Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Few hours later.........

Grover: Seems we always have pizza or chicken.

Herry: I'm fine with whatever we eat. I'm hungry!

*eatting some pizza* I just love meat lovers. Best there is! WOOOOO!

Grover: You and your pizza, Kyle.

Gotta love the pizza!

Cookie M: URP! That is good pizza.


You can always tell when Cookie Monster loves his food.

Herry: Hows that?

When he burps and knocks a picture down from the wall.


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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I can't believe Grover would be dressed as Super Grover and try to save Lisa from depression

ELMO: he sure made a hole,

LITTLE BIRD: And me and Elmo were at Birdkateers while Biff and Sully were repairing the hole

ZOE: And that Super Grover, although I love Grover and his altar egos

PETER: We all too

ELMO: Tomorrow after school why don't we go swimming in the Outdoor Pool

ZOE: Sounds good


PETER: Me four

ELMO: Good Night Zoe and Peter and Little Bird (feeds his fish)

ZOE: Good Night Elmo and Peter and Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Peter

PETER: Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Little Bird


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: ...<Sigh>... I dunno, guys.
Gonzo: What?
Lisa: Well... It's just that this scene here... it's not coming at all. I mean, there are SO many scenes that could come so easily right now... but I'm not on those scenes. I'm on this scene. And I really don't wanna write this scene.
Gonzo: So don't write it.
Lisa: Oh, but I have to write this scene, you see. It's a very important scene, especially if I'm going to do the things I'm going to do. This <points at notebook> is very important.
Rowlf: Well, what happens in the scene?
Lisa: See, now there's the trouble. ...I have no idea.
Rowlf: Then how do you know it's important?
Lisa: Just trust me on this one.
Rowlf: Okay...
Lisa: But it's just frustrating. I have so many ideas for so many scenes, and I wanna write those scenes, but I'm nowhere near them yet.
Gonzo: Well what scenes do you wanna write?
Lisa: Well, like... I wanna write... Camilla's big scene in part three-
Camilla: Bagawk BAW?
Lisa: Yes, Camilla, you have- a very big scene in part three, a nice important role. It's relatively short, unfortunately, but you do have it.
Camilla: Bawk!
Lisa: You're welcome. So I wanna write that scene, and I wanna write this other scene that's at about the same time as that, and I wanna write... Well. Actually, I just wanna write part three. I like part three. It's fun. It's all... heart-wrenchy and sweet and cute and lovable. I like part three.
Gonzo: So write part three.
Lisa: But I can't post part three. I have to post part one. I have to post chapter twenty six of part one. I can't just skip forward, it would throw the readers off terribly. Could you imagine, if I went from just meeting the Electric Mayhem in 1973, straight to 2009 with... Mm, how to say this without giving too much away... with Miss Piggy bawling her eyes out in the bathroom? It would be much too confusing.
Gonzo: Why is Piggy bawling her eyes out in the bathroom in 2009?
Lisa: Youuu think I'm going to tell you that? Not- on yourrrrr... life!
Gonzo: Well, it was worth a shot.
Lisa: No, not really.
Gonzo: Oh.
Lisa: But anyway... You don't mind that I'm just rambling, do you?
Gonzo: Not at all!
Rowlf: Nope.
Lisa: Oh good. Because I don't intend to stop. See there's SOOO many good scenes to write, and it's just so frustrating that I'm not at any of them, and I have to get through this stuff that I have no idea what to do with before I can get to any of the really fun stuff. Now why can't readers just sort of telepathically pick up stuff from my brain so I can skip it. That would make it sooo much easier. But they can't, so I have to show it all to them. Which means I have to write two more flirting scenes, at least. And that's really hard.
Rowlf: Why's that?
Lisa: Mm, because I don't flirt? I neeever flirt. I'm never around anyone I want to flirt with. And occasionally someone will tell me that I'm flirting, but I'm not really concious of it. I don't even realize that I'm flirting until they tell me so, it's not even intentional. So I, I really am not the right person to be writing these flirting scenes, but unfortunately I can't just delegate it, you know?
Gonzo: No.
Rowlf: I'll take your word for it.
Lisa: So I'm really just kind of stuck, see. That's why I just wanna get to 1975, because then I'm not stuck anymore! Then I know what I'm doing for just about the entire rest of the series. It's just this beginning stuff that's got me all tied in knots. I don't really know this stuff.
Rowlf: Well, you've been doing pretty well so far.
Lisa: Uh... I've been passing. But I'm really stuck on this one scene I'm in! I feel like I don't really know the characters. How do I introduce characters that I don't know?
Rowlf: You don't know them?
Lisa: Well, I know, I... yuhhhhhhhhh I dunno. I'm just really dissapointed in myself that I haven't made ANY headway at all since I posted today. I mean what the heck is that. I usually make such good progress on this kinda day...
Gonzo: Well judging by your slowness of speech, I'd say you need sleep.
Lisa: <nods> Prooobably. <Yawns> ...Prooobably. I just hope I can actually sleep tonight. And stay asleep. I'm so sick of waking up at six in the morning for no good reason. <stands, stretches, yawns> All right, guys. Good night.
Gonzo: Good night, Lisa.
Rowlf: Night.
Camilla: Buck-buck.
Lisa: You too. ...See ya tomorrow... <Sigh.>

