Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (coming in late; the roommates are all in bed asleep, except Hoots)
Hoots: Hey, Bry! Have a good time?
Bry: It was great.
Hoots: Say, you got some calls and I jotted the messages down here.
Bry: Oh, thanks. Lay it on me, Hoots!
Hoots: The first one was from some casting guy.
Bry: Really?
Hoots: Yeah, he said he got your information and would like to audition you soon for his new show.
Bry: Awesome! Didn't expect that one. I'll have to call him back. Did he leave a number?
Hoots: Got the ol' digits right here!
Bry: Okay, I'll do that in the morning. Any other messages?
Hoots: Umm...yeah. Baby Bear called to tell us that the Letter of the Day was B, and a Honker called to tell us the Number of the Day was 4.
Bry: How do you know he said that?
Hoot: It honked 4 times.
Bry: Of course. How silly of me to ask. Well, I'm off to bed.
Hoots: Go ahead. Mind if I play some soft riffs on my sax?
Bry: Not at all. I love it when you play. Goodnight!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: All right guys, let's go over the rules one more time. Rule #1 for carnival rides?
Betty Lou: If there's a height limit and they say we're too small to get on, then we shouldn't be riding that ride.
Kim: Right. Rule #2?
Boober: No standing on each other's shoulders to make ourselves look taller so we can go on those rides?
Kim: *chuckles* No, but also a good rule Boober.
Tosh: Don't talk to strangers, and don't go wandering off anywhere with anyone we don't know.
Kim: Right again. Rule #3?
Gillis: We're only getting enough money for lunch and to play some of the carnival games. Spend it wisely.
Kim: Correct. Rule #4?
Boober: When we run out of money don't come to you at work asking for more. Because we won't get it.
Kim: Darn right. Rule #5?
Betty Lou: If we get done before five o'clock, come straight to the library and wait for you to get off work - patiently.
Kim: Right. And Rule #6?
Gillis: In case of emergency we're to call either you at the library or your mother at the church if we can't reach you.
Kim: Right. Okay, that should about cover it. You've all got your hats and sunglasses-
Roomies: *donning said items* Check!
Kim: Brother. Here. *gives them money for games and to buy food, and tickets for the rides* This should be enough to cover your lunch and everything. Now, I want you guys to be careful, especially you with Beast, Tosh.
Tosh: Check!
Beast: *salutes*
Kim: Okay. Gillis, I can trust you to keep an eye on things?
Gillis: Of course!
Kim: All right then. Let's get going, guys!


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ah... The fun of the carnival or the mall... Good rules of thumb Kim. Course, when we got a bit older, my dad trusted us to go off on our own and explore safely, promising to meet back at a meeting point by a certain time. Sure hope the rides don't have any height requirements though, wouldn't Fraggles normally be too small if any height requirements were imposed? Oh well, have fun you guys.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Fuzzhead *just woken up after his first night in the dorms. Looks around the room to see Jen sitting in one of the large bean bag chairs, watching TV*

Fuzzhead: Good morning.
Jen: Good morning. I wondered when you would awaken.
Fuzzhead: Yeah, sorry. All that moving in made me really exhausted. How's Fizzgig?
Jen: He's still asleep in the closet.
Fuzzhead: He would sleep all day if we let him. Hey, I think I'm going to take a shower, then head on out to see if anybody's around. Do you want to get some breakfast?
Jen: I ate some Mugroot already. Maybe some lunch later. I think I want to relax in here for a while.
Fuzzhead: That's cool
*Takes a shower, then goes to the common room*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Fuzzhead... The bathroom's the last door down on your left in your room's hallway. You can certainly fix yourself something to eat here in the common room... Or you could always go out, Everybody Eats is probably the most popular restaurant here in town. Just LMK if you have any questions... Or any of the other regulars here as you set out to exploring the town of Hensonville where we live.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Hi, Ed (can I call you Ed?). Thanks a lot for all your help around here. It's a really nice place. I think I'll just grab a quick bowl of cereal or something. Then I'm going to have a look around the place. I might see if Jen and Fizzgig want to tag along. Maybe I'll run into you later? See ya.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Sure... Most everyone here calls me that, got no probs with it.

You might want a map of town, they're available at the lobby's desk... *Check the Hensonville Layout thread in FanFic and FanArt.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*whole gang getting back from the pool*

Me: Man, that was a great time guys, thanks for going with me.

Clifford: Anytime dude, gotta love the ladies I always say.

Me: So I've heard.

Gonzo: So what are we gonna do now?

Me: Well we have movies...Games...Uh...

UD: Fan-fiction writing.

Me: *sigh* Alright, alright, I'll go. *goes off to write*

Cantus: I'll play you some inspirational writing music my friend!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Dunno... You'd have to ask Sara about that, she was the one drawing it. Though I'd hurry and ask her, she'll be going on her own little summer vacation on Sunday.
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