Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Back in Room #1... Boy, it's a good thing they stay open late over at Everybody Eats.
Count: Yes, makes it a good thing to be nocturnal.
Heh... Yeah, we got ourselves a good meal down there.
Well, hope everybody's OK... Think I'll head off to sleep in a little bit.
Good night everyone.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: Well, it ain't Daytona Beach. But finally.....Hurl Rock Motel in Myrtle Beach, is great isn't it?

Scooter: Yeah, we've got a two room, huh?

Sara: Yep. Mom was balking at $84 a night, for a very nice, two room effeciency...until I showed her some of the other prices.

Jim: Get's really expensive dosn't it?

Sara: That's not the half of it. The sad part is, we're going to have to board my little chihauha, Bridget. So...she's not going to be with us.

Frank: She'll be fine.

Sara: She'll be fine? I really hope she is...she's skittish, has seizures....she's overweight. She's the sweetest little thing, and dosn't even bark. She's not a normal chi. But they said she'll probably get a whole run to herself, so she'll be alone, and in her little baby pen. Which'll be great for her.

Jerry: Baby pen?

Sara: Yeah. One of those old, soft-sided baby pens. We keep her in there. With her water, her dog bed, and her blanket. It's her own little home. And she can see what we're doing through the mesh as well. But she is usually in one of our laps most times. I really do hope she'll be alright though...

Scooter: She should be fine, Sara. Good thing is, you know Myrtle Beach too, don't you?

Sara: Definately. We've been going there for nearly....4 years now? Maybe 5 years? I know it like the back of my hand! It's a great place. So....Myrtle Beach in two weeks!

Scooter: YEAH!!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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That sounds really swell Sara. Hmmm, maybe Kath'll be back later today.
Oh, not sure if you saw the last I posted, more's on the way... Heh, just gotta make a mental note of how many Muppets'll show up. And I'll contact you when that's done for the next song(s) I'll probably need.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Boy, what a crazy week I'm having!
Mokey: Yeah, we've noticed you haven't been around much
Beth: Sorry about that guys
Red: It's ok! Mokey and I have been entertaining Rowlf and Robin
Beth: Did Cantus come back? I had a little mix up about Ryan coming back
Red: Nope, he's just waiting up there with the rest of his roomies
Beth: Oh ok
Rowlf: I've checked on them a couple of times, they're all right
Beth: That's good
Robin: Are you going to be able to play with us this weekend?
Beth: I hope so! I also really need to get back to that story I've been writing
Robin: Ooh! I like that story, Lisa was reading it to me. I'd really like to hear more
Beth: You're not the only one! I'll be working on it this weekend for sure, I feel bad leaving everyone hanging
Mokey: I'm sure they understand. Besides, we've had Ed's great story to keep us entertained
Beth: That's good


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER (watching the Little Bird next to segment on

ELMO: What are you watching, Peter

PETER: I am watching the Next to segement that Little Bird used to do on Sesame Street back in the 70s

ZOE: Little Bird, come and see

LITTLE BIRD: Wow!, Peter, I was on Sesame Street for a long time


ELMO: What are we going to do Tomorrow,

PETER: Tomorrow, we are going to the Art Museum

LITTLE BIRD: and we are going to go to the Science Museum

ZOE: I agree with you Little Bird!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Looks like it's closing time on the ol' dorms.
Before we go... The dorms have been brought to you by the letter K, for friends like Kermit and Kathy, who's back from NYC...
Count: And by the number 6. *Ghostly 6 floats out through the organ's pipes.
Good night everybody.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back from work.......

*opens the door* Hello everyone! What did the wather man say?

Grover: We are spoused to have some rain.

Gonzo: Ooooo maybe I can make an anttena out of my skull. That would be fun.

Grover: *whispers to Cookie* When is Rryan coming back. I do not think I can take anymore of this guy.

Cookie M: Me like him.

Grover: Go figure.

Herry: *walking into the living area* Hey Kyle. How was work?

Not bad. I saw Clifford picking up some dinner tonight. What did ya'll have for dinner?

Herry: Grilled Chicken with mashed potatos and green beans.

Your making me hungry. Any left?

Clifford: There sould be. If Cookie hasn't ate it all.

Hey Clifford. Thanks. I think I'm going to have some then.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Some rain... Suddenly, I'm reminded of that sketch at Charlie's with the glass of milk.
It's been thunderin' back home, not sure if the downpour's reached us here in town though.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Okay everyone, time for bed!
Roomies: Awww! *various noises of complaint*
Kim: Hey, remember what's tomorrow? Bus trip, Chicago, Wicked? I want you guys to be well-rested.
Tosh: But we're not leaving until the afternoon! Your mom said so!
Boober: So? Kim's right; we don't want to be tired for the trip!
Gillis: And I'll imagine it will be difficult to sleep on the bus, right?
Kim: *nods* Right, Gillis. And it's not just our church group that's going; there are going to be a couple other groups going along as well. So I'll imagine that the bus'll be pretty noisy. Plus, I've got errands to run before we go...
Betty Lou: Like what?
Kim: To the bank, for one thing. Souveniers of the show aren't going to be cheap. So, like I said...bedtime, gang.
Roomies: *general grumbling of acceptance*



Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Hopefully my mother will be able to see me tomorrow Bill. I'll give her the bouquet of flowers that Ed dropped by for her the other day.
I've written a thank you note for him and I'll send it to room 1 now.
Bill: Good Martin. And how is the Astroboy series going?
Martin: Almost finished Bill. I've played her 44 out of 51 episodes. We'll do what we can tomorrow so we'll have them all finished soon.
Bill: I'm glad for you both. I hope you can find the time to work on more fan fics as well.
Martin: Yes but at the moment I'm trying to see if I can get another launch of my spy adventure.
Bill: Where this time?
Martin: I gave a copy to the principle of the Catholic school attatched to our church after mass last Saturday night. He's promised to read it and see what he can do about organizing a launch at the school for the kids age 10 upwards. No guarantee but if the commitee say yes then I'll be able to do it.
Bill: That is exciting. I'll pray for good luck for you.
Martin: Thanks Bill. I hope to promote this story as much as possible. I hope it takes off one day.
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