Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Telly: (with microphone and wearing a tie and hat speaking into a camera) This is Telly Monster, your Monster-On-the Spot reporter bringing you late-night-breaking news. A good friend and resident of the Muppet College Dorms has been missing for some time. His name is Marty.
Bry: (sitting up in bed) Telly, what are you doing?
Telly: Journalism.
Bry: Telly, it's the middle of the night. Get those crew guys outta here.
Telly: Have you seen Marty? (puts mic in my face)
Bry: No, I have not. In fact, I didn't know til now that he was lost.
Telly: (back to camera) We will continue to give you all the latest news when it happens, but if you happen to know where Marty is, please call 1-800-555-BILL.
Bry: Maybe he should try Harry Krishna.
Telly: Huh?
Bry: Nothin...
Telly: His roommate is Bill the Bubble Guy. This is Telly Monster, your Monster-On-the Spot signing off. This special report was brought to you tonight by the letter M and by the number 14.[/COLOR]


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Mar 11, 2003
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*after reading note* Awww what a good friend Bill is. But poor Marty. He's missing.

Grover: Our friend Marty that lives with Bill the Bubble Blower is missing?

Herry: That's what the note said.

Don't forget guys tonight is the trip to Abliene for Bonnie's birthday and all.

Murray: Maybe we can look for Marty while we're there.

Grover: This sounds like a job for....*runs off into closet, jumps out*...SUUUUU-PER GROVER!

Theme music is heard

Murray: It'''s.....

Herry: Super Grover!

Super Grover: Hello there monsters and boy.

Guy actuelly.

Super Grover: I heard there was a someone missing from this room.

Murray: Nope.

Herry: Well there is someone but he's at work.

Super Grover: I see. *thinks a bit*

Uh excuse me here. If i may i think you should go over to Marty's room and ask Bill.

Super Grover: Who is this Bill?

Herry: He's a friend of Marty's.

Super Grover: I see. And where is this Marty?

We don't know. That's why your here, remember?

Super Grover: Oh yea. So where is this Mar...i mean Bill guy?

Murray: number....number.....Uh oh!


Murray: I can't remember the room number.

We'll find it Murray. Don't worry. Come on Super Grover. Me and you will find Marty's room.

Super Grover: Thank you kind boy.


Super Grover: Ha ha ha ha....sorry.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Great news, guys! I got a job!
Big Bird: Really? Where?
Bry: Over at Birdland. I'm a host.
Telly: Hoot's jazz club?
Bry: Uh huh!
Telly: Cool!
Big Bird: Wait a minute, Bryan. You already have a job. At Mr. Looper's Store.
Telly: Yeah, you can't have two jobs at once.
Bry: Why not? Grover has, like, fifty jobs.
Big Bird: But what about the store?
Bry: Big Bird, I'll still be running Hensonville's branch, but I need another job. Business there has been slow, unlike the Store on Sesame Street.
Big Bird: Yeah, Alan gets busy sometimes.
Telly: But who's gonna be at Hooper's if you're not there?
Bry: Bert and Ernie will keep an eye on things whenever I need them to. I'll still be managing but I just won't be there every day.
Telly: Bert and Ernie?
(the two walk in wearing aprons and carrying various kitchen equipment)
Ernie: Hoo-hoo! Who's ready for lunch?
Big Bird: (jumping up and down waving wing in the air) Me me!
Bert: And what can I get for you, sir?
Big Bird: Can I please have a birdseed milkshake?
Bert: I'm afraid we're all out of birdseed. Might I interest you in our special of the day?
Big Bird: What's that?
Bert: (enthusiastically) Oatmeal milkshake!
Big Bird: Gee...I don't think so. (politely) Thanks anyway. (starts walking out the door)
Bry: Where are you going?
Big Bird: Sesame Street. If I start walking now, I should get there before Alan starts the late afternoon rush.
Bry: Oh, Big Bird...

(OOC: I actually got a job at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in the Downtown Disney District, but for purposes of the Dorms, I will say I work at Birdland)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*OOC: That's great Bry! And it plays in so perfectly into the landscape of our town...

Oh, here's some birdseed for Big B's milkshakes... Guess the Hooper's Store's Food Delivery Person dropped it off at my shop by mistake. You might want to try those oatmeal milkshakes though, I hear they're somewhat good. Especially if you put little raisins in it.
Yum. Have fun running the store boys...
*Waves Bert and Ernie good-bye.
*Confides to the Count: They're doomed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys. Is everyone ready?

Grover: Ready!

Herry: Ready!

Murray: Here!

Herry: *elbows Murray*

Murray: Oh whoops. Ha ha ha ha.....ready.

Where's Maurice?

Grover: We were going to pick him up on the way from work.

Oh yea. Murray? Herry?

Herry & Murray: Yes?

Grab Oscar's can. He's coming too.

Herry: What if he doesn't want to?

Oh well.

Murray and Herry pick up Oscar's can

Oscar: *from inside the can* Hey! What's going on? *pops up* What are you two furries doin?

Herry: Kyle said to grab your can and your coming with us to Bonnie's birthday.

Oscar: Oh no i'm not! *slams trashlid and walks over to me* Hey! *puls on my shirt*

What do you want...*turns around*....Oscar!

Oscar: What's this about me having to come?

