Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 12, 2005
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<sits on edge of bed, rocks back and forth> *twitch*.....*twitch*

L: Why are you still awake?

I don't know...My brain can't shut down I guess *twitch*

L: Stop that!

*twitch* stop what?


*twitch* What!?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *typing something on computer* Uncle D. you are going to love this one!

UD: Well I certainly hope so my fiend. I've been waiting for three months for another fan-fiction by you.

Me: Rub it in a little more why don't ya?

UD: Ah, it's all in good fun Ryan don't worry. So care to give me a little hint about this one?

Me: Umm...Nope!

UD: Are you sure? Hmmm?

Me: Ok, ok, fine, Gonzo's the headliner in this one, it's all about him.

Gonzo: *falls from the ceiling* Great! Wait 'til I tell Ed and the Count!

Clifford: *comes out from under bed* Yeah and I gotta go tell Renee!

Cantus: *appearing from behind curtains* And I think Beth would be very interested to hear about this.

Me: Well I guess it's not a secret anymore...Thanks guys...

Gonzo: Consider it payback Ryan!

Me: I do, I do. And I know I deserve it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: I don't think Miss Piggy enjoyed our song very much.
Hoots: Why do you say that, Telly?
Rosita: (Holds up a broken guitar) This!
Snuffy: Oh, dear!
Bry: Oh no! Your guitar! I'm sorry, Rosita. Maybe we can get you a new one.
Rosita: That's okay. I don't understand where we went wrong!
Telly: Maybe it was the part about the slop.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckling a little... Maybe you'd better take your guitar to Marvin's Music City, Rosita. They could either fix it or help find a new one. Maybe there'd be some sort of talent show you'd have to win to get the money... Now why does that sound familiar? Hmmm, can't put finger on it.
And I look forward to Ryan's work, whatever it may be. No, Gonzo, wasn't refering to you.
*The weirdo zooms back upstairs to Ryan's room. See you guys later, gonna get some dinner and see what I can get done myself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ZOE: Oh, Poor Rosita

PETER: What's wrong Zoe

ELMO: She broke her guitar

LITTLE BIRD: Oh No, that is terrible!!

ZOE: What should we do to cheer her up

PETER: Why don't we go to the music shop to get her a new guitar

LITTLE BIRD: Sounds Good

ELMO: To The Guitar Shop, here we go!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*watching some old "The Moppets: season one* Oh I just love that kid Kyle. He cracks me up.

Grover: I love that yak. He makes me laugh so much.

Same here Grover. I can't wait for season two to come out.

Herry: I have that the action figures that came out last year.

You do!

Herry: Well I did before Cookie Monster ate them.

Grover: What made him do that?

Herry: Me and him were playing Cookiezilla. And they were the people in the town. He then ate them.

Sorry to hear that Herry. Maybe Ed or someone around here might have some for trade or on ebay or something like that.

Herry: Maybe. Oh well. Lets watch some more episodes.

Ok. *unpauses*

Grover: Funny part coming up.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry Herry... Never even knew the line had made it to retail. Maybe we can find someone who has extras and can either trade or sell, and if worst comes to worst we can always go and check on eBay.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: (jumps up from bed) Oh no!
Bry: What's wrong?!
Telly: Silly me! I never officially welcomed Ryan back to the dorms. He's been back for a few days already and I never said hi.
Bry: Telly, it's 3 in the morning. Can't you wait til--?
Telly: He must think I'm a terrible friend!!
Big Bird: Ya know, I haven't really seen him yet since he's been back.
Rosita: Me neither. What do you say we all go over and give Ryan a big cozy welcome back hug?
Snuffy: Good idea!
Bry: Rosita, you can't just--
Big Bird: Come on, guys, let's go!
Telly: Alright!!
(Big Bird, Telly, Rosita and Snuffy all go over to Ryan's room to say hi and give him a welcome back hug)
Bry: But...(sigh)

(the 4 Muppets barge into Ryan's room; Snuffy is looking through the window from outside...)
Telly: (peeks up from behind Ryan's bed; whispers) Ryan, you awake?
Big Bird: We just wanted to say...
All 4: Welcome back!!!
Big Bird: Yay!
Rosita: (Grabs Ryan's face and kisses him) We love you! *Smoooooch*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hangs up phone, finishing conversation.

