Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Hey guy. I thought we would got to the movies.

Grover: Bryan and the gang went to the park. Can we go there?

Sure. Let's go meet up with them.

Herry: I got the baseball and the gloves.

Cookie M: Me got the cookies and baseball bats.

Grover: I have the lunch that I packed.

*looks at the monsters* Ya'll were all set. Is everything set to go?

Grover: Everything is set.

Good. Head out!

*out in the hall*

Oscar: Where are ya'll fuzzes going?

To the park. Would you like to come?

Oscar: Uh sure. Why not. Spot, Fluffy and the rest of the pets need a good outting.

Sure. It's nice and sunny out.

Oscar: Grouches need their sun. I have my sunburn screen with me.

Ok. Let's go.

Oscar: *shuts trashlid and starts walking with the trashcan*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <SQUEALS!> It's full! It's full! It's full it's full it's full it's full! It's full! It's FULL! Oh my...
Robin: What's full?
Lisa: My NOTEBOOK! Seeeeeeee? <holds up notebook> It's full. It's FULL! See see see- It starts at the end of Swamp Call, and then it's got this other story that I started to write that I didn't write because I didn't know what to do with it, and then it's got A Gift- You remember A Gift?
Robin: That's the one where Uncle Kermit got me a harmonica!
Lisa: That's right! And then it's got random brainstorming for The Time the Muppets Beat Time, and then it's got all of Flippersteps in the Sand through chapter twenty! And, and see over here, this is a bunch of random funny quotes and- Oh don't read that quote, but the rest are really funny- and see how it's got this little calendar in here? I used that to keep track of some Flipperstep dates, and then in the back-
Rowlf: So what don't you have in that notebook?
Lisa: Um... well, I don't have any of the stuff in THESE notebooks over here...
Rowlf: I shouldn't have asked...
Lisa: <Flipping through notebooks> See this one is Destination: Home, and this one is most of Chasing Robin, and this one is the end of Chasing Robin, and... Hey, I didn't know I had this in there! That's an article I started to write for the synagogue newsletter. Anyway, then it starts Summer in the Theater... OH!!!!
Robin: What?
Rowlf: What?
Lisa: Oh my gosh! I forgot that completely!
Robin: What what what?
Lisa: ...It's a reference, see... in a deleted scene that... I forgot about completely... because I never finished writing it, and... Oh my gosh... <continues flipping> Ha! I remember that joke... Anyway, so the rest of Summer in the Theater is in this one- OOH! And this is when I started writing quotes in the front cover! And here's a notecared with acts for the show in the story- ooh, and random stuff to sell in the yardsale! Haha! I love looking at old brainstorms. <Flips through more> gosh, this was such a depressing story...
Rowlf: It's about time you noticed that.
Lisa: Well it is! Oh look, here's a Kermit/Piggy fight. Oh wow, that thought process there fits with Flippersteps sort of! ...Ooh, that was a low blow... <Reads scene very intently>
Robin: Are you sure she's reading something that she wrote?
Lisa: OUCH! I left a word out there! Ugh... <Continues reading>
Rowlf: Yeah, pretty sure...
Robin: What?
Lisa: I heard from Prawnie!
Gonzo and Clifford: What?
Camilla: Bawk?
Lisa: Yeah! He said his computer's fixed, he's working on getting his internet working again, and he should be back within the week!
Gonzo: Oh that's great!
Clifford: It's about time.
Gonzo: I can't WAIT to show him this new act I've got...
Lisa: <Sigh> <grumbles> I can't wait to stop hearing about these acts...
Gonzo: Did you say something?
Lisa: No, nothing. Continue.
Gonzo: Right, so after I tap-dance the hokey-pokey on an ant hill...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Kathy, come here!
I just got a postcard
Do you know what it says?
“How are you? I am fine.
It is cold.
Love, Ryan."

Kathy: He finally wrote, huh?
(To Prairie) Gonzo got a letter
Do you know what it says?
“Hello, Gonzo. How are you?
I am fine. It is cold.
Love, Ryan.”
Prairie: Oh, thanks. Hey, Kyle, did you hear about the letter?
Kyle: Lay it on me, Prairie!
Prairie: Gonzo heard from Ryan. Do you know what he said?
Kyle: No.
Prairie: “Howdy, Gonzo. How are things?
I’m Okay. Please write soon.
It is cold.
Love, Ryan.”

Kyle: Wow!

(to his roommates) Gonzo heard from Ryan. Do you know what he said?
“Hiya, Gonzo! How’s your face.
Got a cold. What a cold!
Dreadful cold! Please write soon.
Love, Ryan.”
Grover: Seems like Ryan has a cold and fever.
Herry: Guess he’ll have to spend a week in bed.
Cookie: He might even have to see a doctor.
Monsters: That’s what Gonzo said!

