Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *Walks in main door and up to desk and rings the bell* Hello Pops, I'd like to re-check in. *grabs room keys for #25* Thanks! *goes to room #1 and knocks on door* Hey Ed! I'm here to finally recover a certain phantom of mine.

Uncle Deadly: *appears in doorway* Ryan! Does this mean...

Me: You bet Uncle D.! I'm back!

UD: Well it took you long enough my friend! *hugs Ryan*

Me: Ed, Count, I can't thank you enough for taking care of Uncle D. while I was away for so long. Here, I baked muffins! *hands Ed muffins* And if you ever need anything Ed, let me know! Now c'mon Uncle D., we've still got some others to recover!

UD: Indeed, and thank you again Eduardo and Count, I had a frightfully delightful time.

*Uncle D. and Ryan go in the elevator to Beth's room and knock on the door*

Me: BETH! *hugs Beth* It's Prawnie!! I'm back! Hi Red! Mokey! Rowlf? Robin? Cantus!! *hugs Cantus*

Cantus: Ryan my friend, it has been so long! Where on Fraggle Rock have you been?!

Me: Well you know Cantus, travelling here and there...Singing...

Cantus: Mm, you haven't changed one bit my old friend. Welcome home.

Me: Thanks Cantus. And thank you Beth, Red, Mokey, for taking care of Cantus, here! Muffins!!! *hands them muffins* Take care you guys, and Beth if you need anything at all let me know! I'm here to help! C'mon you guys! Off to Kyle's room! *We run off to Kyle's room and knock on the door* Kyle! I'm back!

Cantus: Yes, and we are here to recover our three remaining room mates.

Me: Yup! What? There already in my room? Oh, ok thanks, here take these muffins I made for watching over them, you're a real pal Kyle. Tell Grover, Cookie, and Herry I said hi. And if you ever need anything holler! C'mon guys, let's go home!

*The three of us head to Room # 25 and open the door*

Me: Gonzo! Camilla! Clifford! Guess who's back!

*Ryan is tackled by a speeding blue ball of fur*

Gonzo: RYAN!! You weren't captured by midget clowns and forced to walk a tightrope with an overweight bearded lady while whistling the ballad of Davy Crocket!

Me: Nice to see you too Gonzo.

Gonzo: NOW WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! I waited months for you to come back so I could show you my new act! But no! You didn't! Lisa kept giving dates, "the 15th," "the 17th," But you weren't there! I had to go through so much rubber cement to rehearse the act on the 15th, and you didn't even show up!

Camilla: Baguck babawk!

Gonzo: Yeah! And Camilla was almost deep fried in secret spices and served with a side of fries!

Me: Gonzo...Camilla...Everyone...I'm sorry I was gone so long...I couldn't come back...Surely Lisa and Ed and Beth told you all that didn't they? It's just hard to explain. But one thing that isn't hard to explain...Is that I missed you guys! *gives one big group hug* Please forgive me.

Clifford: Aw man, we could never stay mad at you. You took us into your room! Let us live here with ya!

Cantus: And play our music!

UD: And speak of death!

Camilla: Bagawk!

Gonzo: And perform a stunt such as mounting a plank of wood atop a cereal box and dancing the tango on top while cooking a banna cream pie and singing "O Canada!"

Me: Man I've missed you guys! Now, how bout I get unpacked, we go for a swim, and then we all go out for pizza on me!

Gonzo: Oh, we don't have to go out! *goes to fridge and takes out pizza and throws it at Ryan* There! Now we have pizza on you!

Me: ...I suppose I deserved that!

Gonzo: I told Lisa I'd get you back!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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The Prawn has returned... And all is good with the world, for now.
Thanks for the muffins Ryan... *To self, guess he forgot Beth's room's fright next door to ours. Oh well...

Glad you're back for good this time buddy. Was afraid you might not make it back before the anniversary shake-up, but we've all the summer to enjoy till then. We'll be downstairs if you need us.
Wonder if Kathy got back OK from NYC. Prairie was asking about her yesterday...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie: Hi Kathy...glad you're home!*hug*
Thanks Prairie....*hugging her back* Glad to be home.Did you have fun with Bryan,Grover,Herry,Rosita & Cookie?
Prairie:Yeah. I made pancakes for them the first day I was there. They loved them!
Well....of course they did. Your cooking is better than you know who's.Just don't tell him I said that.:wink:
Prairie*giggling*:I won't.Plus all of us went swimming at the pool.It was hot down here in the past few days.YUK!
I'm glad you had so much fun with them.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Why am I so subject to whims?

L: <shug> You're a push over...

Pretty much...I've only written one chapter of the fantasy story I'm writing and now I'm thinking of writing Mairin's story...I blame Kyle...

L: Oh?

I mean, not in a "it's all your fault I'm in trouble" kind of way. More like a "you put this idea in my head" kind of way...It's all because he said he was going to be writing a Vic/Kyle origin story...It got me to thinking...

L: don't want to write it?

No, no, I do...I've been thinking for awhile that I should explain Mairin's past...I mean all we know about the girl is that she came back from "college" when she got a note saying Kyle was in trouble, she likes Jack, she lights matches to watch them burn when bored, she enjoys doing dangerous things, and she has had experience in criminal activies (i.e. she carries around a device that can immediately open any lock and knows how to hotwire a car)...we don't even know what she looks like...

L: I see...Hey isn't it your Birthday tomorrow!


L: Let's throw a party!

Can't...I have to run our yard sale from 9 to 5...

L: Bummer...



