in going to a carnival this weekend?
Betty Lou: A carnival? Where?
Gillis: That's right; it's ByronFest this weekend isn't it?
Kim: Yup. Which means it's also getting to close to my one-year anniversary here at the dorms. You, Tosh, Beast and I moved in on the 20th of July last year.
Boober: So what's "ByronFest"?
Kim: It's a weekend-long festival my hometown has every summer. There's carnival rides and games, a "Taste of Byron" with food from different vendors, a craft show and a quilt show, and there's also a parade on Sunday.
Tosh: Sounds like fun!
Betty Lou: You have to be in the parade again this year?
Kim: Yeah. Anyway I've got to work at the library tomorrow, but if you guys promise to behave yourselves you can go visit the carnival while I'm working.
Roomies: *various response of "We will!" and "We promise!"*
Gillis: I'll keep an eye on them, don't worry Kim.
Kim: Thanks, Gillis. *mutters* Don't worry, he says...


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Shows up at lobby desk. Sorry to have kept you waiting Fuzzhead... *Grabs key from hook next to number 9 on the desk's backwall...

Fright this way. Past these double doors, there's a rainbow staircase there to our right, might get replaced with an elevator soon though. Past a second set of double doors and here we are in the main hallway of Floor 2. That big room directly in front of us is the Common Room. Oscar lives in the trashcan there in the back left corner, and the Old World furnace in the back right corner is how we get from floor to floor.
*Presses button and fireplace's dumbwaiter elevator opens up. Come on, we'll just take a quick trip down to the basement floor. *They ride down one floor and enter Floor 1's Common Room. You'll notice the carpeting on each floor's common room is different, though most of the furnishings are the same.
OK, now we take a turn to our right, and it should be... First door down on our left. *Hands key to Fuzzhead.
Let's see... You have Ally and Emmett Otter as neighbors across the hall in Room #8; AnimalJam with Ace Yu, Colleen Barker, and Bubba the Bartender next door in Room #11; and if you head in the other direction when leaving the common room on this floor, my room is the first one on your lefthand side if you need to talk or ask about anything regarding the dorms.

All that's left now is for you to post a descript of what your room looks like according to your own tastes and those of your roommates here... And to send me design ideas for dorm member robes for yourself and each member in your party. Hope you enjoy your stay here and welcome to MC Dorms. Oh yes, before I forget... You're a bit new here Fuzzhead... So if you have any questions, please LMK and I'll do my best to help. Also, the anniversary's in a couple of months, so you should be prepared to move along with everybody else when the announcement that the dorms will be closing down for a little while gets made near the end of August.

Again, have a great time as the dorms' newest residents.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*Prairie comes in while I sit there giggling at the computer*:Hey...what's up?
Oh hi Prairie*still giggling a bit* I'm laughing at this clip on YouTube of Bob dressed up like you when you were supposed to do a play about colds.Then you wound up with one.So he had to take over!Blonde wig,light blue checkered dress & all!
Prairie*giggling too*: Yeah...poor Bob!After I got better,I owed him big time!
What did you need to do?
Prairie:stick_out_tongue:lay the piano for him when he was giving singing lessons. It wasn't too bad.He paid me for it.:smile: the way...I didn't see you go flying scared out the door when the clip of James Earl Jones was on youtube. Or didn't you see it?
Yep...I saw it. And I'll say that I was pretty silly for being so scared.Then again,I was little when I saw it for the first time..


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Thanks, Count. As The Count said, I am very new at this so please bear with me if I don't do things exactly right at first.

Room description (the best I could do):

Our room is a very simple room because we both live very peaceful and simple lifestyles. We went with an overall earth tone theme. We wanted to bring the outdoors in. The walls are a light mocha color. The ceiling is painted half in a sky blue with clouds and fades into a night sky with stars and constellations. The floor is covered with rag throw rugs in various earth tones. When entering the room, there is an entertainment center with television and DVD player to the left. Next to that is a computer desk and office chair. On my side of the room, the right side, I have a small pine bed, matching pine dresser and bookcase. I also have a matching night stand with a small lamp and alarm clock. The drawer in my night stand holds my toothbrush, deodorant, and other essentials. There is also a small closet with some shelf space. The other side of the room is almost identical, except there is no bed. Jen sleeps on a small mat on the floor. On Jen’s night stand are two photographs. One of Kira and one of urSu the master. He also keeps his flutes and other wood carvings in the drawer of his night stand. There are two large, brown beanbag chairs in the center of the room. There is another small closet on the left side of the room. This is where Fizzgig lives. He sleeps on a pile of old comfortable blankets in the bottom of the closet. There is also a dish for his food. We have several large potted plants around the room, including a large fern that Jen has brought with him.

I hope this is OK.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Fuzzhead *walks around the room. looks outside. everything is pretty quiet*

Fuzzhead: Well, that's it, guys. We're all settled in.
Jen: I think I'm going to like it here. What about you, Fizzgig?
Fizzgig: Roowwwrrrrrrr Rrrrowow!
Jen *chuckles* That's good.
*Jen takes out his small wooden flute and begins to play a soft tune*


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Boy we had a great time roller skating

ELMO: That is incredible

ZOE: Wow, we danced to the hits of disco hits

LITTLE BIRD: Kinda like the 70's!!!

PETER: RIGHT!, roller disco

ELMO: Elmo likes to roller skate, Peter

ZOE: Me Too

PETER: Good for you, guys

LITTLE BIRD: Thanks for helping me roller skate, Peter!

PETER: Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Peter

ELMO: Good Night Peter and Zoe and Little Bird (feeds his fish)

ZOE: Good Night Elmo and Little Bird and Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Peter and Zoe and Elmo!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Emmett: *Waits by the doorway for Ally to return from her babysitting job.* It's about midnight... she should be walking through the door any second now... *He watches as the door finally swings open.*

Ally: *Limps into the room and sighs.* Uhhhhggg... Man, am I glad to be back here...

Emmett: Well, how did it go?

Ally: *Goes to her bed and layes down on it.* Well... let me just say that I earned every penny of the 50 bucks I got...

Emmett: Was it really that bad?

Ally: Yes! *Rubs her aching head.* Those kids were monsters! They kept testing me all night and then wouldn't start fighting! Also, they wouldn't listen to a word I said and boy, did those kids have a dirty mouth!

Emmett: I guess your pretty tired then, huh?

Ally: Yes, I am. *Yawns.* Would it be all right if I put in a movie?

Emmett: Sure! Go on ahead. You can tell me about it all tomorrow... you look beat.

Ally: I am... *Stands up and puts the movie 'Grease' in her DVD player, then lays down on her bed once more.* Goodnight Emmet.

Emmett: *Nodds.* Goodnight.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Looks like our newest residents are doing OK getting settled in.
*Bats fly downstairs with their luggage. Yep, and they'll be getting their suitcases delivered to their room about now. Only missing the design ideas for their robes, and then they'll truly be part of the dorms.

Well... Gonna be checking on a few other things, maybe I'll make some breakfast for the Count and myself.
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