Boober: Come know you want to...
Kim: Yes...but having you guys looming over my shoulder isn't helping!
*everyone pulls back*
Betty Lou: Sorry, Kim.
Tosh: What's so hard about it? I mean, Sarah does it, Lisa does it, Ryan, did it once last summer. What's keeping you from doing it again?
Gillis: *coming in* Doing what?
Kim: *sighs* They're trying to goad me into writing another story for the board.
Gillis: Well, why not? I think that's a wonderful idea!
Kim: I'd like to, believe me; I even have an inkling for a Fraggle fic. The problem is I've got Point B somewhat envisioned, but I haven't a clue about where Point A is.
Boober: Huh?
Betty Lou: She knows where she wants to end, but she doesn't know how to start.
Boober: Oh.