Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Sorry about that Bry... Wasn't sure what the message you wanted to make was... If Birdketeers won't be holding meetings for the moment, or if it's holding a recruitment drive. LMK and I'll post the notice when I get the chance.
Hope this helps though...
Both. It won't be starting up again officially til after summer. Probably after the anniversary, but anyone interested in joining, should sign up in the meantime.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Thanks, will put up the notice early tomorrow so all can see it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Well...*yawn* time for bed. (climbs in bed) Goodnight, guys.
Telly: WAIT!
Bry: What?! What is it?!
Rosita: Que pasa?
Telly: We can't go to bed yet!
Big Bird: Why not, Telly?
Telly: Aren't we missing something?
Bry: Missing something? Well, I don't think so. Let's see...I got my pajamas on, washed my face, brushed my teeth...have my pillow fluffed and the alarm clock set... What else is there?
Telly: The Number and Letter of the Day, of course!
Big Bird: Ah!
Bry: Well, sure...I guess you can't *yawn* go to bed without them.
Telly: I didn't think so either.
(at the door) *knock knock*
Telly: (opens door) Hey guys!
(A Muppet Letter R and a Muppet Number 3 come through the door)
Letter R: ARe we late?
Telly: Just in time!
Number 3: Oh good!
Telly: (points to my bed) Right over there.
Bry: Huh: Wha-
(The Letter and Number jump into my bed on each side under the covers with me in between.)
Bry: What is this?
Hoots: (Teasing) Well, you did agree that you can't go to bed without them. Hehehe!
Muppet 3: I'm not taking up too much room, am I?
Muppet R: Of course not. Three's company!
Muppet 3: Thank you!
(3 and R start falling asleep)
Bry: (sigh)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Now you know how Gina felt that one time she had a sleep-over at her apartment.

*Off to the bat-room to wash up...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Putting up another announcement.

To all Birdketeers members:
Message from Big Bird...

Birdketeer meetings will be suspended until further notice from the big yellow canary.
In the mean time, anyone wishing to join as a new member should set up a meeting with Big Bird and Bryan, his roommate, in Room #29.
That is all... Hope this helps, and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: *coming into Ryan and Clifford's room where Ryan is on the computer* Oh don't feel bad Camilla honey, the Birdkateers'll start up again soon!

Camilla: Bagawk...

Gonzo: Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll join up!

Camilla: Bawk?

Gonzo: Yeah really!

Camilla: *hugging Gonzo* Bawk, bawk!

Gonzo: Ryan I'm gonna take Camilla over to Bryan's room and tell him I'm gonna join the Birdkateers, then I'm gonna take my little chicky-poo to the swimming pool. Anyone else wanna come?

Me: No, not right now Gonz, I'm working on my fan-fics.

UD: Fan-fics?

Me: Uh, no, no, fan-fic. Just one. *grins*

UD: Mm hmm. *nods sarcastically*

Cantus: I think I shall join you at the pool Gonzo, I think the folks there would enjoy some summer music.

Clifford: Yeah, I'll tag along too, can't wait to see the honeys in their bikinis heh heh!

Me: Alright see you guys later.

*They all leave*

UD: So Ryan which fan-fiic are you working on, hmmm?

Me: Oh, just my Jack Bandit origin story.

UD: I thought you were writing a Gonzo story.

Me: Uh, uh, well I...Darn it Uncle D.!

UD: Bwa ha ha! I knew I would get it out of you! But don't worry Ryan, I won't tell anyone. *starts to leave*

Me: Where are you going?

UD: Well I never said what I wouldn't tell anyone, did I? I just won't tell them that you lied to me! Hehehe! *leaves*

Me: Good grief, not to self, don't share secrets with dormies...

Ambros: Bark bark!

Me: Well I guess I could tell you, you won't tell anyone. You can't! *whispers something into Ambros' ear*

Ludo: *jumps out of closet* Ah ha! I heard that! Hey Bo! Guess what Ryan said about Father Moppet!

Me: *slams head into desk*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You know... Almost feel like some deflated trumpet music about now... But I won't...
Those Moppet origins have gotten really catchy lately. Wonder if Kyle will update his. Oh well, not like there's a short supply of fics to read in the reading room. Some really good ones cropping up lately.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I'm here with Jen and Fizzgig. We would like room #9 please.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: It is Thursday Night and what are we going to do?

ELMO: How about going to the Muppet Roller Skating Rink and go Roller Skating

ZOE: Let's go Roller Skating

PETER: I'll teach you how to Roller Skate, Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Thank You, Peter!

ZOE: Roller Skating here we come!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Ally: *Is sitting on bed thinking deeply.* Hey Emmet... Guess what?

Emmett: What is it, Ally?

Ally: I babysitt tonight... remember?

Emmett: Oh, yeah. Hey, are you nervous?

Ally: Well, I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be... but I still am.

Emmett: *Pulls out something from under his bed.* I got you something to give the kids when they get bored... *Hands her the bag.*

Ally: Wow, Emmet that was sure nice of you! *Looks inside.* What exactly is in here?

Emmett: Well, I didn't know what to get so... I dicided to grab two packs of silly putty and a bag of treats.

Ally: Aw, thank you Emmet! That's too nice of you! *She reaches over and gives him a hug.* But you really didn't have to, though...

Emmet: *Grins.* Yes, I know. But I thought it would be a good idea to give you some help on your first time babysitting...

Ally: Well, I thank you very much Emmet... *She laughs.* What? Do you think it's really gonna' be that hard?

Emmett: I don't know... I hope not!

Ally: Same with me... *Looks at clock.* Well, it'll be about another hour till I leave soo...

Emmett: Do you want to go out for ice cream?

Ally: Yeah! Now your talkin'!

*The two prepare to go for ice cream...*
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