Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: You could never kill the dorms!
Robin: Kill the dorms??? *looks worried*
Red: Don't worry Robin, Nyssa was worried because no one seems to be around tonight
Robin: Oh good! I was worried, I like it here, I wouldn't want it to die out!
Rowlf: Don't worry little man, I think everyone's just busy tonight
Mokey: Yeah, it is a weekend and all

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Laughs a little. Yeah, just cause noone's posting in a while, dodn't mean it's dead. Heck, if it were, you'd think Uncle Deadly and my roomie here would like it better.
No, it might close down at the anniversary... But we've got the summer before then. Hope you guys and ghouls have a good night's sleep.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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<hops to feet> Oh good! <clasps hands behind back and walks away whisling a happy tune>

L: <shakes head> What a strange, strange little girl...

(only 95 more posts til senior membership, I'm almost there! And yet so far to go...)


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Mar 11, 2003
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*wakes up* What in the world! *runs out in hallway* Who's screaming? *sees Nyssa* It was you. Jeez think someone being killed out here. And me trying to sleep and all....*keeps shouting as I walk off, slams the door*

Oscar: *pops open trashlid* Heh heh heh heh heh....all that noise and someone as bound to get mad. That is why I love it here.

Anything Muppet Boy:*walking by* Ah ha! I heard you say "Love" Oscar.

Oscar: But I didn't mean it for something that I love. I meant it for something that I hate.

AMB: Whatever Oscar. I heard you. Wait til the boys hear this. *runs off*

Oscar: WAIT! *screams* I HATE IT HERE! *slams trashlid on head* Ow! *groans* *shuts lid*

Grover: *opens door* Can anyone be quite tonight?! Golly! *shuts door*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
*Laughs a little. Yeah, just cause noone's posting in a while, dodn't mean it's dead. Heck, if it were, you'd think Uncle Deadly and my roomie here would like it better.
No, it might close down at the anniversary... But we've got the summer before then. Hope you guys and ghouls have a good night's sleep.

Telly: (running around the second floor hall frantic) Oh no!! Ed's closing down the dorms!! Oh this is TERRIBLE!!! WE WON'T ALL BE TOGETHER ANYMORE!!!! WHAT ARE WE TO DO??! WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Up and doing a few chores... Hey Telly, calm down. We went through this last year. And we'll go through it every anniversary. The dorms will only be closed for a little time, so everyone can make sure they'll be residents once it reopens. Just a way to make sure of that this time. And Bryan will let you know what'll happen when we get to that moment. But there's no need to worry yet, we've got a couple of months of fun before that.
Now run off and have some breakfast with the rest of your roomies.
*Sends Telly back to Bryan, hopeful he's calmer now.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Typing away at the computer, with "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon" playing on the stereo.*

Scooter: You're finally picking that story up again?

Sara: Yeah, my knee and everything was just bringing me down, and I've gotten the inspiration to write more of the story! *gently pats her knee now* You've not noticed it, but I'm in a soft knee wrap now! It's a lot easier then that hard, metal knee brace.

Scooter: Hope they like the latest chapter, even though it's been pratically forever since you've touched it. XD

Sara: Ha-ha, Scooter. Very funny...but yeah it has been awhile hasn't it? Oh well, hope they like it!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: What's wrong, guys

ELMO: Ed is going to close the dorms for the anniversary

ZOE: That'll be terrible

LITTLE BIRD (sobbing):

PETER: Hey Hey Hey!, Everything is going to be okay, we got the summer all to ourselves

ZOE: Oh, thank you!!!

ELMO: What are we going to do today!

PETER: Well how about we have some breakfast at everybody eats and we can go Bowling

LITTLE BIRD: Okay! Bowling Here we Come!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Guys... It'll be OK. Like I said, we wnet through this last year. I contacted everyone to see whether they'd stay on or leave, and I got varying results from most of the people living here at that time. What I'm thinking of doing will *hopefully* end up as more practical this time around. But no worries, cares for another day. Remember yourselves now, got the whole summer left to play.
Down at MC Dorms, which by the way rocks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Everybody seems to be getting excited and frantic about rumours we'll all be evicted from our dorms Bill. Doesn't worry me though. Ed said it was nothing to become upset about and I've got too much faith to let it worry me.
Bill: How is your mother? She was too sick to watch the next Astroboy episodes with you wasn't she?
Martin: That's true. She was a bit sicker than she rightfully should have been. The doctors had given her medication to counteract the nauseous attacks but forgot to give her any for keeping her bowels unblocked.
Bill: That's bad.
Martin: Yes but she's okay now she has the medication she should have had to start with. Never mind people do sometimes make mistakes and she could always be far worse.
Bill: You really are a very faithful person Martin.
Martin: I don't like to brag about it Bill. I just have a loyal Friend who sees me through the troubles in my life. And Mummy and I needed to be drawn closer together after the silly fights we had before while I lived with her. So some good has come out of this.
Bill: Did you enjoy spending Saturday night sleeping over at her house?
Martin: I sure did. And I gave her the flower bouquet that Ed provided for her. She loved it. I think she's happy that I'm going to spend every Saturday night with her now. And Grandmother and Aunt are pleased with it too. I'm trying to get happier acquainted with all of them.
Bill: That's great Martin. Let's celebrate. Ready?
Martin: Am I ever?

They fill their room up with joyful bubbles in praise and thanks for Martin's renewed relationships with his family and dear Mummy's health and positive attitude.
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