Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Hey, Bryan. Haven't seen you much lately.
Bry: I know. I've been pretty busy lately with this show I'm doing.
Big Bird: Oh yeah! Say, aren't you leaving pretty soon?
Bry: Yeah, we'll be taking the show on the road out to the midwest and East coast states in a couple weeks.
Big Bird: That means you'll be gone for a while, huh?
Bry: Yep. Til May. But don't worry. I've got everything figured out regarding who is looking after you all. Telly usually likes going to Kyle's and I thought maybe you'd like to stay with Beth and her roomies.
Big Bird: That sounds great! What about Bert and Ernie?
Bry: Well, they're pretty good at looking after themselves, but I think I'll have Ryan look in on them.
Big Bird: You really have it all figured out huh.
Bry: Yeah. I sure am gonna miss you though.
Big Bird: I'm gonna miss you too. I already do!
Bry: Oh, Big Bird...(gives him a hug)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Arrives at Room #1 humming some tunes. Man, that concert was great! Now I think I understand how Kathy feels when she goes to a Bowzer concert.
Count: So... Which concert did you go to?
It was Air Supply, preforming live in concert, here in PR. Bought the tickets in advance and it was truly a great show!
Count: Mmm... So I trust everything's in order?
Yep. More of ValennTomb will get posted tomorrow. And I sure hoe the stories get updated here before then. Especially Kermie's Girl, or maybe even Trip or Visions 2. Night Count.
Count: Good night, and may you rest in peace.

Count, to self: Now... If he could only decide vhat to do regarding that other project of his. Oh vell...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys justgot a phone call from Bryan letting me know that Telly will be staying with us for a while.

Grover: Oh good. I have been wanting to teach him some new stuff I found out last week.

What's that Grover?

Grover: How to be a monster carrier. And a waiter. Also a sales monster...

That's good Grover.

Grover: *keeps talking*

Herry: Me and FilFil have been wanting some company to play with. Maurice hasn't wanted to play with us latey.

I'll see what's the matter.

FilFil: What are we having for breakfest?

Whatever ya'll want. Since the last trip to the doctor for this cough and ear thing. They told me that my blood presser is way up. So I'm trying to watch what I eat more of. So if it's whatever ya'll want that will be fine. I'll proubley have cereal or something. Well I'll go see what brothering Maurice. *walks into Herry's and Maurice's room* Hey Maurice. What's up?

Maurice: *lying on his bed* Nothing.

Come on Maurice. Let me know what's brothering you.

Maurice: I'm not bothered with anything.

Are you sure?

Maurice: Yea.

Ok. *starts to walk out*

Maurice: Kyle?


Maurice: I've been having trouble in monster school.

What is it?

Maurice: Well since I haven't seen my parents or sister and brother...i..i..i don't know. It's like i'm not doing any good in my work.

You do know you live with several monsters and others in the dorms. They might could help you.

Maurice: They might but i don't know. It's almost like they don't want to help me.

*calls in the others*

Grover: Yea.

Herry: What's up?

Well Maurice says here that ya'll don't want to help him with his homework.

Grover: We all want to help Maurice but we do not understand what it is he needs help with.

Herry: All you need to do is ask Maurice. I might not look like i want to help but i sometimes don't know the answers.

Maurice: You mean you don't understand some of the questions either?

Herry: Yep. I go to Kyle and ask him too.

Maurice: But he's not a monster.

No i'm not but i could at less take a look. I might be able to help.

Maurice: Thanks Kyle! *hugs me*

Welcome Maurice. Anytime just ask me if Grover, Herry or FilFil can't help you. Even Telly might know it too. Alright i'm going to work on the computer for a few hours. Be in the living room if anyone needs me.

Herry, FilFil and Maurice all run to the living room to play video games while Gorver works on his presentation for Telly.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *yawns*
Clifford: Long night?
Ryan: Yeah...
Clifford: Well, look on the bright side, tomorrow's Sunday, don't got school Monday, and Ernie and Bert are under our care till May.
Ryan: *blink* I love bright sides!
Clifford: Heh heh, you better get some sleep dude. We both should.
Ryan: You're right Cliff. See ya in the morning.
Clifford: Night dude.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(There is a big frog-pig-Ru-bear pile on the couch.)
Catherine: That was a good movie.
Fozzie: (Yawning.) Was it? I fell asleep....
Kermit: (sleepily) Yeah--it was good.
Piggy: (talking in sleep) Oh, sweetie....
Catherine: (hastily) Um, it was great of you guys to cook supper and pick up around here. Thanks. I'm sorry I've been so busy.
Kermit: Glad to do it. (casting her a sly look) I see you haven't been too busy to write this week. Lots of activity at the computer when you weren't teaching.
Catherine: (nervously) Um, no. I've been, um, busy.
Kermit: What kind of stories do you write, anyway?
Catherine: My my! Look at the time! (gives an exaggerated yawn and rustled Piggy gently) C'mon Sweetie--let's go to our rooms.
(Balefully, Piggy opens her eyes, then stand and stumbles sleepily toward her room. Kermit manages to stop her to plant a quick peck on the cheek but she is really too sleepy for it to register.)
(Kermit watches them go suspiciously. He turns back to Fozzie, who is snoring softly.)
Kermit: I wonder what sorts of stories she writes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: La la la la la...
Bert: Sing, sing a song!
Ryan: Oh! Hi Bert!
Bert: Hi Ryan. Thanks again for letting Ernie and I stay with you.
Ryan: Oh, no problem at all Bert.
Bert: You say that now...
Ryan: What's that supposed to-
Ernie: Hey there Ryan! Mind if I practice my drums?
Ryan: Uh, well, no that's fine Ernie. Just try to-
Ernie: Thanks! *drags in drum set and begins to play loudly*
Ryan: *covering ears* I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN, BERT!
Bert: WHAT?!
Ryan: *rolls eyes* C'MON, LET'S GO GRAB SOME LUNCH!
Bert: WHAT?!
Ryan: *drags Bert to lunch*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*gets back from the store* Hey guys. I'm back.

