Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Hmmmm...OK....*making a list*....3 cartons of eggs,dry mustard,paprika...salt & pepper to taste......There!I'll be making devilled eggs for the barbecue. Sound good,Prairie?
Prairie:Yep.And I'm going to make tuna macaroni salad.
Sounds delicious!
Gaffer:Meow?*going in between my legs & purring*
Ohhhh...of course Gaffer!Can't forget your Friskies' cat food!We're running low on that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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One of the crazy people

The Count said:
Hey Lisa... Seems the flirting you had between Kermit and Miss Mousey was good enough, though you could always talk to Ruahnna if you need help with the flirty scenes.
LOL, Ed! Come on down, Lisa, if you need any flirting tips--I'm living with the Queen of Broken Hearts in room 20!

Have been AWOL for a couple of days, but I'm back now. Have been working furiously on next installment of Kermie's girl. Actually, that's not true. I've been working on writing the scenes from the Christmas show (and I am lovin' the music and the dancin' and, um, okay), which is after the next scene I need to post (which I haven't written) and I can totally sympathize with Lisa about how hard it is to both write sequentially (since stories don't often develop that way) and to do it IN FRONT OF PEOPLE! Eeek! Actually, when I first came to MC and saw all the fanfic written in segments I thought, "These folks are bonafied crazy." And here I am, one of the crazy people.

Oh--and I'm not sure how to broach the topic of a barbeque with my roomie--any suggestions, or should Piggy and I go out on a girls' night out?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: Oh--there you are! I was wondering if you were going to slow down enough or continue to be a blur this week as well!
Catherine: Sorry, honey. This has been a killer week for me. Things will slow down next week, promise. Thank heaven--cause I'm bushed.
Piggy: Well here's something that ought to lift your spirits. (Holds up a beautiful green satin robe.)
Catherine: Ooh! Piggy--it's beautiful! Thank you! Thank you, thank you!
Piggy: Do not thank Moi--they are house-warming, um, dorm-warming gifts from Count.
Catherine: Wow--for an undead guy, he's got fantastic instincts for gifts! This is so beautiful--we'll have to bake brownies or something.
Piggy: (holding it up and displaying it) Here is Moi's robe. Enchanting, is it not?
Catherine: (stroking the soft texture of her robe) Lovely--just lovely. (Looks at Piggy with sudden inspiration.) I am totally grubby after helping at field day today--If you don't have a date...
Piggy: Humpf!
Catherine: Well then, let's have a spa night, hm? We'll soak and exfoliate and paint our little piggies and be girly-girls tonight. (soto voce: And maybe I'll begin to feel human again.)
Piggy: I was hoping you'd ask. Let me gather a few things and we're off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <Suddenly starts squealing in gibberish that sounds something like this> AZIGIOVIBIODIZEEBEE MEJNUGADA BENIGIO BLA DANANANAGEZUMAMEENABEZUUUUUP!
Clifford: Come again?
Lisa: <Deep breath>
Clifford: No no no, don't actually say all that again!
Lisa: Aww...
Rowlf: What was that about?
Lisa: <is very smug> Sommmmmmmething! <Giggles> It's just so perfect! I love it when it just sort of magically fits together like this... <Sigh!> <Sits down in front of notebook again> Now then. ...Where was I?
Robin: You're at the part where the ink stops and the blank page starts.
Lisa: Oh yes, of course. Thank you. <kisses the top of Robin's head>
Clifford: Wait a second...
Lisa: Yes?
Clifford: How come Robin got a kiss? He didn't fall through the ceiling, he didn't lose a bet, and he's not related to you.
Lisa: No... But he's cute.
Robin: <squirms>
Clifford: Whatever.
Gonzo: Yes?
Clifford: ...Never mind.
Gonzo: <shrugs> Okay.

*Pst, Hey Ruahnna? Maybe preface it with the deal I have with Chef- no cooking the dorm residents, or anything of their species. And maybe say something about how it's so nice that we respect that sort of thing here at the dorms. <Shrug> Just a thought. And thanks- I may stop by some time in the next chapter or two... I'm not sure if that's a measurement of time or not, but...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Do you know what are we going to do tomorrow

ELMO: What is it?

ZOE: What is it?

PETER: We are going to see the movie, Cars

LITTLE BIRD: It was released today

ZOE: And we are going to see it at the Muppet Cinema tomorrow night

PETER: Sounds good

LITTLE BIRD: I Like that plan!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Finishes watching TMM.
Count: 1, 1 vonderful movie!
UD: Yes... But why wasn't I in it?
Well... You were trapped at the theater... Still bound by the rules of Death.
UD, with an air of quietud: Ah yes... Death, that cheery fellow.

