Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Skeeter Muppet

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Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Dinner sounds like a great idea to me, Ed. Where do you want to go?
Gillis: Actually, I'm going to have to take a rain check on that.
Kim: Huh? Oh, yeah. *grins* You've got a date tonight, haven't you?
Gillis: *blushing* It is not a date! Brio and I are just getting together for a-a...a visit.
Kim: Its kind of a late birthday dinner thing; this was the soonest that Brio could get away.
Gillis: I'm so looking forward to seeing her again. I can't wait to hear everything that she- I-I mean, the Minstrels have been up to.
Boober: *coughing*Date*coughing*
Kim: *glares at Boober*
Boober: Sorry. Got something...caught in my throat.
Kim: Well, Gillis is a no-show, but the rest of my roomies and I can make it. What time do you want to meet up?



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Mar 11, 2003
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*slids into Kim's room* Did I hear someone say dinner? Can me and my neices and roomies tag along?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: Ryan my boy, it's been awhile.
Ryan: I know what you mean Uncle D. We haven't talked in awhile.
Unlce Deadly: That's not what I was talking about.
Ryan: ...Oh?
Uncle Deadly: I was talking about a chapter of Trip.
Ryan: ...Ahh. I see... Well... Umm... Hey Ernie!
Uncle Deadly: Not so fast! *leaves the room and locks Ryan in*
Ryan: HEY! This is NOT fair!!
Bert: Tell me about it.
Ernie: Oh Bert! Come listen to my bugle practice!
Bert: See?
Ryan: *sigh*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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That's what you deserve Ry... Now git to postin' boy...

Come on Uncle Deadly... We have people waiting for us for dinner. The Count already met up with Prairie and Rosita, just going to ge Kim and Kyle and their friends. Hey Kim, Kyle... We're heading out to dinner over at Friendly's. They have some great salads and burgers/sandwiches there, not to mention dessert. Not as huge as Everybody Eats, but it's a good place to go for some variety. Plus, I know the waitress there, she's always very helpful.


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Mar 11, 2003
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At Friendlys.......

This place it spiffy. I like it.

Lyndi: What does spiffy mean?

Ed would you like to take this.

FilFil: What to eat?

Telly: Where's Grover?

Herry: He's working at Charlies.

Waitress: Hello. I will be your waiter tonight. *notices Ed* Hey Ed. What are you doing out tonight? That's good. What does everyone want to drink?

Herry: Grape soda.

I'll take some tea. What do you want Lyndi?

Lyndi: Mountain Dew.

Bonnie: Me too.

FilFil: Do you sever orange juice?

Waitress: Yes we do.

FilFil: Alright I'll take that.

Telly: I want milk.

Waitress: Alright. Anyone else?

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Gillis, we'll see you back at our room later?
Gillis: Mm-hmm. Have a good time!
Kim: You too, Gil. Give my best to Brio!
Tosh, Boober & Betty Lou: Have fun on your da-ate!
Kim: *shakes head* Kids. *to the waitress* Diet Dr. Pepper for me, please.
Boober: Tea; Earl Grey if you have it.
Tosh: Grape soda sounds good, Harry; I'll have that too.
Betty Lou: I'll have milk, please.


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Spiffy means nice and clean. Mmm, I'll have a Sprite please.
Count: Icead tea, darkened with a touch of sugar please.
Rosita: Orange juice for me please.
PD: Can I please have an apple juice?
Oh, and a saucer of milk for the cats. Thanks Julia, we'll read through the menus and...
Oh... And a dark spook gray tea for the phantom dragon here with us tonight.


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Mar 11, 2003
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Waitress Julia: Alrighty then. I'll be back with your drinks.

Lyndi: She is very nice.
Bonnie: Do they have colors here?

I don't know. Do you know if have they coloring pages here, Ed. That is since i haven't been here before. The girls like to color when we go out to eat. Most of the resturants have colors and pages for kids.

Telly: Oooo that would be fun to do. *looks at menu and sees triangles sandwiches* Wow! They have sandwiches cut into triangles. This place it going to be one of my favorites. Thanks Ed for bring us here.

Maurice: I'm going to have the double cheeseburger with fries. I just love their fries here.

Herry: You've been here before?

Maurice: Yep. Me and my mommy and daddy came here. I was about 3 years old. It's been a long time but i still remember their fries.

FilFil: Oooo i see something that looks tastey!

Herry: What?

FilFil: A triple cheeseburger with fries. I'm very hungry.

What do you girls want?
Lyndi: I don't know.
Well let's see.....they have mac and cheese.
Bonnie: Can I get that?
Sure. If that's what you want.

Bonnie: I don't know.
Alright. They have mexican food too.
Lyndi: Oooo I want that.
Alright. Bonnie?
Bonnie: What?
Do you know what you want?

Bonnie: No. I still don't know what they have.
Hold on. *looks at the menu again*
Telly: I see something you might like Bonnie.
Bonnie: What?
Telly: How about grilled cheese?

Bonnie: I wanna see!
Telly: *shows her the picture in the menu*
Bonnie: Ok. I want that. *points to it*

Alright. Thanks Telly.
Telly: Nothing to it. *laughs*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: *enjoying the meal with Kyle, Ed, Kim, etc.* Mm, I do wonder how Ryan's writing is coming along.

(Meanwhile, in Ryan's room...)

Ryan: Okay Gonzo, you have GOT to get me out of here! I'm missing school!
Gonzo: Then I think you should be thanking me!
Ryan: But I'm starving!
Gonzo: Don't worry! I'll wip something up for you and slide it under the door!
Ryan: ...Never mind, I think I'll just finish the chapter so Uncle Deadly will let me out.
Gonzo: But why?
Ryan: Because I don't think my stomach could handle your cooking.
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