Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Apr 16, 2002
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Bobo: *watching TV*
Bo: *writing MopFam*
Beau: *cleaning something*
Bobo: *bored*
Bo: *bored*
Beau: *board*
All: Right, change over time!
Beau: *watching TV*
Bobo: *writing something*
Bo: *cleaning Mop*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: What a relief! Thanks, Ed. (hugs him and runs off to room 29)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth returns home*
Red: Hi!
Mokey: How was your first day?
Beth: Pretty good! Lots of orientation type stuff, kind of boring, but still good
Robin: Can we play now?
Beth: In a little while, I have to practice a song I'm singing in a friend's wedding, it would be nice to have a piano player *looks at Rowlf*
Rowlf: All right, all right, I see how it is, working for my room and board
Beth: I thought you liked to play piano
Rowlf: I do, I'm just giving you a hard time! I'd be happy to help you
Beth: Thanks!


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Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: (At Catherine's elbow at the sewing table) Um....
Catherine: (looking up) Hey Piggy--are we already out of oatmeal cookies?
Piggy: No, I mean, actually yes, but that's not what I wanted to tell you.
Catherine: Um...okay.
Piggy: You know that weird little man in the can?
Catherine: (puzzled) In--in the bathroom?
Piggy: (gives frustrated stare) No--not THAT can--the trash can. That green guy.
Catherine: Oh--Oscar. Right. What about him?
Piggy: Um, he's been trying to get the Swedish Chef to try some of his recipes. Chef's been hanging out in the hall there for a few days and they seem to be getting sort of chummy. I think this is a bad thing.
Catherine: (Obviously worried over the possibilities) Yes--this does sound like a bad thing. What can we do?
Piggy: (unintelligible mumbling)
Catherine: What? Can't hear you, dear.
Piggy: I said maybewecouldinvitehimtovisitusforafewdays.
Catherine: (stunned) Um. That's very generous of you, Piggy. (eyes twinkling) Planning to share your closet?
Piggy: (Looking alarmed) I thought you could--you know, you have so much more room in your closet than I do....
Catherine: Okay, Piggy--I'm just teasing. I'll ask him to visit for a few days and see how he likes it here.
Piggy: Maybe he is lonely for a kitchen.
Catherine: (giving Piggy 'the look' which, as usual, has no effect) Would this whole thing be a ploy to get more galley slaves to wait on you, Piggy?
Piggy: (dashing for door) Maybe....I'll go ask him!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Laughing a little. Just so long Piggy knows it's only until Lisa gets back...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (waking into room and see Rosita and Telly dressed in pig costumes with little pink ears and pig snouts ready to walk out the door.) Hey, where you guys goin'? (joking) To look for the third Little Pig? Hehe.
Telly: No.
Big Bird: Then why are you two dressed like that?
Rosita: Well, we think that Miss Piggy has been looking a little sad lately, so we thought we would go visit her and sing her a song to cheer her up.
Telly: Yeah!
Big Bird: Oh! Well, that sounds nice. Have fun!
Telly: Thanks, Big Bird! Bye!
Rosita: Adios!
Big Bird: Bye bye!

(Telly and Rosita, with guitar, head to Catherine and Piggy's room dressed in their pig costumes. They knock on the door once and open it to find Miss Piggy)
Rosita: Hi, Miss Piggy!
Telly: (waves) Hello!
Rosita: We know you've been feeling sad lately.
Telly: You probably miss your friends back on the farm.
Rosita: Yeah, but we know just the thing to make you happy--a song!
Telly: That's right! Hit it, Rosita!

(Rosita starts to play on her guitar and the two monsters sing...)

Rosita/Telly: Oh what a joy
Watching life passing by and
Being a pig

What could compare
To a home in a sty and
Being a pig

Rosita: Days are sunny and rosy
Things are comfy and cozy
With all the piggies around
What greater joy could be found

Rosita/Telly: Wallow awhile
In the mud that's my style
And being a pig

Telly: Slurping that slop
Hey to me that's the top
And being a pig

Rosita: And when Mama is able
She sets a fine table
We gather around for a treat
And wow do we eat!