Grover: Look who already came over.


Telly: Yep. I'm here. Thanks for letting me and Chuckie Sue stay here.

Welcome anytime Telly. Glad to have a new face around here if it's only for a while or so. What sounds good for supper tonight?

Herry: What about hambuger helper?

I didn't buy any meat.

Grover: Monster meal then.

Sorry didn't buy any of that either.

Maurice: Then what are we going to eat?

Well I thought since Telly's our guest he could choose.

Telly: Really?


Telly: Ok. Let me think. Hmmmmmm...what to have for supper? How about triangle shaped sandwiches.

Sounds good to me.

Grover: You know what I want then.

Peanut Butter Sandwich coming up.

Herry: I'll take a baloney sandwich. Hold the lettus.

Got it.

Telly: I'll take a grilled cheese sandwich shaped like triangles.

You got it.

Telly: Boy do I love coming over. *laughs*

FilFi: Roast beef!


Maurice: Make me a peanut and jelly sandwich.

Alrighty. Here you go! *hands them the plate full of sandwiches* The best of all food.

Everyone: Sandwiches! *we hold them up and laugh*

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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MN: I'm glad that's over.
Storyteller: Me too. It's no fun having the specter of doom and gloom hanging overhead...but Boober would probably disagree.
MN: Yeah, but Boober would never rejoice in someone getting hurt.
Storyteller: True, true.
Nora: I just spoke to Mrs. Farley. The doctors are going to let her go home in a few days. But she's going to need lots of help in the shop for several weeks until her collarbone heals.
MN: That's good to hear. (gets up) I'm going to go make some tea. You guys want some?
Nora: Please. And can we have that really nice citrusy kind?
Storyteller: I'd like that, too. What's it called?
MN: It's called Anastasia. After the Russian princess of the same name.
(goes into kitchen)
Storyteller: How's that one story of yours coming along?
MN: It's on hold until midterms are done. But I think I'll have some time over spring break.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ah... Spring Brake that fabled vacation time of US colleges thathits sometime in March/Apriland lasts until the semester ends in June, when it blends into Margaritaville and summer vacations all at once.
Count: Getting ahead of ourselves?
Maybe just a bit. Say, did you hear the news?
Count: No... Vhat's happening?
Sir Elton's coming back with his own band this time, on concert tour.
Count: Did you hear about this one last night too?
No... The digital cable provider aired commercials today. Bet you Scooter had a hand in lanning Dwight's return trip to the Hensonville Muppetorium. Need to know what date and where and how much. This is one I simply can't pass up... Of course, if there aren't other pressing engagements at thetime, like say studying for classes or the like.
Count: Of course. Mmm, see you tomorrow, I'm trning in.
Turning in to what?
Count: Wery good. Not sure if that vas that good a joke though.
Well, like Jim would say... It might be a terrible joke, but it's terribly perfect for us.
*Lights flicker, the glow of the computer screen equipment lights the only ones still shining indistinctly in the darkness of the master's chambers.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (packing up a small suitcase) La la la la la la...
Bry: Hi, Big Bird! Where is everybody?
Big Bird: Well, Bert and Ernie are in Ryan's room, and Telly is with the rest of the monsters at Kyle's.
Bry: What? But I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I'm not actually leaving for a couple of days.
Big Bird: Oh, well you were out most of the day I guess we got a little mixed up. Do you want me to get them for you?
Bry: No, that's okay. I'm sure they're already having a great time. I'll go say my goodbyes tomorrow.
Big Bird: Okay.
Bry: What are you doing?
Big Bird: Just getting packed up for when I stay with Beth.
Bry: Oh are you actually going to take everything downstairs to her room? I thought you'd just stay out in your nest and have her look in on you.
Big Bird: Well, I wasn't sure what I was doing. I thought better safe than sorry. Besides, it'll be much nicer to be down there with her and be around people when you're gone.
Bry: That's true.
Big Bird: I guess it's up to Beth. I just might need some help moving my nest.
Bry: Well, you have Cookie Monster. I'm sure he'd be willing to help out, as long as he doesn't eat it first.
Big Bird: Hehehe! Yeah! Hey, Bryan?
Bry: Yes, Big Bird?
Big Bird: Do you think Beth would mind if Snuffy came over to play once in a while?
Bry: I'm sure that would be okay. You know Snuffy's always welcome around here. I think it would be difficult for him to play down in Beth's room, though.
Big Bird: That's okay. We like playing outside anyway. You're gonna be gone a really long time, huh?
Bry: About 3 months.
Big Bird: (upset) Aww rats. That is a long time!
Bry: But you know what? I'm going to send you postcards and call you on the phone, and I'll be thinking about you all the time.
Big Bird: (lighting up with glee) You will!
Bry: You bet I will! And it won't even seem that long.
Big Bird: Oh good!
Bry: Well, I'll let you finish packing. I'm gonna go get some dinner. Goodnight, my friend.
Big Bird: Goodnight, Bryan.
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