Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *wipes brow* Phew... I think I did good on that geometry test.
Bert: Geometry? Oh, I love geometry! What are you learning about?
Ryan: Well, triangles mostly but-
Bert: Triangles! Heh! Those are for squares! Everyone knows squares are where it's at!
Ryan: *blink* You're sure you're not related to Fozzie?
Clifford: Yo, Ry-man, we never got to watch Follow That Bird.
Ryan: Yeah, I know... I got occupied with some other stuff... Wanna watch it later tonight?
Clifford: You bet dude.
Ryan: Awesome.
Bert: Follow That Bird? Oh, I'm great in that one! One of the highlights of my career.
Ernie: Yes Bert, your career of dancing like a pigeon, training pigeons to dance, and teaching pigeons to play chess. ...I can see how a major motion picture is the highlight.
Bert: *lowers eyebrow* Very funny.
Gonzo: So when are we starting this movie?
Ryan: In a bit, I've got some homework to do, then we'll start it up.
Camilla: Bragawk bawk brawk!
Uncle Deadly: Indeed.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Me: Thanks for cleaning up the room after today's earlier accident Rosita.
Rosita: No hay de que Ed. Just swept it all up with the handy-dandy vacuum cleaner.
Me: You guys have dinner yet?
Rosita: Sí, burgers andd papitas, made them myself. There's some left in the microwave.Me: Again, thanks Rosita. Now go and get ready for bed, I'll bring us some milk to read through all the silliness at that MC BB/LS place that's become the new hit MC show.
Rosita: Gracias amigo. *Both hug for a moment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Big Bird: Hey Beth?
Beth: Yeah?
Big Bird: I can't sleep. Will you sing me a lullaby? Sometimes that's what Bryan does
Beth: Sure Big Bird. Boy, it's been awhile, but I think I can come up with a good one
*sings* You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray, you never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away
*continues to hum while tucking Big Bird into his nest as his eyelids grow sleepy*
Muppet College Dorms were brought to you today by the letter L for lullabye and by the number 2. Good night.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Good Morning

ZOE: Good Morning Peter

BABY BEAR: How did you sleep


LITTLE BIRD: I slept very well

PETER: How about I make some flapjacks and waffles for breakfast

ZOE: Okay

LITTLE BIRD: I Have my Birdkateer's Meeting late in the afternoon

PETER: So why don't we go bowling and after that we will have lunch at Charlie's, Okay


The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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PD: Hmmm... Wonder what Betty Lou and Tosh are up to. Haven't heard from them or anyone from that section of the dorms in a long time. Oh well, think I'll just go write them a letter and ak her if she'd like to join Gaffer and Rosita and me out in the park later today or maybe tomorrow before Kathy gets back.
*Prairie sits down to write a letter for Betty Lou and Tosh.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Big Bird: Birdketeers today! Yea! Are you coming Beth?
Beth: Sure will, wouldn't miss it.
Wanda: I'm coming too, I like bird watching every now and then
Big Bird: Oh goodie!
Beth: Don't forget Snuffy's coming to play this weekend too
Big Bird: Oh I won't, thanks for letting him come
Beth: You're welcome, he's welcome anytime
Red: Well, I'm off to swim practice
Cookie: Me going too
Beth: See you guys later
Big Bird: Have fun!
Red: You too!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Boober: ...but why do they call them 'Girl Scout cookies'? They're not made from Girl Scouts...
Kim: Because they're sold by Girl Scouts, Boober. Hey Betty Lou, Tosh! You got a note!
Tosh: A note?
Betty Lou: I wonder who it's from.
Kim: Looks like its from Prairie Dawn. *hands the note to them*
Betty Lou: She's inviting us to play in the park with her, Rosita and Gaffer. Can we go, Kim?
Tosh: Yeah, can we Kim?
Kim: *shrugs* I don't see why not. Why don't you ring her up and let her know?
Tosh: Remember, she and Rosita and Gaffer are staying with Ed and the Count right now.
Betty Lou: Right. *dials up Room 1*



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*sitting back enjoying the day off* Ahhhhhhhhh....what a beautiful day it is. Don't you think so FilFil?

FilFil: *sunsades on* Yep. The sun is shining and the wind isn't blowing as much. I love today.

Me too.

Both: Ahhhhhhhhh.....

FilFil: *lifts the sunsades* Uh don't forget you watch your neices today.

Oh yea. Why did you have to remind me? *groans*

FilFil: Why not bring them over here? We could all have fun with them.

That might not be such a bad idea. *brings out cellphone and calls the school* Yes. Could you tell Lyndi and Bonnie to get on bus 789 Muppet Dorms. Alright. Thank you very much. *hangs up* Thanks FilFil. I'll have this place ready for them when they get here.

FilFil: Can i still rest up?

Sure. Go right ahead. Hey! Lookie over there. It's Ed, Rostia, Prairie, Tosh Fraggle and Betty Lou. *sees Gaffer*

FilFil: Hey guys! *waves*

And look whos with them. Gaffer. *leans down to pet Gaffer* Your such a weird cat but cool at that. What bring ya'll out here?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Kyle... Just coming up topside to see the girls off.
To Prairie: Have fun at the park... But remember to be back before it gets too dark for dinner. Will call Kim and see if we can have dinner together. You want to get together with us Kyle? Your nieces would be invited too if they want.
*Shakes hands with Kyle, and then leaves back downstairs to work on a few things in our room.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Around 3:00 out in the parking lot.........

The Bus pulls up with both of my neices

There they are.

FilFil: Oh goodie. I can't wait to meet them.

Hey girls. How was school?

Bonnie: Good.

Lyndi: It was ok.

That's good. This beside me is FilFil.

FilFil: Hello Lyndi. Hi Bonnie. *shakes both their hands*

Bonnie: Hi.

Lyndi: Hello.

FilFil: I'm one of Kyle's friends. It's always nice to meet other members of the family.

Alrighty. Is everyone ready for the park?

FilFil, Lyndi and Bonnie: Yeah! *they all jump up and down waving their hands in the air*

Good. I'll let everyone know. Come on!

We all run to the dorms to get our things for the park
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