Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Oh hey Bry... Just wanted to say I hope you break a leg on this stage show you'll be embarking on for th next three months. Sure won't be the same without you, but I know in my heart we'll meet again... Cause after all, old friends, new friends... We'll be together again. OK, I get it, enough corny Muppety musical inferences. Loads of luck buddy. *Shakes hands with Bry before he leaves on his national tour.

Thanks, Ed! And no need to apologize. You know I love the Muppet musical references as much as the next person...okay, maybe a little more. Haha! See ya soon!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Bye Bry! Hope you have a great time!
Bert: Oh, I'm sure he will.
Ernie: But Bert, how can he have fun without you there to make his day so much more thrilling! Khekhekhe!
Bert: *lowers eyebrow* Very funny Ernie. Well I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.
Ryan: *yawns* Me too. Everyone else has hit the hay. Night fellas.
Ernie: Good night Ryan! Sleep tight!
Ryan: *goes into room and closes door*
Ernie: *pulls out sleeping bag* Enjoy the couch Bert, my best buddy in the world.
Bert: Good night Ernie. *rolls over*
Ernie: Psst... Psst... Bert!
Bert: *sighs* What is it Ernie?
Ernie: I can't find Rubber Duckie!
Bert: You just had him!
Ernie: I know, but I can't find him!
Bert: Ernie, can we just do this in the morning? Please?
Ernie: I can't sleep without my Rubber Duckie Bert!
Bert: *grumbles* *gets up* Well it can't have gotten- *steps on Rubber Duckie*
Rubber Duckie: SQUEEEAK!!
Bert: AHH!
Ryan: *darts out of room* What? What is it?
Ernie: Oh, nothing Ryan. Bert was just playing with Rubber Duckie before bed. Khekhekhekhe.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: There, see Big Bird, we've got plenty of room for your nest
Big Bird: With everyone's help we got it moved real fast!
Beth: That's cooperation for you! So, do you need anything else down here from your room?
Big Bird: Nope, that's it. *looks sad*
Beth: Um, hey, how about you grab Radar there and we go down to the kitchen and make birdseed milkshakes for breakfast?
Big Bird: For breakfast?
Beth: Sure!
Big Bird: Ok!
Beth: Great, let's see if the others are hungry
Big Bird: Hey guys? Want some breakfast?
Cookie: What you having? Me very hungry
Big Bird: Birdseed milkshakes!
Cookie: Me not that hungry
Red: Oh come on Cookie, let's go with them
Wanda: I'm sure we'll find something else to eat in the kitchen
Big Bird: Oh boy! Let's go!
*Beth and Wanda hang back a bit*
Wanda: Do you think he'll be ok?
Beth: Yeah, like I said, let's give him some time, Bryan just left. But I do think he'll be ok if we're just really nice to him
Wanda: Sounds good. Come on, let's go.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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(Well just act like it's a dream of Tellys)

Telly: You guys should of seen my dream last night.

Herry: What happened?

Telly: Well it started out that i couldn't find Kyle. Then i couldn't find the rest of you guys. It was scary.

Maurice: I bet. I had a dream once where i was being chased by a giant bunny. I was so scared I ran into my mom and dad's room.

FilFil: I remember one where i found treasure. It was fun.

Herry: Yep. Some dreams can be fun and scary. I've had lots like that.

*calls out from my room* Guys! Remember to be ready to go to abliene today.

Herry: Got it Kyle.

It won't be till around 5 or so. So if ya'll want to go swimming. Go right ahead.

FilFil: Already ahead of you. *in his swim shorts*

All the monsters run out the door to the swimming pool

Wait fooooor...*falls down from trying to put on my swim shorts*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Prairie, singing softy on her piano set up in Floor 1's common room: It's a rainy day, it's a rainy day...
Me: Hey Prairie, everything OK?
PD: Yes... Just a little cold from all the rain outside today. And I miss Kathy.
Me: Aw, don't worry. Kathy will be back soon, and I'm sure she's looking forward to getting you girls back with her.
PD: Guess you're right.
Me: No come on. Count and Rosita are waiting for us to go get dinner. And maybe there'll be some fanfic posted soon too.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alrighty guys. Into the car!

Grover: *climbs in* In! *seat buckles*

Herry: *climbs in* In! *seat buckles*

Maurice: *climbs in* In! *seat buckles*

FilFil: Out!

Telly: Wait for me! *climbs in* I'm in. *seat buckles*

Come on FilFil.

FilFil: Sorry. *climbs in* In! *seat buckles*

*seat buckles* Good. Were on our way! *puts Sesame Street Cd in*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Downstairs in Room #1... Prairie, Rosita, and The Cout are already in their pajamas while I'm wearing a dark black vertically lined phantom shirt and matching dark sweatpants. All roomies are huddled on the couch, where they were watching The Corpse Bride, sodas and popcorn bucket on the night table next to the creepy couch.

Rosita: Ay, pobrecita... She gave up her happy ending.
Prairie, through a soft tear: Emily, the corpse bride herself was very moving in this movie.
Count: Yes... Wery glad ve got this one in our library to go vith the Nightmare Before Christmas.

OK guys... Got some fanfic to read, so I'll just go get the books from the reading room and we can stay snuggled in here.
Roomies: Yaey!

*Goes to the reading room and fills up Gaffer's and Fatatatita's bowls along with four glasses with icy cold milk as the gang huddles close for storytime.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Sitting at Home watching our DVD's we bought

*watching some "Darkwing Duck"* This was one of favorites of the Disney cartoons in the afternoon back then. I would watch this for hours.

Grover: Is there ever any cute little monsters in this show?

I'm afriad not Grover.

Grover: Oh well. At least I am cute, furry and blue. *keeps watching the show*

Herry: I'm glad they had my favorite show. "Here is your life" hosted by the one and only Guy Smiley. I have always loved that show.

FilFil: Thank you again Kyle for that new comb I've been wanting.

Welcome FilFil. Ever since you've told me i've been wanting to get it for you.

Shhhh....this is my favorite part.

Loud crashes, booms, bangs and laughter can be heard from room 26

Telly: *reading quitely in his room to Chukie Sue*
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