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: I'm so happy Ryan's back!
Red: Me too, I missed him!
Mokey: I'll miss having Cantus around, but I'm enjoying your company Rowlf and Robin
Robin: You guys are nice, I'm having fun here too
Rowlf: Indeed, you ladies are quite hospitable!
Beth: Anyway, would you guys like to go to a parade with me tonight?
Robin: Ooh! A parade? Will there be clowns? Uncle Kermit told me all about clowns
Beth: I bet there will be clowns
Rowlf: How about a marching band?
Beth: Yeah, I think so
Red: Cheerleaders?
Beth: Maybe
Mokey: What about people dressed up in pretty clothes?
Beth: Yeah, I think so. So what do you guys say?
*everyone excitedly agrees to go to the parade*
Beth: All right, we have to go in a couple of hours

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *standing outside Room 15* Okay guys, hurry up! We've gotta go!
Betty Lou: I'm ready, Kim! How do I look? *twirls in her new dress, which looks a lot like her regular dress*
Kim: Fabulous. Where are the Fraggles?
Gillis: We're coming, we're coming. Oh, an actual theatre show. I can't wait! Do we have good seats?
Kim: I'm assuming so. I mean, they wouldn't stick us up in the nosebleed section. *sticks her head into the room* Tosh, Boober, shake a leg! We don't want to be late!
Boober: *exits* Are you sure the bus is safe? What about the restaurant we're eating at; are the conditions sanitary? Has it gotten a good rating from a certified health inspector?
Kim: It'll be fine, Boober, trust me. Put your paranoia away for twelve hours and just enjoy the trip. This is supposed to be fun!
Boober: *mumbling* Maybe I oughta just stay home...
Tosh: *leaves the room, holding onto Beast's rope* Kim, are you sure we have to leave Beast here?
Kim: Yeah, I'm sure. Sorry, Toph, but they don't allow pets in the theatre. Beast will be fine here alone, don't worry. He's got toys to play with and plenty of food and water.
Tosh: Well...
Kim: Look, if it'll make you feel better, we'll get Ed or Beth or somebody to check in on him while we're gone. Okay?
Tosh: Okay. *turns to Beast* Now you be on your best behavior, all right?
Beast: *nods, goes back inside the room*
Kim: Good. Now let's move out, gang!
*Kim locks the door and the Room 15 gang heads out*



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Glad to see Ryan back.

Grover: Me too. That weirdo was driving me crazy.

Cookie M: Me going to miss him.

Grover: You would. *sigh*

What's wrong Grover?

Grover: I seem to be having trouble.

With what?

Herry: He seems to be having trouble with what he can do. He wants to do what others can do too.

You mean as in like wanting to do another thing but not being able to?

Grover: Yep.

Well I think I have a song for just this occasion. Lets teach Grover this song.

Herry: Right behind you.

Cookie M: Me too.

*music starts playing*

Me: I don't know how to fly

Herry and Cookie M: My my

Me: High up in the sky

Herry and Cookie M: High high

Me: A human is what I am

Herry and Cookie M: Yes Mama

Me: I'm happy as a clam

Herry and Cookie M: Flim Flam

Me: There's one thing I can do

Herry and Cookie M: Too Hoo

Me: Come on and do it too

Herry and Cookie M: Too Hoo

Me, Herry and Cookie M: Come on its neat don't need webbed feet

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

*Herry and Cookie Monster hopping around*

Me: I don't know how to bark

Herry and Cookie M: Flip Flop

Me: Or sing just like a lark

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop

Me: I can't moo like a cow

Herry and Cookie M: How bow

Me: Cause humans don't know how

Herry and Cookie M: Wow wow

Me: But there's one thing I can do

Herry and Cookie M: Doo hoo

Me: And you can do it too

Herry and Cookie M: Too hoo

Me, Herry and Cookie M: Come on its keen don't need to be green

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: I can't swing up a tree

Herry and Cookie M: So sad

Me: I'm not a chimpanzee

Herry and Cookie M: Too bad

Me: Since I was a little child

Herry and Cookie M: Young lad

Me: Been proud to be a human

Herry and Cookie M: Good lad

Me: There's one thing I can do

Herry and Cookie M: Doo hoo

Me: Come on and do it too

Herry and Cookie M: Too hoo

Me, Herry and Cookie M: There's nothing hipper get down on one flipper

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: Do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: No do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: HOP!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

Me: No do wop do wop....

Me, Herry and Cookie M:..HOP!

Me: I love it!

Me: Do wop do wop don't stop!

Herry and Cookie M: Don't stop!

*music fads*

Grover: You mean if I put my mind to it I will find something I can do. That no one else can?

That's right.

Grover: Thank you Kyle. *hugs me*

I love you too Grover.

Herry: Come on Cookie. Let's hug.

Cookie M: You don't tell me twice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*Gonzo and I are crouched outside Nyssa's room*

Me: Alright Gonzo, ready?

Gonzo: Uh huh!

Me: One, two, three! *we open the door and jump in*

Both: Happy Early Birthday Nyssa!!!

Me: Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!

Gonzo: Happy Birthday dear Nyssa!!

Both: Happy Birthday to you!!

Me: And for a present Nyssa, I bring you a framed photo of Jack Bandit and Mairin Flint, and a fresh batch of birtday muffins!

Gonzo: Whoopie!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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AAAAHHHHHHH!!!.......that's sweet.....*mutters*So that's her last name...<pulls out nail and hammer and hangs picture on wall> Thanks guys, you're the tops! <eats muffin>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Digs around for... Ah, here they are.
*Goes upsairs to Room #23... Happy early B-Day Nyssa... Here are some special choc chip cuppycakes... And the bigger one has a candle and these little PVC figures of Elmo and my roomie, with a number 1 and 8.
Like I said... Blow out the candle and make a wish.
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