Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 12, 2005
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We've traveled forward in time!

L: We have?

Yes, there's an 18 on this cake!...I'm going to be 17.....sorry, Count, couldn't resist. I'm going to be 17, one more year of school highs...whoa pretty colors...wait, no, I mean High School...what was in those muffins Ryan? <asks nearby tree> Oh, pretty fire....That's a fire hazard, we should put that out <blows out candle> Thanks for the cakes


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok guys. Are ya'll ready for the big birthday bash song?

Cookie M: Who this for?

It's Nyssa birthday.

Cookie M: Any cake be involved?

Not that I know. I do have some cookies for her. *looking at Cookie Monster* And no one is to eat them.

Cookie M: Me know.

Ok. Everyone ready?

Herry: Ready!

Grover: Ready!

*We all go to Nyssa room*

Oh hey Ryan and Gonzo. Me and the gang are about to sing her a birthday song. Glad to see you back Ryan. See ya'll around. Ok. Is everyone ready?

Herry: My piano is tuned.

Ok. Cookie are you ready?

Cookie M: Me ready. Me me me me me....

*plays a harmonica note, knocks on Nyssa door*

Ok sing it Cookie Monster.

*Herry starts playing his piano*

Cookie Monster: If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (Me and Grover: 1 cake)
Baked a cake (Me and Grover: 2 cakes)
Baked a cake (Me and Grover: 3 cakes)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (Me and Grover: 4 cakes)
How'd ya do, how'd ya do, how'd ya do?

(Me and Grover: 3 how's ya do's)

Cookie Monster: If you dropped me a letter,
Me would hire a band (Me and Grover: 1 band)
Hire a band (Me and Grover: 2 bands)
Hire a band (Me and Grover: 3 bands)
If you dropped me a letter
Me'd have hired a band (Me and Grover: 4 bands)
And spread the welcome mat for you

(Me and Grover: Thank you very much)

Cookie Monster: Now me don't know where
You came from (Me and Grover: We're over there!)
And me don't know where
You've been (Me and Grover: We've been counting)
But it really doesn't matter
Grab a chair and fill your platter
And dig, dig, dig right in

(Me and Grover: 3 digs) (Grover: Where's the Count when you need him?)

Cookie Monster: If me knew you were coming
Me'd would baked a cake (Me and Grover: 1 cake)
Baked a cake (Me and Grover: 2 cakes)
Baked a cake (Me and Grover: 3 cakes)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (Me and Grover: 4 cakes)
How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do

(Me and Grover: 3 more how'd you do's)

Cookie Monster: Now me don't know where
You come from (Me: I told you, we're over there)
And me don't know where you been

(Me: Counting, of course. Grover gave up.) (Grover: Sorry.)

Cookie Monster: But it really doesn't matter
Grab a chair and fill your platter
And dig, dig, dig right in

(Grover: What's with the digs?)
(Me: Don't know)

Cookie Monster: If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (Me: 1 cake)
Baked a cake (Me: that's 2 cakes)
Baked a cake (Me: that's 3)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (Me: 4 cakes)
How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do?

(Me: 3 more how'd you do's)

Cookie Monster: How'd ya do, how'd you do, how'd you do?

(Me: That's 9, that's 12 how'd you do's)

Cookie Monster: How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do?

(Me: How many how'd you do's are there?)

Cookie: You play the piano so good.

Herry: Thank you Cookie. I practice alot.

Cookie: Me sing so good, me deserve cookie. *starts eatting the cookies*

Cookie Monster! NO! Those are Nyssa's! So sorry Nyssa. Just to think how do I live with this cookie machine. I'll bake some more later. *stares at Cookie Monster* And this time he won't get none!

Cookie M: Wha...?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Well, it's the thought that counts, if not the practice...Thanks guys...why am I still up? <shrug, turns off light, lights a match> Happy Birthday to me...goodnight everyone <blows out match>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry bout that Nyssa. Just that the age line in the header of your posts said 17, so I thought you'd be 18. Oh well, no worries. Guess that means it was a figure of Elmo wit the 1 and Snuffy with the 7.
Hope you have a great B-Day anyway, at least a nice party in the evening.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (Snoring) Qua qua qua qua...
Rosita: Zzzzzzzz...
Telly: Zzzzzzz...
Bry: Well, I'm glad Prairie had a good time. It was nice having her visit. I feel bad that I wasn't really able to spend more time with them the last couple days. I suddenly got really busy yesterday with stuff and didn't have much time.
Hoots: Hey, it's cool. Seemed like she enjoyed the company of our roomies here. Hey, did you hear Ryan's back?
Bry: You sure? I've heard that before.
Hoots: Hehehe! No, he's back for real this time.
Bry: Well, it's about time. I've missed the guy a lot, but not nearly as much as his own roomies I'm sure.
Hoots: I don't remember the last time I've seen Gonzo so excited.
Bry: Yeah. I think I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm beat. Would you do me a favor, Hoots?
Hoots: What's up?
Bry: It's Nyssa's birthday. Would you take this to her room? (hands Hoots a birthday card with a box of Fraggle candies.)
Hoots: No problem.
Bry: Thanks. Goodnight.
Hoots: (flies off to make his delivery)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: All right did everyone sign the card for Nyssa's birthday?
*everyone choruses yes*
Robin: Mokey and I made her a picture!
Beth: That's wonderful!
Red: I can bring the card and picture to her
Rowlf: Don't forget the cookies
Red: I won't, I just didn't want a certain someone to hear me
Mokey: Don't worry, I haven't seen him up and about today