Rosita/Telly: And when the night has come creeping
In the barn we go sleeping
Who would know that pleasure gets this big!

Rosita: Being a pig Oink oink!
Telly: Being a pig Oink oink!
Rosita/Telly: Being a pig


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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<sigh> This technology age is uncompatable with the poor...

L: Huh?

I'd like to get a digital camera, but I don't have the money...

L: Oh...

You contribute so much to our conversations...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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BEAR said:
Big Bird: (waking into room and see Rosita and Telly dressed in pig costumes with little pink ears and pig snouts ready to walk out the door.) Hey, where you guys goin'? (joking) To look for the third Little Pig? Hehe.
Telly: No.
Big Bird: Then why are you two dressed like that?
Rosita: Well, we think that Miss Piggy has been looking a little sad lately, so we thought we would go visit her and sing her a song to cheer her up.
Telly: Yeah!
Big Bird: Oh! Well, that sounds nice. Have fun!
Telly: Thanks, Big Bird! Bye!
Rosita: Adios!
Big Bird: Bye bye!

(Telly and Rosita, with guitar, head to Catherine and Piggy's room dressed in their pig costumes. They knock on the door once and open it to find Miss Piggy)
Rosita: Hi, Miss Piggy!
Telly: (waves) Hello!
Rosita: We know you've been feeling sad lately.
Telly: You probably miss your friends back on the farm.
Rosita: Yeah, but we know just the thing to make you happy--a song!
Telly: That's right! Hit it, Rosita!

(Rosita starts to play on her guitar and the two monsters sing...)

Rosita/Telly: Oh what a joy
Watching life passing by and
Being a pig

What could compare
To a home in a sty and
Being a pig

Rosita: Days are sunny and rosy
Things are comfy and cozy
With all the piggies around
What greater joy could be found

Rosita/Telly: Wallow awhile
In the mud that's my style
And being a pig

Telly: Slurping that slop
Hey to me that's the top
And being a pig

Rosita: And when Mama is able
She sets a fine table
We gather around for a treat
And wow do we eat!

Rosita/Telly: And when the night has come creeping
In the barn we go sleeping
Who would know that pleasure gets this big!

Rosita: Being a pig Oink oink!
Telly: Being a pig Oink oink!
Rosita/Telly: Being a pig
(Music ends)
Telly:...........................What?................................Rosita, why doesn't she look happier?......

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Ah, so the dorms will be closing for a little while during the summer. I wondered about that.
Boober: Maybe we should start packing now, so that we're all prepared to move out.
Kim: I don't think we need to do that quite yet, Boober. We've still got some time before then I'm sure.
Boober: Okay, if you're sure.
Tosh: Kim? When we leave, we can still come visit you at your home right?
Kim: Sure, Tosh! You guys are always welcome at my house, you know that. Who knows; a Fraggle hole might pop up right in my basement. Just not by the washing machine; that'd freak my mother out. And we can do fun things together like we did last Friday, going into Chicago to see that musical.
Gillis: Yes, that was a fun time. It was a wonderful show; I understand why you love it so much, now.
Betty Lou: What about next year? Can we still be roommates next year?
Kim: Well, we'll have to see what Ed says. But I don't think there'd be anything wrong with it. And even if we don't end up together, you guys can always come and visit me.
Betty Lou: *hugs her* Thanks, Kim. You're the best.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... The dorms won't close down till around the first week of September 2006. As for whether any current roommate will/might still room with their current dorms' resident... That's rully up to each dorms' resident to decide for themselves when the time comes.
Just be prepared to choose, since it'll be a complete do-over, still toying with the limit.
But no worries about that now. Summer's here and it's time to play... Well, actually, it's time for sleep. Unless you're one of the creatures of the night...
Count: And I happen to be, such a vonderful thing it is.
Yeah... Well, good night everyone.

If you have any questions about what'll happen with the dorms, best to contact me and I can answer them as best I can.
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