Your part of the the group and your coming no mater what. Hurry guys! Grab the can!

Herry and Murray snatch up the can with Oscar in it and jets off to the car

Come on Grover.

Grover: Coming! *grabs Super Grover outfit* (whispers) Might need this.

The car drives off with us and everyone in the car. Here we go to the party


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Claudia: *Sipping a can of Cola*

Bunsen: What you drinking there Miss Claudia?

Beaker: MEEE!MEEE!MEE! *points at title covered with tape*

Claudia:'s just tea.... :stick_out_tongue: *Lie lie*

Bunsen: Oh *Sees handwritten title "Tea"* Very well! For a moment I feared it was that caffiene filled gaseous drink. You know how unhealthy it is.

Claudia: Oh! Bunsen I wanted to mention--Rumour's going around talking of this Marty person being missing.

Bunsen: The fellow is probably ok--perhaps he enlightened himself into a small vacation?

Beaker: meep!

Bunsen: *Sees Grouch being carried away (How random)* *Gasp* The Grouch is being...

Claudia: *Speaks for him* CAN-NAPPED!

Beaker: *Shudders holding on to Claudia's leg*

Claudia: I'm glad he is! He shoud get out more. *Ruffles Beaker's hair*

Beaker: O_O meemee

Claudia: You know Beaker--I've always loved your hair. :wink: I love guys who can withstand high amounts of extreme voltage.*Tease*

Beaker: *Slides away squealing in a negative way* MEEMEEE!MEE!

Claudia: *Continues sipping her Coca-Cola* *Giggling madly*

Bunsen: *Gasps* That's not tea! *Gets the can from her and peels the tape* Oh dear Beaky it seems our caffiene filled hyperactive friend is experiencing that time of the week. Claudia that's very naughty of you for being so untruthful. *Scolds gently*

Beaker & Bunsen: *Avoiding her giggly self and her affecionate hugs of utter doom*

Claudia: Guys come back! I LOVE YOU! *Gigglesnort* *Lays on floor in her own euphoria*

Bunsen: Beaker I thought I told you to rid of those chemically filled drinks. They tend to intoxicate her common sense!

Beaker: *sighs*

Funfact of BeakerSqueedom aka Claudia: When going on a diet with exercise lacking any sort of sweets I go crazy and secretly buy cocacola as a remedy but I go very crazy x3.


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *runs through the halls with an eye-patch and a penguin cannon* MWoO ha ha ha! It's mine! It's mine once more!
Clifford: *lowers shades* *shakes head* *walks away*


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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*Bunsen observes Ryan*

Bunsen: It seems Claudia is not the only one who seems hyped up. I must assume that this is precisley the end of the world Beaker. *Dramatic pose* It is our duties as the only sane muppets to find a cure for the uncurable...insanity! *Declares*

Beaker: Meep meep! *Does the same sort of pose*

Claudia: Oh my gawsh like...Ryan is running with some pengy thinger and an eyepatch. WHOOOHOO! GO RYAN GO!

Bunsen: She is speaking in a airheaded sort of manner---this is truly severe! And she is atacked by sudden euphoria.

Beaker: Meepmee! *Carried by Claudia* *Screams*

Claudia: *Snugs Beaker like a teddybear*

Bunsen: *Frowns*...may....may I get a hug too? It's for a...experiment. Yes indeed--an experiment.

Claudia: *Scoops him up as well and hugs them to death*

Bunsen: I feel all warm and toasty.

Beaker: *Sighs shaking head* Memmeeeee


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
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*singing* I'm conducting legitimate buisness!

Janice: Like Maddie, how much sugar did you have?

*quickly* Not much. Five pounds. Who's counting? Get off my back!

Janice: Like, I'm sorry I asked.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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:sing:*while drawing my baby niece's face with my finger*
I believe in little things
That you can hardly see
Like honeycomb and spider webs
And starfish in the sea

I believe in little things
Like icy drops of rain
That melt into the morning mist
When winds are warm again

I believe in little things
Like colors in the sky
And noticing the waves roll in
And how the flowers die

Knowing they'll be back again
Whenever it's July

I believe in little things
Like you and me
And just how big
Little things can be.

Prairiestanding in the doorway of my room & slowly clappingAwww Kath...that was pretty!
Thanks Prairie.
Prairie:What's the matter?You all right?sitting down on my bed next to me.
Yeah...I'm OK.sigh I just miss the baby,though.
Prairie:hugging meI'm sorry,Kath.You'll see her in about a month,though,right?
Yeah...true.Prairie,when I first saw her in New York,my heart instantly flooded with love for her.
Prairie:And why not? She's your niece,your goddaughter,andI might add,an adorable baby!:smile:
Yep...she sure is! Not that I'm prejudiced or anything.:wink:
Prairie:Oh no ...Definitely not!*winking back*
Think I'll check Email before going to bed.turning computer on & seeing I have an Email that has pictures of the baby!Prairie! More pictures of my niece!*excited*
Prairie:Let's see!she peeks over my shoulder Ohhhh...LOOKat her!What a cutie! And if the look on your face doesn't say "Happy Godmother" I don't know what does!
Thanks Prairie.Nite!kissing my finger...putting it on the screen where the baby is and whisperingNite little angel.I love you!
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