Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Hoots! What are you packing up for, big tour? You never told me.
Hoots: Hehe. No, I'm not going on any tour this weekend. I'm off to visit my granddaughter Athena.
Bry: Oh that's nice.
Hoots: Yeah, haven't seen her for a while. Even got the little bopper a present. See? (gestures to a mini clarinet in a case)
Bry: Well, hey...that looks like a minature clarinet, right?
Hoots: That's right! Got her her own little "licorice stick" as we call it.
Bry: Hmm...I would expect you to give her a saxaphone like yours.
Hoots: Well, she wants to be a singer, but really she loves music is always wanting to learn more.
Bry: Gotcha! Well, have fun.
Hoots: I will. Tell everyone bye for me.
Bry: Okay.
Hoots: See ya later, gator!! (flies away with small case in claws)
Bry: Bye! Hmm...I wonder where everyone is. Curious to find out the Number and Letter of the Day. Oh well...maybe Prairie and the Count will know, or even Kyle. Well, time for my nap. (gets in bed)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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What's wrong?You all right?
Prairie:Yeah...I'm fine. I just forgot to get the letter & number of the day. I hope Bryan won't be angry .
Nah....I don't think he will.You worry too much! The Count,Ed or Kyle will get it.
Prairie:Whew!OK...good! You all packed to go on your mini vacation tomorrow?
Yeah.You packed your stuff to stay with Bryan,Big Bird,Rosita & Telly?
Prairie:big_grin:on't forget Snuffy!
Snuffy too! Right!:wink: Got Gaffer's kitty f-o-o-d & t-o-y-s packed?
Prairie:Smart idea to spell it,Kath!And yes,I do.:smile:
Great! I'll be leaving here kind of early tomorrow.
Prairie:Okay...have fun!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Me: I think I'm going to try something new.
Lou: Like what?
Me: *going over to the window and calling into the night* The dorms today have been braught to you by the letter B.
Wembly: Well doesn't the letter of the day usually stand for something?
Yes, it stands for me being glad to finally be Back in action here at the dorms, and the Barbecue I thaught was scheduled for tomorrow, although I haven't heard anything about it lately. Would any of you like to try the number?
Gobo: I sure would!
I knew you would be Brave enough to try it Gobo. You see, Brave is also another B word!
Gobo: *standing on the window ledge* And the dorms have also been braught to you today by the number 2, because it's been Too long since you've played with us.
OhMe *dryly* Oh you're so funny.
Lou: Well, it's true!
Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. How 'bout this? Tomorow we'll play together all day. We can even go shopping or to the park if you guys like! We can also say hi to the new members, Fuzzhead and Jen. They're probably asleep now. How does that sound?
Gobo: Boy, that sounds great!
Wembly: Great!
Lou: Hmmm...
I promise we'll do it!
Lou: Okay then. It sounds terrific!
Alright, it's a plan! Say, why don't I read to you a little? I could use the practice for when I read at my aunt's school, and it'll be sure to entertain us all!
Wembly: Sounds good to me. What'll we read?
Me: Let's see... *starts reading off the names of fanfics*


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:*going down the hall in her fuzzy slippers & Fairy Princess PJs & robe to Kate's room*: Thanks Kate & Gobo!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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We have a new dormie here.

Grover: What is his name Kyle?

Don't know. All I know is his roomates call him Fuzzhead.

Herry: Weird name. Wonder if he just goes by that name as a nick name.

Grover: Could be. Lets go welcome him.

Cookie M: Wonder if he got cookies.

We'll see Cookie Monster. We'll see.

*goes off to Fuzzhead room* Knock knock? Anyone home? Seems he might be out. We'll catch him another time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Fuzzhead*gets back to the dorm room.*

Fuzzhead: *sarcastically* Well, that was fun.
Jen *sitting on the floor with Fizzgig, playing his flute again* What was fun?
Fuzzhead: I decided to go check out the town and I got lost.
Jen: You got lost? How did that happen?
Fuzzhead: I left without taking a map. I ended up in some dead end street. I think I passed the same toy shop twenty times. I decided to stop for some dinner on the way back.
Jen: At least you got out a bit.
Fuzzhead: True. What did you do all day?
Jen: I played some new songs, watched some television, then went and walked around the garden. I tried to give Fizzgig a bath, but he got very angry.
Fuzzhead: You didn't go talk to our neighbors?
Jen: It didn't seem like anyone was around. I think I heard voices across the hall earlier, But it's quiet now.
*Fizzgig yawns*
Jenn: Looks like someone's tired.
Fizzgig: Rowwwwrf.
Jenn I think it's time for bed.
Fuzzhead: Sounds like a good idea. Maybe tomorrow we can have a little more fun. There are a lot of interesting people living here.

*They all go to sleep*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Humming: Well I'd like to visit the moon...

Nice job there with the sponsors Kate. And yes, the next BBQ and fireworks are planned for tomorrow. Oh, and so everybody knows, I'll be taking care of the sponsors that night.
*Spots Prairie sneaking back into her room... Guess she just got back from the third floor where Kate's room's located.

Oh well, hope everybody sleeps tight and has a good night.
Count, from his own bed: Zzzzz... 2,139 sheep jumping ower the fence...


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Good morning roomies.
Wembly: *yawning* Good morning Kate.
Lou: *in cheerful voice that indicates she's been up for a while* Good morninglazybones.
Gobo: *laughing a little* Yeah, she woke me up at the crack of dawn. Wanted to arm wrestle!
Wembly: Gee I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?
Well, I'll tell you what. I'm having a craving for blueberry pancakes. How 'bout Everybody Eats?
Wembly: Sounds great!
Lou and Gobo: Yeah!
And how 'bout we invite Fuzzhead for his first breakfast out?
Lou: That sounds nice!
*all of us go to Fuzzhead's door and knock* Hellow Fuzzhead? It's your neighbors in room 38: Kate, Wembly, Lou and Gobo. We were wondering if you and Jen would like to go to Everybody Eats for breakfast with us. We'll make sure you don't get lost this time!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Well Bill. We've arrived back again and here we are in the main hallway of floor 2 next to Oscar's trash can. Pass me the megaphone please.
Bill: Here you are Martin.
Martin: (speaking into the megaphone which blares out his voice startling Oscar who pops out of his can wondering what on earth is happening)
Attention everybody! Martin here talking! Sorry if you've been wondering where Bill and I vanished to but we decided at the 11th hour to spend a week at my mummy's house! It was such extreme short notice we just packed up and left without saying good-bye to anyone! Please accept our humble apologies! But Mummy is responding to her chemotherapy well and she was so happy to see me and guess what? We finally finished watching the Astroboy series on DVD together! Isn't that great?
We will be sure to let you know when we're going to see her again from now on and let you know how she's going!

Oscar's ears are still ringing as Martin and Bill blow some bubbles into his face and go skipping merrily off to room 13 shooting out bubbles everywhere.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Guess that'd wake everyone...

Well... Gotta get down to the supermarket and do some shopping for tonight. We might have to grill indoors and meet in the common room if it rains or storms. But it should clear up for the fireworks later tonight, I hope.
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