Yep... And it looks like I even have an excuse to go talk to Lisa now that I have the dialogue as to what happened to Miss Mousey. She's got a bit of a running gag going on.
Count: Hmmm?
UD: Whatever.
That'd be Gonzo's cue... Kind of our own little myth here at the dorms.
Count: Vhat?
Myth, myth.
*Bootiful ghost lady: Yeth?

Hey Ru, glad you're digging the dorms. If you prefer to go on a spa night, that's OK... We'll just save you some of the other samplers from the cookout.

Skeeter Muppet

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Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *looks up from her crossword* Barbeque? Did someone say barbeque?
Betty Lou: Yup! We're having a cookout this weekend.
Kim: Great! We need something to break up the monotony around here.
Betty Lou: What about that trip we took to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago?
Kim: That's the thing about summer, Betty need a LOT of monotony-breakers.
Gillis: Well I, for one, think it sounds like a fun time. Only...
Kim: Only what, Gillis?
Gillis: ...what's a "barbeque"?
Kim: A barbeque is like a regular meal, only instead of cooking the food inside on the stove or in the oven, you cook it outside on a grill, over a fire. It's a lot of fun.
Boober: What kind of foods do you usually cook?
Kim: Chicken, hamburgers, pork chops, hot dogs-
Boober: You cook DOGS?!?
Kim: *sighs* No, they're not real dogs. They're just called hot dogs because they're long like one breed of dog is.
Tosh: Is that true?
Kim: Well, actually I think that last part is an urban legend. But hot dogs are not real dogs, nor are they made from any part of a real dog.
Betty Lou: Kim, you forgot the most important part!
Kim: What's that, Betty Lou?
Betty Lou: The s'mores!
Kim: Oh, right! But, I think I'll save those as a surprise at the cookout. Now, what do you think we should bring?
Fraggles: Doozer sticks!
Kim: *chuckles* Natch on that one. Let's see...I'll need to get s'mores ingredients from the store before the cookout. And iced tea. Can't have a cookout without iced tea.
Betty Lou: Snapple or Lipton's?
Kim: What are you, crazy? Lipton's, of course.



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys I won't be able to make it to the cookout. I have to work tomorrow around 2 to 10. Maybe I'll get to or not but hope ya'll have fun tomorrow.

Grover: Do not worry Kyle. We will save you some.

Thanks Grover. Your so kind.

Herry: Do we have some chips and dip?

Yep I think we do. *looks in cupbroad* Yep. Is that's what your bring?

Herry: You guessed it.

Cookie M: Me going to bring me mommy's speical cookies. She makes the best.

You better save me some of those too Cookie Monster. I want some too. So don't eat them all.

Cookie M: Me not eat them all. Don't worry Kyle.

I hope I don't have to. Good Night guys. See you in the morning.

Monsters: Good Night, Kyle.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: (sighing deeply and pushing toes underneath covers on her canopy bed) I feel lovely.
Catherine: You look great, too, Piggy. I'm feeling pretty spiffy myself--all cleaned up and polished. Hey, um, Piggy....
Piggy: (sleepily) Um hm?
Catherine: (tentatively) Um, some of our dormies are having a cookout tomorrow. Do you want to, you know, go out on the lawn and hang out? They'll be food and probably music and a lot of dorm buddies. I can cook something for us to take....
Piggy: (drifting) Sounds lovely.
Catherine: Oh, good. (Pushes toes under covers of her own bed. Groans with how wonderful being supine feels after this week.) I'll whip something up in the morning, er, midmorning. (snores)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: What time is the barbecue?
Rosita: Not sure.
Bry: Hmmm...well, we'll need to get to the market in the morning to pick up some things.
Telly: What do we need to buy?
Bry: We'll make a list tomorrow before we go.
Big Bird: Let's not forget the birdseed!
Bry: Don't worry, Big Bird. It's at the top of the list.
Big Bird: Oh good!
Snuffy: I sure hope Sara makes that coleslaw. Yummy!
Bry: You like that stuff, huh?
Snuffy: Oh yeah! Coleslaw has cabbage in it and I looooove cabbage!
Bry: Well, if we want to get to the store in time in the morning, we should get some sleep. Goodnight all!
Telly: Night, Bryan!
Rosita: Buenas noches.
Snuffy: Nighty night!
Big Bird: Goodnight!
Hoots: Dream a little dream for me, kids!
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