Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Good night everyone.

Grover: Good night Kyle.

Telly: Uh oh!

What is it Telly?

Telly: I just realized that Bryan doesn't leave till tomorrow.


Telly: What if he forget to say bye to me? Oh no!

Then why did you come over if you knew that.

Telly: Didn't want to forget about you. Thought you might forget too. Then wouldn't have a place to stay.

Grover: Do not worry Telly.

Yea. Bryan never forgets his freinds and I wouldn't have forgotten you at all. It's alright. We'll make sure Bryan comes by and says bye to you.

Telly: Oh thank you so very much.

Welcome. Good night Telly.

Telly: Good night Kyle. Good night Chuckie sue. See you in the morning. *slips back into the covers on the couch*

Out in the hallway.........

Oscar: *pops up* Ahhhhhh what a nosiy night it's been. *looks out the window and sees the full moon* Tonight's dorms has been brought you by the letter "M" for mysteries and mischief and by the number "0" for no one hasn't bothered me for a long time and it makes me mad! *groans* And Muppet Dorms is a production of the Muppet Central Froms. Rotten dreams everyone! *slams his trashlid*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: All right, now I'm finally done with the show at my church. It's a good thing too, we're going to be having Big Bird move in with us soon
Red: Oh, that's right, Bryan's leaving. I'm going to miss him
Beth: Me too. He'll only be gone for a few months though
Wanda: That's true. So, how are we getting the nest down here?
Beth: We thought Cookie could help, he's good and strong.
Cookie: Oh boy! Me can hardly wait to have Big Bird come here
Beth: I thought we could put it over in the corner there. Now, you guys know how close Big Bird is to Bryan. He might be really missing him for the first few days so we need to be extra nice to him
Wanda: Lots of extra hugs
Beth: Yep
Red: Birdseed milkshakes
Beth: Those always help
Cookie: And cookies!
Beth: Sure Cookie. He's also worried that Snuffy won't be able to come play, but we'll make sure that he can as much as he wants to
Wanda: Then I think we're all set
Beth: Sure seems like it. I'm not sure when exactly Bryan's leaving for sure, but maybe we can get the nest moved today. We'll have to wait and see. For now, let's get breakfast.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Knock on Room #1's door.
Voices: Do you think he heard us? Si, he must have. *Scratching at he door: Meow? No gatita, he said it was OK.
*The doo opens to find...

Ed: Huh? Who's zat knockin' on my door?
Girls: Hello!
Me: Prairie and Rosita! And Gaffer too. Well, I did tell Kathy you cold come over and stay with us while she' away.
Prairie: Yep... Her computer's the sorce of the troubles this time.
Rosita: She said the tek people would be at her casa in about una semana.
Me: Mmm... Well, we'll just have to make the most of the time you'll be here with us.
Count: Ah, 3 friendly faces from Sesame Street moving in vith us! You can sleep in my bed.
Prairie: But where will you sleep Count?
Me: Not to worry... He can take my bed.
Rosita: But where will you sleep Eduardo?
Me: Well... That couch seems mighty comfy either in couch form or as a pull-out bed And if any of you want to sleep there in the pull-out bed, let us know and we'll gladly accomodate you.
Both girls: Thank you.
Me: So... ou girls famished?
Prairie: Yes, we pretty much skipped breakfast getting our things packed.
Rosita: Then why don't we go to Everybody Eats?
Count: Everybody goes there.
Me: Sure. Then maybe out t the park or the libraryfor some reading.
*Gaffer and Fatatatita dart out of the room, tagging each other passing the others into the common room elevator, past Seymour once on Floor 2's common room, around and under Lisa's roomies, and finally straightout the doors to the dorm building itself.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: You okay, Ry?
Ryan: I think so.
Gonzo: Well that's good.
Ryan: Yup.
Ernie: Hey, Ryan, Bert and I are gonna go say goodbye to Bryan.
Ryan: Oh, okay. Tell him I said goodbye.
Bert: Okay. C'mon Ernie, quick, before he leaves.
Ernie: Coming Bert!
Ryan: It's certainly going to be an interesting three months.
Clifford: Meh, not much longer then it woulda been with Gonzo.
Ryan: Good point.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, guys!
Telly: Bryan, you're back! That was a quick three months.
Bry: Haha! No, Telly. I haven't left yet.
Telly: Oh.
Ernie: Then what's going on?
Bert: Yeah.
Big Bird: Bryan's gonna take us out to lunch before he leaves.
Bry: How does Charlie's sound?
Ernie: Sounds good to me!
Bry: Let's go then!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Prairie: Hey Ed... You do know there's some new chapters in the fanfic library?