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Lisa... Don't worry, I go through the same not-knowingness and multiple scenarios myself. Seems the flirting you had between Kermit and Miss Mousey was good enough, though you could always talk to Ruahnna if you need help with the flirty scenes. As for waking up that early, I've got that built into my own clock as well... Too much training by my dad, waking us up that early so we'd be ready to get to school on time, and it's stuck with me to this day.
If you need to talk behind the scenes about any problems with the story scenes, feel free to contact me privately. Hope I can help you out since your stories are the driving force behind the rest of ours getting finished and printed to add to our growing library here.


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Feb 8, 2006
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Daughterdeadly: (opens door to her and Emmet's dorm quickly.) Whoooo! Emmet, Guess what?!

Emmet: (looks up from the book he was reading.) What? What is it?

Daughterdeadly: Today I graduated from Tudor Elementary School!!! So that makes me like, an official pre-seventh grader!

(Heh, isn't that a little strange... I'm a seventh grader writing about what I'm doing in my college dorms... wierd ain't it? Anyways...)

Emmet:Allright! Hey, is that why you didn't get back to the dorms till this late?

Daughterdeadly:Yeah, I went out to eat with some friends... It was pretty fun. But I'm so like, tired right now... I'm gonna crash... (she starts walking to her bed then spies a deck of cards on the table.) Actually, Emmet... how 'bout a game of cards first? Huh, How about it, eh?

Emmet:Um, sure... okay! That sounds swell!

Daughterdeadly:Allright! (she smiles and nodds her head slowely, then suddenly holds it in pain.) Ouch...

Emmet:What happened? Are you okay?

Daughterdeadly:Ummm... yeah, I'll tell you about it tommarrow, okay?

Emmet: (shrugs) Allright...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Big Bird, Telly, Rosita and Snuffy are all asleep)
Bry: What a nice day it was. Well, goodnight, Hoots.
Hoots: Goodnight, my man! Muppet Dorms were brought to us today by the Letter P (a group of stars in the sky light up forming a constallation of the letter P) and the Number 7 (another constellation in the form of the number 7 lights up). Have jazzy dreams!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill: You are not getting downcast about your mother are you Martin? You haven't interacted with anyone else in the dorms for a long time. Do you realize Ally and Emmet sent us a thank you card for letting Emmet stay with us and you never acknowledged it?
Martin: Oh dear me. I should have been more polite. It's not that I'm fretting over my mummy Bill. Her condition is treatable. I just haven't been making my presence actively felt because the manager asked me to keep a bit of control over the expressing of my spiritual faith to keep things balanced among the dorms and I want to be a respectful resident.
Bill: Ah I understand friend. I feel exactly the same way. At least you have good news for your mother. How have your visits with her been going?
Martin: We're really enjoying our lunches together Bill and we've come over half-way through my Astroboy DVD collection.
Bill: She really enjoys those cartoons does she?
Martin: Yeah. The greatest action sci-fi series in all Japan. It's fun to watch that cute little robot-boy smash the enemy robots to pieces and defeat the villians controlling them. SMASH! BAM! HOORAY!
Bill: (laughing) You certainly have a lot to be thankful for haven't you? You're spending exciting times with your mummy and with kimotherapy and radium she should get on top of the cancer attacking her. But really you shouldn't have to keep such a low profile in the dorms should you?
Martin: Well Bill. I suppose not.
Bill: Think about it. I'm sure everybody will support you gladly and rejoice that your mother's condition looks so favourable.
Martin: Of course.
Bill: And many of them know about your personal faith but as long as we don't push it upon them they'll accept you as you are. Won't they?
Martin: You're right Bill. I shouldn't be such a silly-billy. And you are a smart-billy to point this out to me.
Bill: So you'll come out of this shell?
Martin: Yes I will. And I know the very first thing I must do as well.
Bill: And that is?
Martin: Go see Ally and Emmet and apologize and thank them for the Thank you card they gave you and I.
Bill: Attaboy Marty. Let's go.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey... Kathy, Lisa, Kyle... The Moppet Reunion special's started!
Hmmm, wonder if Sara would like to audition for the role of Gray, Mr. Cole's red-headed niece who's Kyle's girlfriend.
Well, she'd better talk to Beauregard or Christy if so.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Knocking on Ally's door.
Martin: Ally! Emmet! Are you there? Bill and I would like to see you and I have something important to say.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Hey... Kathy, Lisa, Kyle... The Moppet Reunion special's started!
Yep....I noticed...thanks Ed.

Prairie:Hey Ed? Is the BBQ still on for this weekend?Like you said yesterday,it might cheer some dormmates up & I know a certain one that needs some cheering up.
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