Count: (rushing down the basement hall)

Beth! Fraggles! Listen…
Gonzo said that Ryan was staying out of school.
He said he was wery sick,
Got the flu, is in bed.
Poor Ryan.

Beth: Gonzo said that Ryan is feeling really bad.
Got the measles and the mumps,
Chicken pox and the flu,
Sneazing too!
Red/Mokey/Cantus: Poor Ryan!

(In room #29)
Big Bird: I just heard that Ryan could use some cheering up.
He is in the hospital
Broken bones, awfully scared
Needs our help, let’s go there.
Poor Ryan.
Come on, everyone! To the hospital. Let’s go, Snuffy.

Snuffy: Coming, Bird!

(Everyone gathering in Lobby)
Gonzo: What is going on?
Bry: You said Ryan had an operation.
Rosita: Need to bring him soup and soda pop.
Telly: He may not be able to recover!
All: You said so your—
Gonzo: STOP!
You are all very silly. Ryan is not sick. No, no, no, no, no.
“I just got a postcard” that is all I said.
“How are you? I am fine.
It is cold. Love, Ryan.”
That is all. See? Right here.

All: Oh!!
He just got a postcard.
That is all it said.
All the rest we made up
Ryan’s fine, we’re so glad,
But we love Ryan!

Oscar: (pops up out of trashcan) Oh, man! I love a good misunderstanding. Hehehehehehe!!!!! (slams the lid down)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ZOE: That was a fun shopping trip

LITTLE BIRD: What did we get Bryan for his graduation gift

PETER: We made him a greeting card and some candy

ELMO: Why don't we make it and give it to him by Tomorrow (feeds his fish)

ZOE: Sounds Good

PETER: We are going to watch some Colambo episodes and some Monsterpiece Theater episodes okay

ZOE: Okay

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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UD: Ah... The chills of night... At least Ryan's coming home soon... Though I don't want it to spread, I've missed his company these last few months.
Cheer up old dragon... All we can do is hope and wait for Ryan to come back home.

Sure hope everybody liked the showing of the special today, seems we had a packed house upstairs in the common room.

Hmmm, wonder if Ruahnna's decided which room she wants yet. Oh well, she'll let us know.
Good night everyone.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: So nice that Gonzo heard from Ryan. I wonder if we got any other mail.
Big Bird: I think we got a letter here somewhere.
Snuffy: What is it?
Big Bird: The Letter of the Day! (opens up an envelope and the Letter H flies out) The Letter H!
Telly: Like in the word "happy"!
Hoots: Or "harmony"!
Rosita: Or "Hoots"!
Hoots: Good one!
Bry: Or one of my favorites, "Henson".
Telly: Whoa, nice letter.
Rosita: What's the Number of the Day?
Bry: 10.
Telly: 10?
Bry: Yep. You guys have 10 seconds to get in bed right now.
All Goodnight!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: I'm so happy to hear that Ryan will be back soon!
Cantus: Me too, I've missed the boy quite a bit
Red: Well, we've been happy to have you here with us Cantus
Cantus: It's always a pleasure spending time with you ladies
Mokey: So, do you think that Bryan will like this graduation present we got him?
Beth: I hope so *wraps a Kermit wearing a graduation cap* He can put it on his desk or something
Red: I'll go bring it up there
Beth: Thanks
*Red brings gift to room 29 along with a card that says "Congratulations Bryan! Love from your friends Beth, Red, Mokey and Cantus"

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Ah ha! That's 1, 1 cute Fraggle I've run into. Just dropping off our graduation present for Bryan... Hope he likes this Big Bird bank we got him, he can keep his leftover tuition money there... And of course we left him a card congratulating him on the joyous occasion.

*Stepping out of the shower wearing my robe... Ah, that's better, now for a quick change of clothes and I think I'm ready to start that little thing I've been keeping a secret from my roomie.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (Coming out of floor 2 bathroom with towel.) Boy, what a great birdbath.
Telly: (hopping up and down in hall) Big Bird, are you done with the bathroom?
Big Bird: All yours, Telly.
Telly: Oh, thank you!! (rushes into bathroom)
Big Bird: Hahaha! La la la la la! (strolls into room 29) Hey, Rosita. Wow! Look at all these packages!
Rosita: Yeah. They are graduation presents for Bryan from all our friends. He'll be gone all day so I'll just keep these in the corner for when he gets back.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (Coming out of floor 2 bathroom with towel.) Boy, what a great birdbath.
Telly: (hopping up and down in hall) Big Bird, are you done with the bathroom?
Big Bird: All yours, Telly.
Telly: Oh, thank you!! (rushes into bathroom)
Big Bird: Hahaha! La la la la la! (strolls into room 29) Hey, Rosita. Wow! Look at all these packages!
Rosita: Yeah. They are graduation presents for Bryan from all our friends. He'll be gone all day so I'll just keep these in the corner for when he gets back.
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