OK, for anyone out there interested in joining us at the dorms, here's the current list...
Muppet College Dorms Register.
Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count.
Room #2: Aaron and Sprocket.
Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle.
Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
Room #5: Vic Romano (Dave) and Bert and Ernie.
Room #6: Katzi428 (Kathy) and Prairie Dawn and Gaffer.
Room #8: daughterdeadly (Ally) and Emmett Otter.
Room #10: tutter_fan and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
Room #11: Animal Jam and Ace Yu, Colleen Barker, and Bubba the Bartender.
Room #13 Bill Bubble Guy (Martin) and Bill the Bubble Guy.
Room #14: Beauregard (MC, Matt or Bo) and Beauregard and Bobo the Bear Guard.
Room #15: SkeeterMuppet (Kim) and Betty Lou, Boober Fraggle, Tosh Fraggle, The Beast, and Gillis Fraggle.
Room #19: Vibs (Louise) and The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger.
Room #20: Ruahnna (Catherine) and Miss Piggy.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
Room #22: ReneeLouvier (Sara) and Scooter, and Jim Henson, Frank Oz, and Jerry Nelson Muppets.
Room #23: RedDragon (Nyssa) and Ludo and Ambrosius.
Room #24: TogetherAgain (Lisa) and Rowlf The Dog, The Swedish Chef, and Robin the Frog.
Room #25: theprawncracker (Ryan) and Gonzo the Great, Camilla the Chicken, Clifford, Uncle Deadly, and Cantus the Minstrel.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Oscar The Grouch lives in his trashcan in Floor 2's Common Room, and pals around with Kyle.
Room #27: tvlistingman (Peter) and Elmo, Zoe, and Little Bird.
Room #28: MrsPepper and Uncle "Traveling" Matt Fraggle.
Room #29: Bear (MC, Bryan) and Big Bird, Snuffy, Rosita, and Telly Monster.
Hoots the Owl and Chucky Sue, Telly's hamster also live with Bryan in Room #29.
Room #32: Harvey Towers and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla.
Room #33: puppetise (Wayne) and Mahna Mahna, The Snowths, George the Janitor, and Hilda.
Room #34: Smiles (Nicole) and Floyd Pepper, Zoot, and Janice.
Room #36: MuppetMatt (Matthew) and Dr. Teeth, Animal, and Lips.
Room #38: Fragglemuppet (Kate) and Gobo Fraggle, Wembley Fraggle, and Lou Fraggle.
Room #39: erniebert1234ss (BJ) and Wilkins and Wontkins.
Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan or Doc) and Link Hogthrob.
Room #44: JaniceFerSure (Diana) and Sweetums and Behemoth.
Room #50: super muppet and Lew Zealand, Dr. Phil van Neuter, Clueless Morgan, and Doglion Beast.
The Bookkeeper Staff from MCC, Foo-Foo, and Muppy also live with supermuppet.
Room #51: baba (Phil) and Pops the Doorman, Baskerville the Hound, Leroy the Donkey, Rover Joe the Hounddog, and T.R. the Rooster.
Bean Bunny and Junior Gorg also live with baba.
Room #52: radio boy (Mark) and Thog.
Room #56: G-Man (Gerard) and Rizzo the Rat and Pepe the King Prawn.

Hope this helps anyone interested in joining us when picking out their roommates.
Also, please be aware that when the anniversary comes in September 2006, there will be the traditional shake-up, a result of the dorms' closing to get everything sorted out and freshly cleaned up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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UD: Ryan my fiend you look half dead! ...And I suppose I wold know wouldn't I.

Me: Ugh, I was woken up at 5 this morning by Bry's roomies. But it is nice to know I'm loved and that I was missed.

Clifford: Speak for yourself dude. I was woken up to remember. And I didn't get any hugs.

Me: Aw, poor Cliff. *hugs him tight* That better?

Clifford: C'mon Ryan, lay off and let's go grab somet'in to eat.

Me: Sounds good.
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