Rully? Come on let's go! Will do that first, then red up on my law cases, and then we'll go out for dinner at Friendly's.
Oh hey Bry... Just wanted to say I hope you break a leg on this stage show you'll be embarking on for th next three months. Sure won't be the same without you, but I know in my heart we'll meet again... Cause after all, old friends, new friends... We'll be together again. OK, I get it, enough corny Muppety musical inferences. Loads of luck buddy. *Shakes hands with Bry before he leaves on his national tour.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *yawns*
Clifford: Tired?
Ryan: No, I always yawn when I'm perky...
Clifford: Ah.
Ryan: Ernie and Bert still out with Bry?
Clifford: Think so. Gotta say their goodbyes ya know.
Ryan: Yeah, I know.
Clifford: Ya okay dude?
Ryan: *nods* Yeah. Hey... You wanna watch a movie Cliff?
Clifford: Sure dude.
Ryan: I'm thinking Follow That Bird.
Clifford: Sounds good.
Ryan: Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: Where's Telly?

He's out with Bryan and his gang. Like I told him last night.

Herry: What was that?

That Bryan wouldn't forget to say bye to him.

Herry: Yep. Telly always worries but with friends like us we wouldn't ever have that happen.

Your right Herry. *hugs Herry*

Herry: Thanks Kyle. Well i'm going to read some more of the new library fan fics.

How about if I join you?

Herry: That would be fun. Come on!

Alright. *walks out the door with Herry and off we were to the library*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Coming back to the Dorms from lunch...)

Bry: Boy, that was some lunch we had.
Ernie: And the service wasn't bad either.
Bert: That's probably because Grover wasn't working today.
Ernie: Khekhekhe!
Big Bird: Aww come on. You know Grover tries hard.
Bry: Yeah. We love him no matter what.
Telly: Bryan?
Bry: Yes, Telly?
Telly: Do you have to leave now?
Bry: I'm afraid so. I've got everything all packed and ready.
Big Bird: Remember you said you'd call and write us postcards. Don't forget!
Bry: I won't forget, Big Bird.
Ernie: Don't forget to play and get plenty of good exercise!
Bert: But also remember to spend a little bit of quiet time to yourself once in a while.
Bry: I'll try.
Rubber Duckie: *squeak squeak*
Ernie: Oh, Rubber Duckie says to remember to wash behind your ears everyday.
Bry: I'll do that. Thanks, guys. And thank you, Rubber Duckie. (patting the duck on the head with my finger)
Telly: Don't forget to change your socks everyday!
(everyone stares at Telly)
Telly: I don't wear socks, personally, but even if I did I'd change 'em. No one likes dirty stinky socks.
Bry: (leans over to Telly and hugs his neck) Me neither.
Telly: (chuckles)
Bry: Now you boys be good while I'm gone.
Ernie: Oh, I'm excited to stay with Ryan. He's a fun guy!
Telly: Yeah, and I'm gonna have a great time with Kyle and my monster buddies, as usual. It's my favorite place to go when you're away. I think Grover's gonna let me job shadow him sometimes.
Bry: Wow! Goodluck.
Telly: Thanks!
Bry: You gonna be okay, Big Bird?
Big Bird: Oh, yeah. I'll be fine. (trying to hide his sadness) But umm I'm not so sure about Radar. He says he's going to miss you a lot!
Bry: Oh...well, I'm gonna miss him too. You two take care of each other, okay. (burrying myself in feathers while giving Big Bird a hug) You keep spreading that sunshine around here, okay.
Big Bird: Okay.
Bry: Do you have everything ready for Beth's?
Big Bird: Everything but my nest.
Ernie: We can all help you with that, Big Bird.
Big Bird: Hey, you think Beth will play with the birdkateers?!
Bry: Maybe. Doesn't hurt to ask.
Big Bird: True.
Bry: Well, I guess this is it. See you in a few months.
Ernie: See ya!
Bert: So long!
Telly: Bye bye!
Big Bird: Don't forget...We love you!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Telly: See you later Bryan. *walks into my room* Hey guys. I'm back. *looks around to see no one home* Wonder where everyone is? Hello? Hello? Kyle are you home. Grover? Herry? Maurice? FilFil? *thinks* Oh wait. Maybe Oscar will know. *runs out to the hall over to Oscar' trashcan* Hey Oscar!? *starst banging on is trashcan*

Oscar: *from inside the can* What do you want?! *comes out* Oh it's you. What do you want?

Telly: I was wondering if you knew where Kyle was?

Oscar: Does it look like I know? Why should I care where Kyle is.

Telly: So do yea?

Oscar: Read my lips. N-O. NO! Now Scram! *slams trashlid*

Telly: Thanks alot Oscar.

Oscar: *from inside the trashcan* Don't mention it! Heh heh heh heh.....

Telly: Maybe Ed might know. Or Ernie and Bert. I'll go ask them. *walks off but misses Grover and Maurice right after they walk up the stairs*

Grover: So how as work today?

Maurice: Ok. I had five orders for alot of flowers.

Grover: I see. I had lots of mail to deliver.

Maurice: Lots.

Grover: Yep.

Both walk into the room about that time Telly comes up the stairs after asking Ed.

Telly: To Ryan room. *runs off to Ryan's room*
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