Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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*looks at clock* What? It can't be that time. My show is already over. *starts sobbing*

Murray: What's worng?

Oh look at the time. My show is over and i missed it.

Murray: Uh just to let you know these two scientist guys did something and ruined the time. I'm heading off to bed. Good night.

Good nigh....what? You mean i didn't miss my show after all!

Murray: Cheak on tv. That would be the only way to kn-ow.

*turns on TV* It's only 10:37. My show isn't been missed. Thanks goodness. *hears some noise out in the hallway* What is going on......uh oh! *slams the door* This is going to be one weird night. *locks door*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (is jolted awake by a sudden noise from outside. Walking to Big Bird's nest) Big Bird?
Big Bird: Oh no! My house made of blocks just fell over.
Bry: Big Bird, what are you doing awake? It's late.
Big Bird: It is?
Bry: Yes. It's way past your bedtime.
Big Bird: Not according to my clock.
Bry: (looks at the clock hung on the wall) Huh?
Ernie: (runs in holding a letter A) Bryan! It's time to do the Letter of the Day!
Bert: (follows him holding a number 7) No, I think it's now time to do the Number of the Day.
Bry: But,'s too late to do either of those things. It's already the next morning. Very very early the next morning.
Bert: You mean we missed it?
Ernie: What are we going to do now, Bert?
Bert: I dunno.
Bry: Hey, where's Telly?
Ernie: At his tuba lesson.
Bry: In the middle of the night?
Big Bird: Something very strange is going on around here...


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May 23, 2007
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Bunsen: *Looks solemn* You know Beakie--time IS important. People use it for shows, sleep, telling the day, and most importantly the number of the day! Wow time is sure a versatile thing huh Beaker?

Beaker: *nod nod* Meemeemeee

Claudia: *Hears doors locking from her constant yelling* :confused: *Manages to open but falls through since Bunsen actually opened it when she was not expecting it* Ouch.

Bunsen: *Chuckle* I think we should adjust the times now. Well--tommorow I think it is time to get some rest. Oh look I made a hysterical pun! Oh how joyously funny I am!

Beaker: *Looks to the audience shaking his head*

Claudia: I do not feel saf sleeping near you guys anymore. I have a feeling my bed might explode from unrequested experimentation.

Bunsen: Oh that'd be very naughty of me Claudia! I'd never do that! *Climbs into his bed*

Beaker: *Does the same*

Claudia: O_O *Pokes her bed* *Squirts water* EEE!
*Runs out of the room*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... You think she remembered her bed's a water bed? Oh well...

Prairie and Rosita are packing their things, humming a light little tune. Gaffer's asleep next to Fatatatita, with one eye slightly open registering what the girls are doing.
OK, as soon as Kathy's awake, you girls head on over and give her a big ol' hug from me. Rosita: Sí, gracias for looking after us Eduardo. The pleasure was mine. PD: We'll have to do this again sometime, it was fun going out to the park and the library. Rosita: And the moviehouse too. Glad you girls enjoyed it here, you're always welcome.
*Hugs between the three ensue, before we break and go have some cereal for breakfast waiting for Kathy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Special notice hung up on the community notice board by Bill the Bubble Guy.

Marty appears to be seriously missing. I really can't imagine where he could have ended up. If anybody has heard anything about him at all please let me know at Dorm 13.
Those who visited oblivion recently didn't happen perchance to notice him there?

Sincerely Bill


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie: Welcome home,Kath!hugging me
Rosita:My turn!hugging me Welcome home! How was your trip? was OK.looking casual
Prairie:Yeah...right!Just "OK".I know you want to tell us all about it.
laughing All right...all right.:smile: My older niece's dance recitals & gym recitals were fantastic!I thought I'd age 10 years every time she did a flip in gymnastics though.But she's fine.
Rosita:Anything else you want to tell us?
Like what?
Prairie:KATHY! You know perfectly well like what!The baby!Give us the details!
Well...take a look at this picture of me and her on my night table.
Prairie:Oooohhhh Kathy! Oh she's beautiful! What a smile she has!
Rosita:She sure is bonita! And I agree with you about her smile.
Yeah...that's unanimous. Her smile melts my heart.:smile: Plus she likes to be sung to.I sang a few Sesame Street songs to her. You'll like this,Prairie.I sang "Little Things" to her.
Prairie:Great! Did she like it?
Yep...she seemed to.
Prairie:Awwwww.She's still tiny and already has good taste!
Rosita:You're going back to New York again for her baptism,right?
That's right. In about a month from now. I'll be gone for about 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey guys tomorrow is my neices birthday and i'll be going over to my sisters and heading to Abilene to a place called "Mr. Gaties." It's full of pizzas and games.

Murray: You mean the whole place is full of Pizzas and games?

No Murray. It's a place to eat pizza and play games.

Murray: Oh i see. Do you still get to eat and play at the same time?

No Murray! I got lot on my mine.

Murray: What's wrong?

Got some bad news from my parents that my cousin was in a terrible motorcycle acadent.

Grover: Oh Kyle, are you ok?

Yea i'm fine. Thanks Grover.

Murray: Sorry Kyle. *starts tearing up*

Don't worry Murray. It's alright. He'll be fine. But i wanted to tell ya'll if ya'll want to come with me to Abilene for my neice's birthday ya'll are welcome to come.

Grover: Thanks Kyle. Your always the bestest.

Anytime Grover. I'm going to watch some tv.

Grover: I feel for Kyle.

Murray: *whiping the tears away*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(A plate of lemon poppyseed cookies are left on Kyle's window sill with a note from room 29)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: Kyle! I found these on the window sill.

A plate of cookies? Hmmm wonder who there from?

Herry: Note. *hands me the note*

Oh there from Bryan and his roomies. It reads.

Dear Kyle,
Bryan and my roomies wanted to tell you
that we are all sorry to hear what happened.
We will pray for you and your family.
Your friends,
In room 25
Herry: What good friends you have.

What good friends i live with. *hugs Herry* I'll have to give them a card. You want to come with me to the storage place down in the basement?

Herry: Cool! *runs into room and come out dressed in a miners hard hat and pik* Ready!

You don't need that.

Herry: Sorry, i just like it. But do you like it?

It's ok. Come on.

Herry and me head to the basement for our storage boxes


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Note left on Kyle's door.

Hey Kyle.
I just want to tell you I'm very sorry about your cousin. Very bad news, but at least he's going to be all right. Thank God it wasn't worse.

I also hope you and Grover and Murray all enjoy eating pizza and playing games at "Mr. Gaties" in Abilene. I wish your neice all the very best for her birthday with many happy returns.

See you when you get back. I still haven't heard from Marty but I hope some good news turns up sometime soon. Be sure to let me know if you run into him in Abilene.

Regards Bill the Bubble Guy.
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