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: (bustling into room with two knapsacks, and multiple boxes and bags) Piggy? I'm back! (Stops, looks around room in dismay. It is, well, rather untidy, with clothing and shopping bags strewn about the room. There is a definite odor of burnt popcorn coming from the kitchen, and there are several plates, an empty ice cream carton and about six mostly empty glasses sitting on the coffee table, along with several glossy magazines.) Piggy? (Goes to her room and sets the boxes, bags and knapsacks on her bed. Comes back out and begins to pick up clothing in a laundry basket. Carries the dishes back to the kitchen and runs a sink of hot, soapy water. Sighs. Wishes she could get in the sink of hot, soapy water, but gets a warm, soapy sponge and wipes out the microwave instead. Starts a teapot boiling. While the dishes are soaking, she begins to gather the boxes and shopping bags. The bedroom door opens and Piggy emerges wearing her robe, looking tousled and rested.)
Piggy: Oh--hello! You are back! I thought I heard someone. (She eyes Catherine's disheveled appearance.) Did you have a nice time, um, wherever you went?
Catherine: Yes, actually. My family reunion last weekend was fun, and camp was great, too. (Eyeing Piggy sternly.) This place looks as though you were having a bit of a vacation, too. Did you go shopping every day while I was out?
Piggy: (Rushing forward and giving two enthusiastic kissy-kissy kisses on Catherine's cheeks, an obvious ploy to avoid the question) Welcome home, roomie!
Catherine: Piggy--
Piggy: Are you going to bake something now?
(There is a moment when they look at each other, one not-so-innocently hopeful, the other trying hard not to be amused.)
Catherine: (sighing) Yes--I guess I could manage to cook something. Pull up a chair at the table and visit with me while I do the dishes.
Piggy: Oh--the dishes. Didn't I put my teacup away this morning?
Catherine: (giving Piggy a look) No. (She rummages around in the cabinet over the stoves, peeks in the fridge. In a moment, she is boiling pasta and steaming some frozen vegetables.)
Piggy: (accepting a cup of tea and stirring in sugar and cream) So you went to camp. I didn't know they had camp for grown-ups.
Catherine: This wasn't a camp for grownups. Piggy, I told you what I was going to be doing.
Piggy: Well, um, tell me again. (little laugh) You're such a fascinating story-teller. (flutters lashes)
Catherine: (not buying it) I spent the last week with about eighteen kids every day. We went hiking and to archery and played sports and made crafts.
Piggy: (clearly horrified) And you finally escaped?
Catherine: (laughing at last) No, Piggy. I didn't escape. Camp was over yesterday and I came home.
Piggy: (in a conspiratorial growl) Why did you have to go? Were you doing community service or something?
Catherine: No, silly. I did it because I enjoyed the children and because I think every kid ought to have a chance to go to camp.
Piggy: Did they pay you?
Catherine: (rinsing pasta in cold water and mixing it with Italian dressing and the veggies) I got this t-shirt.
(They stare at each other.)
Piggy: I will never understand you.
Catherine: (putting a steaming plate of pasta salad in front of Piggy) But you love me anyway.
Piggy: (lets out a little squeak of pleasure at the sight of food) Yes--roomie. I love you anyway.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Always nice to see/hear people come back to their home here at the dorms. Wonder if more of that story will get posted. Got a bit of my own, but since I've posted so much, think I'll wait till Monday to update.

That, and I'd like to see if I find a talented-enough artist/drawer as advertised in that thread over in FanFic & FanArt. *Slight sigh*
Oh well, on with the weekend I guess.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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L: What is it?

I got so burned out there today...I swear the sun is trying to kill me...Now I'm going to fill a tub with aloe and bathe in it...

L: ....have fun...



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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<looks around frantically> I've killed the dorms! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Someone post! <faints>

L: Breathe girl breathe! <fans me> Someone post...Quick!
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